If your hobby maintenance of ornamental rabbits, then the first thing you need to do is bagamana maintain some form of health rabbit, like keeping the cage , food quality, etc.
source www.ayeey.com
Moreover, you should also be careful if your rabbit seems unusual because it is also very necessary to be noticed, impact if ignored can your rabbit is experiencing a dangerous disease and lead to the gradual death or died suddenly rabbit. (Read: different types of rabbit diseases)
Surely nobody wants dead rabbits suddenly, right? Well for those of you who want to know all the features or mark on the rabbits who are sick , and therefore we will examine below.
signs of rabbits who are sick?
rabbit ears feel cold
When the rabbit ears were cold usually often marked with the rabbit behavior seems a little low, not much activity, and have eyes that look glazed. For this you have to be careful, because if you do not know the cause then it would be fatal for the rabbit. Furthermore rabbit ears that look down on the back can also indicate the rabbit was sick.
source www.leniwijayanti.com
Ear rabbit feels hot
In the case where rabbit ears feel hot or not as normal temperature. So you can be sure that the rabbit fever or experiencing indications of serious diseases.
decreased appetite
your rabbit is very difficult in the diet? when these foods are foods that are often used every day and just sit tight and weak. (Read: This kind of quality food for rabbits)
So this is a sign of the rabbit kept the pain on her. Moreover, if throwing food or scratching it, most likely the rabbit is experience stress
The rabbits were all healthy, but belly fat is usually the rabbit felt worms. But for rabbits who have belly fat, but a little weak or unhealthy, such as lack of appetite in general frequent flatulence or diarrhea terindakasi experience.
source kelinci-wongkito.blogspot.com
If you find soft shapes and fases odors, you might say that your rabbit knows diarrhea. But if fases in the form of small, blackish keraz and then maybe your rabbit attacked by constipation.
Apart from this, if the rabbit rectum you look there are traces of blood or mucus, then one can say that he was attacked type of coccidiosis disease. So if your rabbit with the enlargement of the stomach and if the contact is feeling a little hard, can say the rabbit knows bloating.
Urine normal rabbit usually orange, cat and brown. Therefore check your rabbit urine daily, because usually the rabbit pain can also be seen in the form of urine color, and if you see urine rabbits are not of normal color can so be sure your rabbit is sick, you should take sick rabbit the vet closest to your home.
alone with a strange behavior pattern
If your rabbit bent in a corner of the cage with both feet welcomes and looks a little uncomfortable and eyes that look a little melancholy. He also said that the health of the rabbit was not good. So can say that the rabbit holding pain resulting stress rabbits.
The sound clash of teeth in the mouth
If you listen to your menggeretak rabbit out of his mouth, could be sure that the rabbit is stressed on the trigger because of bear the pain on her.
watery eyes and runny nose
disease indications could be because the result of stress in rabbits. Apart from the reaction of the eye can also be berarair in cases of Pasteurella multocida and an indication of the types of Kolap or enterotoxemia diseases.
Note rabbit when I wake up
Generally sleep rabbits quick response and good happened to someone in front of him. Well, if you look at the rabbits were asleep and did not have a moment of the arrival of a person to answer, it could be the rabbits were weak because of disease in misery.
successful greeting okdogi.com
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