Having a cat with a beautiful coat is a pride for all cat lovers. But in cat coat care may not be as easy as what we imagine. Apparently, the treatment of many tablets be necessary to maintain the beauty of cat fur in our favor.
cat hair loss
By maintaining the beauty of fur cats are indeed many cat lovers who ask how to get his cat fur does not fall? In fact, hair loss experienced in any cat that is normal as an adult female cats who know lust. But you should know, there are other factors that can lead to more cat hair loss of the oestrus the process in female cats.
fur is falling was boring sanat effect because the fur will be scattered everywhere and will be a chore and more we are at home. So what are the factors of hell that lead to cat hair loss? and how solutions to solve it? okdogi give some penjelasanya below
The main cause of loss of cat fur
Fleas and mites -. spam Beast is one of the causes of the loss of cat fur, the animals usually come from the terrace of the house is dominated by the grass. The mites can also live in furniture wooden house and jump to the cat when the cat approached. Like parasites, they take nutrients for cats of the layer of the skin, particularly their bite is very irritated that ultimately makes the cat too often scratching their resulting loss of fur. (Read: make sure your cat free of fleas by reading the guidelines)
Stress - Just like humans, the state of stress will make them excited and the blood vessels used to send all nutrients throughout the body misfire resulting unhealthy cat fur and loss
Power -. That are consumed would be devastating for the whole of cat health, cats are less omega 3 and 6 will have the condition of the skin and fur poor diet and bad can also make cat allergies, this is also an important factor in the loss of cat hair. Many packaging cat food also offers a low price with high quality materials and compositions which are not necessary cat, so choose cat food wisely sometimes you need to buy cat food are a bit pricey with good quality as well.
pregnant Cats -. as was said above during pregnancy is natural for a cat hair loss, this happens because the hormones of pregnancy will increase the oil on the skin of the cat, so the shampoo is very important keep the cat's skin is not too dry and not too greasy
healthy cats - in hair loss in cats in general may also be accompanied by their cat health factors that are worse. Therefore, take your cat to the vet immediately checked for mengatahui your cat is classified as healthy or not.
Proper treatment lost cat hair
Preferably cat lovers should be routine in bathing your cat and make sure you use a special shampoo the cat so that the cat fur can be free of any fleas and parasites that are usually often attached to the cat's fur. To get rid of lice and mites, you can also mensiasatinya providing lemon juice and vinegar to make a tick from the body of a cat, vinegar and lemon contains acid that is pushing the chips, but healthy for the skin and cat fur.
some tips:
Provide pure lemon juice to 1 cup, cat shampoo and water 1 small pot. Pour into a single container could be a bucket or bathup, bathe the cat with water make sure each party other than the face of a wet cat, it helps to make the skin healthy and protected chat against fleas and mites.
bathe the cat image by blog.housegleam.co.uk
the use of vitamins in cats is generally very important for every cat, but the administration of the vitamin for cats in required at the right dose, which means? The dose should be in accordance with the cat. Because excess vitamin will give a negative effect on the cat's fur. Vice versa, any vitamin deficiency will also affect the cat is experiencing hair loss. As discussed below, the cats who experience hair loss is in need of consumption Omega 3 and 6 are good for healthy skin and fur.
biotin - Vitamin B complex as biotin also can help with fertility and health in cat hair. Disadvantages biotin may be more sensitive felt by young old cat . Symptoms Keku attack vitamin B (biotin) generally include as are easy to fall and loss plumage color normal.
combing fur
Some people might not think that a big advantage when you paint the cat's fur, here you can see the benefit if the cat hair in the comb .
- comb the cat's fur is a therapeutic launch of the metabolism of the body of the cat itself that affects the skin, fur and all aspects of health will increase, it will be perfect when you pijitan small too.
- with a special comb, you can get rid of fleas and mites that can not only be cleaned with shampoo.
- When combing your cat's fur, cat emotional connection and majikanya are closer together.
fur loss can also be caused by factors not spit the food, because that cat lovers should pay attention to what foods are fit for his cat properly. In a pet store also included a special form for the loss of cat food, but the most important for you to do is how to give the design size in the nutrition of foods, as excess nutrients lead to cat hair will fall by itself. So, therefore, you should have to adjust the dosage to your cat food in seimbang.A pa contents of the hell of foods to stay healthy cat coat care?
Persian cat food
Read: type of content on cat food
iron you should also know that m Akanan containing iron towers also help maintain color their normal fur and also preventing the loss of cat fur . therefore we recommend to search food that has a composition rich in iron like chicken Turkey beef and lamb liver.
Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids In this content is also beneficial to maintain and beautify cat fur . It appeared that the contents of Sat residing in omega 3 and 6 this can not support elasticity of skin buff fur and health in cat fur . Many brands food nutrients quality combine fatty acids in the all the packaging.
Source rich acid fat Omega 6 include
- meat
- eggs
- soy
Source rich acid omega 3 include
- fish oil
- sea fish
- oats
Although it is a couple of things about how to deal with fur cat is down had me describe here. Whether your cat any type, for example Persian cat, maine coon cat angora or above guidelines can be applied. Hopefully this article can be useful for you all.
Continued success okdogi
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