Almost all purebred cats have thick fur that covered the surface of the body. However, did you know that there was a rare cat breed that has almost no fur? Yes, a breed of cat with a little fur Sphynx named. With the unique and exotic physical characteristics, Sphynx cats enough to attract cat lovers, so many people support now. Well, before you decide to keep Sphynx cats yuk First consider the following information.
History sphynx cats
the emergence of the Sphynx cat breed originated from local to Canada, which gave birth to hairless kittens due to genetic mutations. These kittens, began breeding cats processes without fur. hairless cat type is then given the name of the Canadian Hairless breed .
sphynx cat
Ras Canadian Hairless did not exist when Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) a statement that the absence of the cats fur is not normal and deadly for the cat itself, resulting in the reproduction process of the race was stopped. But some time later, a kitten born without hair seeokor domestic cat parent. This time, the emergence of hairless kittens are not in Canada, but in Minnesota, the US.
A farmer named Georgina Gattenby then try to reproduce the races and cats without fur marry more kittens with Devon Rex cat breed. This cross has managed to strengthen genetic traits and produce healthy cats without fur. Crossing result is called "Sphinx", a name taken from the Sphinx statue in Egypt. Currently the Sphynx cats were registered in various cat registration breed organizations, namely Cat Fanciers' Association, Federation Internationale Feline, Canadian Association Cat American Association of cat lovers, and The International Cat Association.
Behind the faces and frightening physical form, he turns Sphynx cat has properties very friendly, sweet, and loves consult. This cat is very easy familiar with humans and other pets, including dogs, however. Sphynx cat is a cat who is very active and playful.
Because of its very gregarious, the Sphynx is in desperate need of attention his master and can not be left alone at home. So make sure you have enough time to accompany this chat game. Indeed, if you must leave Sphynx cat at home in a long time or often, you must have more than one pet to accompany these cats to be lonely. Do not worry, the Sphynx cats will easily make friends with your pet more.
first glance, the Sphynx cats do not seem at all soft. However, if more closely observed, the Sphynx cats have fur that is short and smooth. The wrinkles that appear on the skin softness adds keeksotisan Sphynx cat.
Sphynx cat has a medium size, weighing 3-6 kilograms. Strapping body shape and is supported by four legs are thin and long. The parts of his body, as the head, body and tail, has a shape similar to a cat breed Bengal.
Cats Sphynx has a life expectancy of 8 to 14 years. These cats including healthy breed, agile, and powerful. However, there are health issues that may arise in the absence of the thick fur covering its body.
sphynx cat
Health problems often arise in Sphynx kittens newborn. Sphynx kittens can be infected with respiratory tract infections due to cold, and they have very sensitive digestive systems. Diarrhoeal diseases can arise when the kittens were given medicines or eating foods with a protein content of less than 80 percent. In addition, diarrheal diseases are also sometimes appear as Sphynx cats have moved into a new home or adopted by new owners.
A Sphynx adult cats, the disease problems that sometimes arises is urticaria pigmentosa , which is a kind of disease causing dark spots on the skin and is very itchy. In addition, the Sphynx adults are also susceptible to the disease hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , which is a type of heart disease that is inherited by the ancestors of this breed. Therefore, vaccination regularly and keep the Sphynx cats consumed foods are the things you need to do.
One might think that the Sphynx cats treatment easier than most pure woolly cat breed. But they are not. At least once a week, you need to do treatment ( grooming ) to Sphynx cat. Why is it? Sphynx have fur that is thick enough to absorb the oil, saliva and sweat that clung to his skin. Therefore, it becomes easier the Sphynx skin is dirty and must be cleaned more often.
Use baby shampoo or a shampoo that contains moisturizers to bathe the Sphynx cat. Rub with the soft parts of the skin that wrinkles are for cleaning the dirt does not look stuck. Sphynx cats are bathed accustomed from childhood will enjoy this activity. Clean the tip of the Sphynx eyes with a damp cloth. Do not forget to clean the ears, brushing teeth, and cut his nails regularly to prevent germs or bacteria are deposited.
Finally, and above all, take care of your Sphynx cat with serious and committed. Taking care of Sphynx cats require patience and requires you to spend a considerable time. But, believe me, Sphynx able to reciprocate your affection with loyalty.
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