cattle rabbit is very promising, because this group of animals in said animals easily jinakan, adaptable, and fast enough to reproduce. But in permits rabbit care should also be able to take the examination of health care.
Review among others is how we need to know what diseases are often experienced by rabbit, for a moment if your pet / breed these animals you can immediately take appropriate measures to all forms of healing. Including the following. Listen ya!
Some rabbit diseases often they experienced?
Scabies on rabbit ears
The cause of the itch in the ear canal rabbit is psaroptes cunuculi mites. These mites often began their assault on the base of the hair from the ear canal. These parasites can also suck the liquid skin and lead to skin rabbits in the fluid-filled blisters and if it is then broken skin itching.
Bunny features was to have scurvy is between the two, often shaking his head, scratching Daut scratching ears, and often accompanied by secondary infection over time will land the crust crust that can clog the ear canal and when the leave cause meningitis with a head that is often misused.
scabies skin
This type of mange is often attacked around the eyes, nose, cheeks, toes, head, then spread throughout the body. The cause of the Sarcoptes Scabies for their scabie, natoedres, and ticks as haemodipsus ventricosus. In scabies mite attack and Notoedres show the following symptoms: Rabbits scratch scratched face, the base of the ears, around the eyes, head and feet until all the feathers will fall. Mites can spread quickly in the colonies of rabbits and special mite Sarcoptes scabie can also infect humans because of the nature of lice are zoonotic.
source of coccidiosis
disease is very common in the natural rabbit. Koksidioasis also there are two forms of rabbits, among other things, form the heart which is caused by Eimeria and forms of the intestine caused by, E. perforans, E. Irresidua, E. Magna and E, Eimeria.
animals that recover from the disease usually grow again as the disease. Usually all forms of coccidiosis gejela not always cause diarrhea in rabbits. Animals that recover from the disease usually grow again as the disease.
Generally, all forms of coccidiosis gejela not always cause diarrhea. This disease can be without symptoms and can also experience a sudden death after infection of the rabbit.
Hare young are generally more often infected koksodiosis heart shape with symptoms such as diarrhea, shag, and loss of appetite.
Rabbits also experience abnormal serperti unhealthy body. Coccidiosis can be controlled through proper management of animal colonies and the right to treat rabbits with 0.5% sulfakuinoksalin on a mixture of drinking water for 30 days. Can also be used amprolium 30-250 mg / kg of feed.
diseases it caused by bacteria. The disease is usually as often in colonies of rabbits and is very contagious. The disease is usually easily transmitted to rabbits are still healthy.
The rabbits were exposed to these bacteria will also experience immune slightly after infection.
There are also animals that stores this disease, but they look healthy ponds, and the skill level of the animals will be a source of infection in a rabbit colony. The disease is usually chronic with visible symptoms of watery exudate or pus coming out through the nose and eyes. Rabbits are affected by this disease usually frequent sneezing and coughing as acute and sudden death.
mucoid enteritis
kind cause inflammatory bowel disease and mortality is very high in rabbits. The disease often attacks the old rabbits 7-10 weeks. Blum cause of this disease can be sure.
But there are bacteria that could be isoloasi sick rabbits include bacili coliforms and anaerobic bacteria, and viruses and koksida. Symptoms of the disease that your appetite is not there, drinking, and lower than normal body temperature (37-38 degrees Celsius).
The rabbits are also commonly seen with depression not normally attitude like crawling creep, a land of diarrhea, skinny, stomach bulges, coarse fur, small intestine and large intestine also expanded and intestinal fluid gas. The skin around the anus also seems dirty with feces and yellow liquid.
Diseases Tyzzer
disease is caused by a piliformis of bacilus. The types of this disease rarely occurs in colonies of rabbits, sometimes Tyzzer too often treated as an ME disease. The cause of this disease often occurs in the causes of stress in rabbits. Symptoms experienced when the rabbits suffered from Tyzzer dehidras, diarrhea, and rapid death About a day 1-2.
source hardinmd.lib.uiowa .edu
this type of disease is caused by Treponema cuniculi and often in cage rabbit colonies kebersihkan very ugly. Both sexes rabbits generally can be infected by this disease.
Clinical symptoms are often seen in this disease is on the pubic hair around the loss and skin pitted like scabies. Rabbits who develop these diseases should not be inbred. Rabbits that were recovered on the type of the disease can not be a career and goes back.
mastitis (inflammation of the udder)
, the disease is caused by staphylococcus sp . Usually this type of disease attacks the rabbit nursing mother. Clinical symptoms of this disease include swollen nipples and had a slight red color. When the contact and hit in the hand, it feels hot and hard nipples. If the disease is not treated immediately, the skin around the nipples will usually dark and disintegrated. This type of disease is not contagious to humans.
Conjungtivitis (inflammation of rabbit eyes)
the cause of the disease is caused by Moraxella sp. Traits or characteristics marks on this eye disease, among others, exudates (removal of excess fluid in the rabbit eye). . Usually rabbits suffering from this disease treated with eye ointment containing antibiotics
Read: The treatment of rabbits with either
The results of the discussion
Article I described above, we can conclude that coccidiosis disease is a common disease that is often experienced rabbit.
Okay helpful, hopefully yes, successful greeting
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