Keep pets in the house is very nice and can also make their own entertainment for the home owner. In addition, it will also give the impression that the owner is the kind of person the animal lover.
Just like dogs, dogs are docile animals you can do funny animals with you. In addition to easy maintenance, the dog can also be an animal that protects the security of your home. But keeping the dogs, of course, you will need special care for your dog, but you also need a good cage for their small house. So here are some things you should know about kennels is good and true.
Type kennels
In determining kennels good cages courses must be appropriate dog's size. Should not be too small or too large to choose the size. Also try the co-op must give the impression of a comfortable and safe, so that your dog will feel comfortable to occupy. Generally, the type of building the kennel is divided into two permanent cages and cages are not permanent.
permanent Cage
For permanent forum are often made with iron bars and also close to home. Typically, the cage is placed in front of the house and also the corners of the court of the garden of the house. In achieving this fold should definitely be considered strongly.
Because so until we do, it will be very difficult to dismantle. For this type of cage that you should pay attention to its location, preferably the angular position of the cage can be exposed to the sun, so that the dog can sunbathe and cages do not get wet. The floor of the cage should be tilted so that water can flow so good it does not create a pool of dirty water.
Cages are not permanent
Cages of this type is an enclosure that is sold pet stores and other pet stores. In general, this enclosure is formed of iron and aluminum. The advantages of this cage is simple practice, but it is a lack which has minimal space. For this cage must select which made a solid enclosure and also adjust the size of your dog.
You should also pay attention to the bars of the cage below, do not let the gap is greater than the soles of the dog's feet. tips and advice to the wooden cage are not recommended for your dog cage, because basically did the wood can absorb water, so that the chamber will be wet and inviting lice and other diseases skin. Apart from this, you can also use a special dog bed in the cage.
Making kennels
In general, dogs need space to move freely, trutama in dogs are classified as assets like golden retrievers and rotweiler, But apparently not everyone wants a dog to let go freely in the house or yard.
In addition, if there are breeders who keep dogs in large amounts, is certainly need a dog cage which allows the dog is free to move. Here are the terms in the manufacture and Kennels.
The cage should have a shade - Cages are great to use dogs usually require shade to prevent heat from the sun and rain . Patterns in manufacturing the shade of dogs with the roof open to the cage recommended over 40-60. . This function so that the dog feels comfortable to move in
Part shade to be exposed to sunlight - Try the moment to determine the site Kennels, select a location more often exposed to sun ray morning. This is very useful for the health of your dog to be free of mold and moisture. Also, your dog is not easily affected by the afternoon hot sun
The air circulation is good -. While the cages are unfamiliar humidity should create adequate ventilation for air circulation in the kennels, you can walk smoothly. This is very useful for the health of your dog. Usually the moisture cages often cause a lot of bacteria and damage to the airways in your dog
Leave a space for dog excrement -. To make a good cage, you should also be able to provide space for dog droppings in the corner of the cage. So when your puppy dog wants, they will not defecate indiscriminately
The floor of the cage should have an angle of inclination -. Make the floor of the cage with an angle of inclination which is pretty, it is very useful for there is no standing water in your dog's cage. Selebih of it will also be easier to clean
The floor piece that will not slip and endanger -. For a place to play at home, you can use the cement, grass or pavement. But if you use a cement should be the cement to be rude not slippery for your dog to play
Adjust the cage size on your dog -. This is very important, you really need to adjust the size of your dog cages that you create. If the size of your dog has been determined, then the size of the cage to be larger than the size of your dog. It is very useful for them to feel comfortable in the cage.
Cleaning kennels
Generally kennels must be kept clean. Because dirty dog pen will certainly be a source of illness in your dog. Therefore wipe all impurities like dust fecal matter, urine, and dogs that can cause various diseases in your dog.
Sources from
Clean the speaker of the routine at least 2 times a month, using gloves, wire brushes and soap or disinfectant. But if the weather conditions is the rainy season should clean kennels once a week, because the cage will become more frequent wet during the rainy season. Wet in the cage will usually cause mold to grow inside the cage.
All about the kennels we explained in this article. may be useful
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