The cats were meowing excessively can sometimes be very boring, but we must remember that this is the way they communicate either to humans or to other cats. By understanding this cat sounds can help us preventing excessive meowing cat .
Over the years, cats have learned that we, human beings, it is easier to understand the voice rather than the language and body odor are the main source of communication in the world of cats.
Why do cats of speech "
When cats meow, they usually attempt to convey something like:" Hey, perhatiin me "," I am. hungry "" Let's play "
voice kittens generally mimic the way he communicates with his mother, because he considers us his mother (as was done by dogs).
, they are very, very dependent on us about the food and kenyamananya because they depend on their mothers.
cats are used to being around humans generally use more of their voices rather than gestures and flavors, but also use all means to try to communicate with us.
Why Kittens not stop meowing?
If your cat meowing more often than usual, for no apparent reason, you should immediately take him to the vet for a checkup.
cats were meowing usually excessive only because they understand that in this way they can get what they want, just like the boy who cried when he wants something.
not scold the cat
These habits can go on and on, because they know that the moaning they can get what they want. They can meowing all day and it was obviously going to bother us. If that were the case, it's time to stop their habit
How to stop habits that
Step :?
never cry cat when it meowed! Why? Cats do not understand screaming as we understand it, they understand us as a positive reaction to cry (not us angry). This means they understand the opposite :. We cry with them, they think they managed to get our attention and they will get what they want
Yelling will also give rise to feelings of fear and it will surely bring other problems in our relationship . and the cat
second step:
Try checking:
- Do our cats in a state of pain or stress? It checks quite difficult actually because cats are very adept at hiding their pain. So the first thing we can do is raise their body and see his reaction. Also make sure that our cats will urinate or defecate carelessly around the house. If we believe that there is nothing wrong with the health of our cats, then the remaining option is to take them to the clinic
If these checks were carried out, so make -you it :.
- cat we were fed. Hungry Cat heavy foods regardless of daylight or midnight.
- The availability of drinking water. Cats really need to drink from time to time, so that the availability of drinking water is very important to them. Sometimes they seem thirsty if they constantly moisten their mouths with lips.
- Availability toy. Cats do not sleep at night like us. Sometimes in the middle of the night, they were out of activities so that the availability of toys will distract them if they practice taka da meow all night.
- Availability sandbox. We needed the toilet, they need the sandbox to urinate
Step Three :.
If all the above steps have been done correctly and the cat meowing constantly then the next thing you can do is we just need to not worry about their sound. This sounds very simple, but like children, cats still will not stop until they get what they want.
ask for food
We must change this habit by teaching them that they will get something when they are silent. Then make sure that we just feed them a bit as excessive meowing. Gradually, they learn that they will not get the food that they can not be silent. Be patient because it takes a long time to change this habit. Keep giving them food, this will force them to change habits
Step Four :.
There are people who suggest the use of socks and water to reduce the cat meowing. We should not use this cruel way. There are many other ways we can do more cruelly.
When the cat we were little, he would not stop meowing and kept our feet hanging on wherever we go. Sometimes, this kind of sucks and we are almost desperate to mitigate them. We'll give you a little tip: If we blow his face, just once, it will stop meowing and go sit down. Sounds like magic, right?
blew the face of the cat
Needless to too hard to blow it, just need a little energy to produce startling toot our cat. We gave him a kind of distraction. And this also applies to the cat we buy. This method will not hurt them, not scare them, just enough to surprise cat meowing stopped and move on to other things
Step Five :. Prevention
There is a saying "prevention is better than cure 'and this applies to our cat. Before doing that annoying meowing night, it helps to prevent.
There are a few tricks to make our chat more sleeping at night, so he did not wake up at night. We have compiled a few ways that you can apply a routine that you are with your cat at home:
- About half an hour before we sleep, we play a game that is heavy enough along our cat. For example, we could ask him to play ball or play mengejejar rigging. heavy game will help our cats to excrete the excess energy they still keep the cat we are fast asleep.
- Once the game is over, let the cat eat. It will also sleep quickly.
- Before going to bed, make sure toys are available close to home. This is for preparation in case they wake up at night. So they will soon turn their attention to the toy before deciding to meow all night.
played with cats before you bed
This works good for your cats living together in a room. If you put your cat in a special room, certainly well above would be helpful. Routines like this need to get used to the cats that we understand and follow a routine that had been arranged so that they are more disciplined. We do not need to use violence to discipline the cat of us, is it not?
Hopefully useful okdogi greeting
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