Many of us feel anxious if your sick animal, especially as regards the principal organs of your pet, even in the eyes of our dogs. Just as the human eye is the organ most important eye pain in dogs will make them feel miserable, although dogs resemble ordinary. Now we will examine in detail all the eye problems in dogs.
4 types of eye pain commonly encountered in dogs
1. Eye Cherry
There is an eye disease in dogs that are not fatal, but it will most did not feel comfortable all his life and even cause serious infections in the eye if. Dog disease called "follicular ophthalmia", or commonly known as "cherry eye."
Dogs up to 3 eyelids (eyelid) upper eyelid, the lower eyelid, and a third eyelid. Cherry eye is caused by the collapse of part of the third eyelid or third eyelid commonly known, which consists of the lacrimal glands located at the tip of the eyes of the dog's original position.
Third eyelid in dogs used to protect the dog's eyes, keep your eyes dogs are kept clean of dust. In addition, the tear glands are located in it helps soften the dog's eyes.
eye diseases dog Eye Cherry
Under normal circumstances, this gland should not be seen and used to produce tears in dogs. However, these weakened glands, out of its normal position, and then swell. This condition is known as cherry eye. If this occurs in an eye dogs, are likely to be the same in the eye another.
cause is still unknown, but it is allegedly due to poor tissue (cell collection that form specific functions, such as muscle tissue, nerve tissue, bone, etc.), which connects gland in the structure of the eye. low tissue linking is a gland in the third eyelid that fall in or out of its normal position.
When these glands on its normal position in the middle of dirty, decreased the amount of tear production (Keratoconjuntivitis sicca / dry eye) and irritation, it can lead to infection and swelling. The gland is usually irritation, redness and swelling. Sometimes the mucous membrane of the gland removed. If the dog to touch or scratch, there will be cuts in the gland, or even cause ulcers (wounds inflicted when the fabric surface is eroded) on the surface of the eye. If left too long, the gland stops working.
condition / disease can occur in a dog at any age. But generally, often found in younger dogs (under 2 years) on Cocker breed, Labrador, Chihuahua, Beijing, Lhasa Apso, Shih-Tzu, Poodle, Beagle, Bloodhound, Sharpei, Bull Terrier, Boston Terrier, Saint Bernard, and Bulldog. Conditions such as these can also be found in some cats, including the Burmese breed and Persian cat.
Manipulation of the first in the case of Eye Cherry (an early stage and very small) is to provide eye drops / day antibiotic steroid injections 4 times for 5-7 days, but before the cornea should be examined first - if someone is injured or not. Providing antibiotics to steroids reduces swollen glands. Sometimes the condition can return to normal without needing our intervention, or perhaps just helped with a little regular pijitan.
For Eye Cherry has been expanded, injured and infected, and treatment late or does not heal after treatment, then surgery is necessary to reposition the gland to run again.
2. progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
The retina is the part that lines the back of the eye. At first glance, Retina can be compared to the film in the camera, which combines the light functions to what is seen. No retinal function properly, it would be difficult to see. In other words, the eye can be described as a light collecting member, which focuses light on the retina. When light in the retina, a series of chemical reactions propagate electric pulses. The pulses through the retina to the optic nerve and then leading to the brain (visual cortex) for interpretation. Interpretation of the brain called vision.
sick Progressive Retinal Atrophy dog eyes
cells in the retina that convert light energy into chemical energy in the retina called rods and cones . Rods are responsible for black and white vision with minimal lighting, and the sight of something moving. While the cone cells function in color discrimination, vision in bright light, and acute focal vision. Most animals (eg, dogs, cats, etc.) have Rods cells more dominant than the cone cells, so that the color vision of dogs much worse than humans.
PRA is an inherited genetic disease in some breeds and sometimes in cats. PRA also known as Progressive Rod and Cone Degeneration (PRCD) -. Interference deterioration of the dog in the eye that can cause blindness in both eyes dogs
will be a deterioration of bilateral retinal dog or cat that is at its peak can lead to vision loss or blindness.
initial symptoms are experienced dog or cat with this disease is night blindness (difficulty seeing in low light). Students will spread and slow to catch the light stimulus. There will be differences between the dog's eyes rays. It is caused by an increase of the reflectivity of the color channels - tapetum. - Who lies beneath the retina
Dogs or cats who suffer from this disease are generally reluctant to go down the stairs, go out to a new place, or jump into the home furnishings with soft lighting conditions. Often they seemed to lose their home. The surface of the eye, they will usually gray. Over time, the dog or cat will be hitting the furniture and walls or tripping.
Fortunately, rare cases of PRA that inflict pain on the dog's eyes. Dogs and cats usually get used or adapted to the requirements of the view that disappear slowly. Because PRA is difficult to identify, ophthalmologic examination at the pet must be done.
Unfortunately there is no treatment that can be done to prevent the handle, cure or PRA. A wide variety of vitamins for therapy is recommended, but there is no evidence that the use of the vitamin may provide therapeutic effects.
3. Heterochromia
If you realize that your dog has two colors of the other different eyes, the main thing to remember is to have a different eye color does not mean always there is a problem in your dog. To determine if there is a problem or not, veterinarians also need to know how to be born of your dog or if it is something that happened recently.
In some cases, the presence of various eye colors indicate the presence of various kinds of health problems. Among them there are glaucoma and cataracts. However, eye color difference does not always mean that way. When a dog has two eyes of different colors, this is called hétérochromie.
Heterochromia is a term used to describe the differences or variations in color on most of the iris, and is also used to describe the presence of more than one color of the iris of an eye look the same.
Heterochromia for dogs
There are two types of this condition. Complete Heterochromia and sectoral Heterochromia, Complete Heterochromia refers to the overall color of the iris is different, so that sectoral Heterochromia indicate that a part of the iris have been affected.
A substance called melanin serves to distinguish colors on the dog's eyes. When the melanin to a normal level, eye color will be a normal dog. In some cases, the level of melanin is less than or greater than normal levels.
When the level is below normal levels of melanin, the eye color will be much brighter. Basically, this means a dog that has low levels of melanin in the eye can easily have an eye that is lighter than the other eye. In general, different blue or white eye in some cases.
This condition occurs in dogs and cats. Typically, this condition occurs in some breeds, such as the Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, American Foxhound, Australian sheepdog, Shih Tzu and a few other breeds.
Dogs and cats living with heterochromia have little precise and normal vision.
Heterochromia no medical disorder in dogs, only variations in normal eyes. If pet owners want to know if a dog or a blind cat, but embarrassed to ask a veterinarian, a simple test can be performed.
Have someone sit in the back of your dog or cat then closes one eye. Stand in front of your pet with a size of a colored ball. Drop the ball if your pet's eyes follow the ball, which means that your dog or cat normal vision. To be sure, have the same experience in the eye each other.
4. pigmentary keratitis (PK)
pigmentary keratitis is a condition in which the cornea is usually clear / clear to opaque thus affecting the vision in the eye. Another name for this condition is corneal melanosis.
In general, the pigmentary keratitis cause is chronic irritation of hair, a decrease in the amount of tear production, decreased blinking reflex or abnormal eyelid. In rare cases, although it has improved, pigmentation continue to occur.
usually occurs late in the race pugs, Boston Terrier, Bulldog and Shih Tzu. But it can happen to other breeds of dogs. Symptoms include eyes that look blurred or white due to scratches, then rinsed due to the formation of blood vessels or brown due to pigmentation.
pigmentary keratitis in dogs
The treatment can performed by administering eye drops in the affected eye to improve the quantity and quality of tears and surgery to repair abnormal eyelid and improve the function of the eyelids. The goal of treatment is to improve the health of the cornea and preserve vision.
The animals are comfortable with the eye that was treated and vision that have been fixed. Some patients are still being treated in his life. Handling surgery to remove part of the cornea that was pigmented less aid because the disease can recur at any time.
Hopefully this article can be helpful for you, if you find this article useful please are shared.
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