Cats are one of the animals that is often experienced on their skin disease. Even the type of skin disease in cats is more than a disease affecting other organs. That is why the treatment of skin diseases in cats is often a major concern for owners. How is often a routine examination in all parts of the body, especially the hidden areas, such as in the armpit or in the ear hole.
type of skin diseases of cats and how to deal with this
cats were placed in a humid environment is often impaired in his skin. In addition, the cages are not clean also the main reason why cats are very susceptible to the disease of the skin, itching despite soft. Here cat skin diseases and the causes and treatment are required to know everyone.
Leather Bernanah
Cats problems often experienced with Fester in skin they are often injured area. Usually cats are allowed out of the cage, and often fight with other cats often experience. huge wounds fester and pus may appear in areas such as the head, abdomen feet.
When the cat is susceptible to interference, sterilize the wound with antiseptic substance or consult a veterinarian. While still in treatment, make sure that the cat is still inside the cage and therefore released the ulcer was so dirty and worse.
Ear ticks
The ear is the part of the body of a cat that is often used as a nesting disease. This time is a kind of mite that causes a lot of irritation to conditions of severe bleeding. This problem causes the cat ear mites slowly so as not excited, obsessive scratching the ear, and there was the smell of cat even had a bath.
cat ear mites
to remedy this problem, you must clean the cat's ears slowly. Remove all lice and dirt there. If necessary, put some ointment recommended by your veterinarian. Problems flea in the ear is very risky because it can be transmitted to other animals such as dogs, rabbits, until the hamster.
Feline Acne
Feline acne are not as acne on the body. In cats, the sense of feline acne is a state in which the lower jaw in black. There is quite a serious infection or food or shampoos are often used because they contain dangerous chemicals.
Feline Acne cat
To prevent cats undergo this skin disease. It is advisable to maintain places to eat and do not give the cat food lightly. In addition to always use a special shampoo for cats to be exposed to harmful chemicals. To cure this disease, you may provide supplements that contain omega-3 or omega-6. (Read: sources of nutrients a cat)
Allergy Flea
Fleas or chips is about the most difficult of many owners cat. This small animal like love to hide in a crowd of cat hair in hard to find. Finally, without realizing it, the race became much chips and were controlled.
For cats that sustainability is good, the chips will not affect anything. But for a cat who is very sensitive to flea bites, within hours, they may have allergies. The body will experience irritation at the charts were bitten by fleas. To prevent or treat these conditions, always bathe the cat regularly, if necessary with a shampoo that can kill fleas. (Read: How to effectively kill the cat flea)
ringworm is an infection caused by fungi harmful. When cats start infected, parts of his body will experience hair loss to a shaped area red circle irritation. In cats, the disease often appears on the neck, ears and feet. ringworm cats
The treatment of this disease is easy enough already. Cats with ringworm must be immediately sterilized, this should not be out of the cage. In a certain period should be bathed her body was always clean. In addition, the cat should receive antifungal therapy regularly until healing. Oh yes, the disease is easily transmissible to cats or animals with a lot of hair like a dog.
Food Allergies
The cats may have food allergies. Not all the food you can give well received by the cat's body. In these circumstances, you should give the cat food that is made for them. Do not give the food time to time the man who sometimes has many harmful preservatives.
Cats that have food allergies generally deficient in part to the neck, back and some irritation on the eyelids. This will make the cat has become more and more appetite for food because the body is hot and itchy. To solve this problem, you can make a dietary therapy and also provide treatment periodically until the distortion disappears. (Read: confused in choosing a cat food Read this article?)
psychogenic alopecia
psychogenic alopecia is a state where some parts of the cat began to experience hair thinning. This occurs because cats lick too aggressive in her own hair. Hair thinning usually occurs in the back or abdomen slowly. This disorder occurs in cats because they feel very stressed until finally release the pressure of a stronger layer of hair. (Read: how to take care of cat fur in order not to fall)
psychogenic alopecia cat
In response, the cats should be quarantined to more enabling environment. They feel the tranquility until their behavior improves slowly. Cats that are under stress usually like to torture themselves because they do not know what to do. That's why these animals should be treated well, not only on physical health but
September as mental illnesses. In cat skin over only a portion thereof. If you find it strange to skin a cat, then immediately consult a veterinarian.
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