What's New? Hamster you ever want a baby? Or having a baby? Previously I first congratulate yes! Yeay! Already in love is not the name of their children? hehe .. before you continue reading this article please include the hamster breeding process by reading the following article.
- Which sniper bovine hamster success
- 16 Feature pregnant hamster
Good perhaps my friend a little confused how to care for a child hamster huh? Where before I had explained about the great hamster already now, I will explain how to care for cute babies. As usual, the view is!
How to take care of baby hamster
1. Note the condition of the baby's body. Usually baby hamster will be red or pink. If blue is ensured already dead. And the eyes are closed and the baby will still be covered as a human baby, because he can not see clearly and still too dazzled to see the light.
2. The first day, the baby will often breastfed by his mother.
3. do not leave without a male hamster in a hamster cage with the baby. Remember, hamsters including animal cannibals. Sometimes, no matter what, it will devour everything and yes one of them, including a baby hamster will feed her baby hamster because it seems new food for him. If it can be from when the mother was pregnant and had been separated.
4. Clear all kinds of toys you because the baby can be pinched when the mother was to explore around the cage.
5. never touch the baby with fingers! It is certainly curious and wanted to touch him, but never try because of the smell of your hands touching the baby will be a threat to the mother. The child's mother considers a threat to leave the baby and will not be more than one to one care and worse can eat hamster baby by the mother. Approximately three weeks until new boy started can be held. If you want to see or use a spoon to move. But when they wanted to leave menyeroknya also raised with wood powder.
6. Never disturb also the mother hamster gave birth because the mother will feel threatened and scared to become stressed and if stress is not put the hamster mother kills her children. And to clean the cage do in advance for 1-2 weeks or until the child is ready for you when the hamster is already nearing childbirth try sometimes is completely clean.
7. pal hamster Not too often remarked. Indeed, perhaps bored buddy, my friend wants to play with a pet hamster hamster let alone a buddy buddy just gave birth became increasingly exasperated to see his children. But do not be too often approached pal hamster. Because the smell of your body can be embraced by the mother, and again the mother feels threatened and can cause stress because of excessive fears and, one might accidentally kill her.
because in original habiat, the mother children store in a dark place that is very far from any disturbance. If you want to see favorite hamster My friend when he wanted to eat and drink and eat and drink should be very carefully and slowly also provide more food available for a period slightly longer than usual for my friend not to interfere with hamsters and children son. This is done until the child's age is about two weeks began hairy body.
8. Give nutritious food as I described in my previous article on hamster food menu, but not in love sweet corn is!
9. for the cage, as I mentioned earlier in the article how to breed hamsters. The cages can be made from cardboard or aquarium. And should use paper, because when the mother caring for her child, it will be difficult to frequently clean the cage so that the cage will become smelly. The carbon content in the newsprint can absorb odor. The newspaper does not need to be left unharmed, because the mother is torn one and form a nest that is suitable for her and her children. Do not forget to give too little sawdust on top of the paper to be hotter. Do not use sand Zeolith yes, because it would result dusty
read.! Criteria commonly used hamster cage, complete
10. Then, if transparent cage should be covered with paper. It is expected that the temperature inside the enclosure warmer way and the mother does not feel secure. Should be in place in a dark enough place to feel safe for the mother and her children. Hamsters are first the mother was like I mentioned earlier, the mother will be very sensitive and very annoyed if anyone noticed.
11. Put the hamster and children dry heat, not humid and quite light, but not. Be combined 5 watt bulb, but do not get too close to the cage for the lighting of the cage and warm the baby, but not in pairs such as fluorescent light bulbs, etc.
12. Put food and beverages hamster is easy not to complicate the mother hamster. Make sure water and food are always provided clean and fresh! Do not let the mother of thirst and hunger, because it could actually the mother who would devour her child.
13. Then, if the baby is 3 weeks already terihat hairy, mother and child is allowed to be divided. And the mother have their own time of about 1 week to recover stamina. After the mother can be united again with her children and toys can be re-entered. But do not directly interfere with the male hamster yes because the male hamster could take his son and likely to mate again with a hamster and hamster female females will become pregnant again when the children are still very low. Wait until the child is growing about 2 months will be reunited with the male hamster.
friend Ok, it is a way of caring for a child hamster. No more embarrassing is not it? Due to the custody of his mother.
What's New? The mother died after giving birth? Waduh..Dan how to take care of the child if the mother dies ?? Ok there again, I'll tell more how to care for the child without a mother.
Childcare hamster without broodstock
- Actually baby hamster so desperately needs his mother. Are the same as us, we also still need mom far. The most important is the need milk of the mother. But if the mother dies, then you should be a mother. You must give special milk for hamster commonly to the sale of company-shop animals. Use small bottles or bottles that you normally use to drink a hamster, but in the first wash to clean yes or you can also use a dropper to feed. As much as possible breastfeeding should not be smeared in the body must be very careful and remember, as do not directly affect the baby's body because of the human scent that was extremely sensitive to the hamster child and can lead to stress so that the baby does not want to drink milk. Use a spoon so I mentioned earlier. And it is rather inconvenient because they have to feed the baby every few minutes.
- Keep the heat of the cage. It is as I mentioned earlier about the cages. Oh yes, because if he could use sawdust powder imports as more clean, clear, and dust. usually sharp local sawdust and can hurt the baby hamster. Friends may also provide light on the cage as I described earlier, so in order to keep the heat hamster.Pasti friend cage will feel very awkward because Comrade can say must always be with the baby hamster continues to breastfeed and maintain. There are other ways, if you feel the hassle that is noticed how the next.
- friends can leave the baby to the mother the other hamsters, but who are also breastfeeding yes if not later, the baby will be eaten by other hamsters. But it is also the condition of the mother hamster willing to accept the baby from another mother. Because if you did finally accept the baby will be angguri.
- hamster Search mother who had no abnormality because the hamster who had abnormalities are clearly not able to take care of their children.
- Search mother hamster-like hamsters mother died and have children the same age as the baby so that the hamster mother assumes the baby as one of her children and can not distinguish so it goes certainly take care of all children, including babies in the living dead by her mother.
seems more embarrassing huh? Hehe .. So take care of all good hamstermu. Before marrying care also best to take care when she was pregnant as I explained earlier how to care for hamsters. Well now, let me explain the hamster growth process from birth until it began to swell. Let me Pal more understanding. Listen ya hehe ..
hamster growth process from birth until it begins to enlarge
- As I said before the new hamster -Born is red or pink and his eyes finally closed.
- , then two days later, the baby begins to show signs of pigmentation of the skin and this only occurs on hamster babies will have a brown or black color.
- and the day 5-7 skin pigmentation begins to look again that raised the fine hairs around his body, but only slightly. Then the ears begin to look and his eyes began to open and look black.
- last day for 8-9 mother bring regular food he eats in his den to introduce these foods to their children. Give the milk of the mother began to decline.
- Then, 10 generally fine hairs that have started to cover, but not heavy, and they usually start looking hard foods, even if his eyes can not see clearly, but the food was introduced by his mother.
- Then the 12 usually starts safe if my friend wanted to keep the small inconvenience was in the hands of man. But do not stay long time ago hehe hamater usually it was only at home for 15 minutes to take the next man, he must have felt annoyed. And at this time in years, my friend had started to clean the hamster cage as possible before the date of birth until delivery was still not clear? Well, deh clean quickly. Kasian hamsters.
- Then, at the age of 2-3 weeks, the children's eyes began to open. Its fur is also increasingly dense and teeth were also up perfectly. But generally, they will always suck the milk while the mother was gone. But they will still eat a steady supply of food we give. And at the time of this time, the hamster was already able to multiply so quickly separate the male and female hamsters. Also began to separate from the mother that raised the highest hamster confidence and get used to humans. And usually at this age now, hamsters instinct started there, they were able to fight, emotional already understood by them.
- Then, at the age of 5-6 weeks they had a normal life for himself.
Well that my friend? It is obvious, right? Oh yeah one more note to me if my friend had seen the mother takes her child, there must be a reason. Although sometimes unreasonable that his birth defects or premature reason, have small baby is born or shaped bore in the hamster is dead. And the more serious if my friend did not pay attention to food preparation in place, flip-pity is up and my friend forgot to fill usually the mother who is hungry to take the kids. So do not leave empty ya! Remember, the hamster is a cannibalistic animals.
Okedeh pal, have fun with the baby yeah!
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