When you see your cat healthy, eat diligent, spirit, active, energetic, and there are no signs of the disease, I am sure you would be happy to see these cats have a shape that is positive, but what happens if your cat suddenly died suddenly ? It must be alert, because in some cases there are many cats died suddenly.
sick cat
Although the state had previous cat look healthy at all and there is no sign of pain, and what are the causes? According to my information from various sources, the sudden death of the cat can be caused by four factors, among others:
Because the cat died suddenly
1. heart disease
Not only humans who could experience heart failure or heart disease, but cats can feel the same thing, but it is the necessary observation of the cat owner himself because when symptoms of state of cat heart disease looks like there was no problem, therefore, consider some of the following symptoms:
the symptoms of heart disease in cats
- When the work suddenly listless and lazy assets chat, you must choose the cause, because the symptoms of heart disease is so. If the heart is not pumping blood maximum, then the mobility of the body will be reduced and makes the patient weak to move
-. Respiration rate chat too fast even when he was no activity and rest, worse cat breathes with his mouth, but if the cat is not too tired, they will not do it
-. cat appetite is not as usual
2 .. Flu cat
Never underestimate the flu in cats mate, flu which product due to the effects of the virus can inhibit breathing cats of the cavity. Slowly cats who get the flu will be reluctant to eat so that no more energy intake and energy for the cat itself, high fever would make them suffer. Endurance each cat is different, it is necessary to give help by the veterinarian, but there is also easily heal their own bodies when the flu.
3. A meal
This is usually often cats died suddenly, most cats died suddenly due to poisoning or the wrong type . rat poisons and substances such as detergents, shampoos that are harmful if ingested by cats, for cats unclean food such as chocolate, avocado, coffee also fear they consume. Feature poisoning cats look of their skin color has changed, their saliva that dries, vomiting, fatigue and diarrhea. If they are too often eat foods they should consume it will be fatal to their health.
4. Feline parvovirus (feline panleukopenia)
The type of the disease may be referred to as contagious inflammatory bowel caused by feline parvovirus virus / feline panleukopenia panleukopenia is a disease that is very deadly, studies on animals prove the deaths caused vaccination figures of cats that have not been able to reach 25% - 85%. This type of virus can usually be easily transmitted but can be transmitted to dogs and humans.
The process of transmission of this disease is very similar to rabies that can be transmitted by the passage of saliva, but other than rabies, the disease may be the contagious passage of urine, vomit and feces on the cat. Besides the cat's mother who lived pregnancy and suffering from this disease can also infect her child when it was born. And according to the research laboratory, the panleukopenia virus can survive for long outside the body of a cat, but the number of disinfectant was not able to kill the virus.
Therefore, the factors most prevalent infection that occurs, usually caused by contact with the ground, cage, eating utensils and drinking cat panleukopenia virus contaminated. The virus can enter the body through the cat mouth, they thrive in the glands of the defense in the mouth and grows throughout the cat's body with a rather fast tempo. Then this deadly virus will also be able to grow again in several defense glands organs throughout the body, such as the membrane mucosa and bone marrow
The symptoms of feline panleukopenia -. The deadly disease is usually able to make the cat becomes anemic, diarrhea and vomiting vomiting. However, some cases mentioned in the reports of the death of a cat that caused panleukopenia (sudden death) can not be measured at the time of his death, caused the development of a very dangerous virus is indeed quite quickly to destroy the entire digestive system in the body of the cat. Both arrived, the owner or holder of the cat did not get to see the death of the cat
Prevention of feline panleukopenia -. By ensuring that your cat has been vaccinated against the regular, appropriate action to dispel this dangerous disease. My suggestion, that the body of your cat will be more secure and immune health, vaccination should be administered once a month for a number of relatively young cat criteria. But for adult cats can be done every year he explained. Thank you not to forget to always clean the cage with a special disinfectant sold in pet stores.
Hopefully useful!
greetings okdogi.com
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