The dogs are animals that are very friendly to humans. Kindness and loyalty they make a lot of people interested in maintaining it. They are one of the animals were very popular at the moment maintained.
In general, there are many types of dogs that are distributed worldwide with different characters, races and use. Before you want a dog must refer to any type of dog that follows.
Know the 35 types of the most popular dogs in the world
1. Khalla Hairless
This is one of the dogs with feathers at least, according to research, there are two types of hair Khala, the first is hairless medio kalla has shorter legs and large hairless Khala who have longer legs and has a muscular body and make good watchdogs. Khala dog breed is a dog with a slight variation as Chinese crested feathers and they have little hair on his head that looked like a Mohawk haircut, although the feathers egrets cheniese the imposing head long. (Chinese crested be discussed at position 7 of this article)
hairless Khala
2. Siberian Husky
Siberian Husky is a medium-sized breed of dog and woolly. This is a group of purebred dogs are not vicious, even can say too good for foreigners, but not the owner. At first glance, this dog like a wolf, and many races global standards say the siberian husky training because of the nature of crossbred.
Aside from the Siberian Husky has a trait that is fun for humans. This breed is a dog that can not be silent and very active. friendly and gentle personality is a form of the past who owns this dog, because the first time the Chukchi people are very attentive and affectionate in maintaining this dog.
Origin states: Alaska
Character: active, friendly, gentle, friendly and fun
Fur: thick and dense
Visit Nursing for exclusive siberian husky
3. Affenpinscher
Affenpinscher is one of the breeds of dog (dog toys) the oldest from Germany in the 10 first an.Saat dogs are often used to hunt rodents in agricultural land and also in homes.
this dog has a beautiful black fur, gray, silver, beige, black, brown, or red. For body size Affenpinscher has a height of about 23-30 cm and weighs about 3-3.5 kg.
The physical characteristics of this dog is in his ears symmetrical and dense rough fur. Affenpinscher in the fur has a length of about 1 inch and tail and buttocks tend to have shorter fur than feathers on the body.
country: Germany
Character: friendly, friendly, quiet and not aggressive
Height: 23-30 cm
weight: 3-3.5 kg
Fur: dense, rough
4. Belgian Malinois
from the name alone, we know that this breed comes from the Belgian State. This dog is a sheepdog group, which has very similar characteristics to the German Shepherd dog breeds. In the middle of the body size, with a high body posture and stronger. This dog is a breed of dog that is very authoritarian. Apart from this, they are also very well trained and have the advantage of the sense of smell and excellent instincts.
country: Belgium
Character: dashing, respected and skilful hunter
weight: 25-30 Kg
Masa age: 10-14
Color: brown Black
5. Golden Retriever
from this dog developed as a hunting dog to retrieve hunting results to birds taken. This dog was once Retriever ( decision ) is the type or retrieve waterfowl or wild birds for hunters. Why gold? This is because their fur is golden if seen under the sun, so that the dog was called the Golden Retriever.
intelligence they look when capturing prey animals, they do not bite in the rough. Because the results of hunting birds are given to hunters still looks remarkably intact. Intelligence and intelligence have made the Golden Retriever as a versatile dog at that time. Among them, they are used as sniffer dogs, dogs, penyelaat dogs and guide dogs. His personality was patient, friendly and always wants to please his owner made the Golden Retriever dog as the most popular family in the world.
country: English
weight: 25-35 Kg
Character: intelligent, loyal, active and easily formed
Masa age: 10 - 12
Fur: Medium
6 . Afghan hound
that a dog breed is a Afghan hound who rely on the speed and vision of the dirinya.Menurut history, these dogs are believed to exist since the time of ancient Egypt as seen in the painting when it was found in a cave in Afghanistan about 4,000 years silam.Pada this dog was originally used as a sheep dog and human hunters other animals such as leopards and wolves.
However, when the dog travels in the west in the 19th century, this dog pet becomes a luxury and is often referred to as "king of dogs" in the world. The physical characteristics of these dogs are lean, pelvic bones stand out, and large. Apart from the dog's head size is also quite long with dark oval eyes. More over, this dog can coexist well with other animals
country .: Afghanistan
Character: adaptable, aggressive and active fighter
Height: 61-73cm
weight: 20-27 kg
7 . Chinese crested
another hybrid dogs with feathers at least, as the name suggests this dog has just the fur around the territory of their head like ridge, nearly all areas of the body visible without feathers. These dogs are from China, with a cold climate in China, these dogs need extra care is not like other dogs. If you want Chinese Crested to feed at home, then you need to spend a budget of $ 1300 -. $ 2,100 based on the average price, the most ever for dogs with little fur
Chinese Crested
- Read the dogs race prize in 2016, continuous updates
8. Shih Tzu
These dogs are the oldest breeds of Chinese origin (China) dog. This dog has a beautiful long fur with color variants and draw patterns on the coat. The physical characteristics possessed shihtzu on the part of the long fur and ears.
For the dog's body is quite solid with a general pendeknya.Secara 4 feet, this dog has a mercurial character, intelligent, and has a good emotion. Historically, these dogs used to be held by the royal family of the Manchu dynasty in China.
But when these dogs spread to Europe, there are many European nobles were keen to preserve this beautiful dog. Shih-Tzu is a pet dog who is very friendly with humans, except they also belong to animals that love to socialize.
country: China
weight: 4-7: 25 kg
Height: 20-28 cm
Color: Gold, light brown, dark brown White and black
Longevity: 14-18
9. Airedale Terrier
this dog from the UK, the group, they are a breed of dog the size of the body is the high among the other dog Terrier. Historically, these dogs voluntarily developed for hunting fox, otter and badger. In general, these dogs can survive until the age of 13-14 years.
At the time of World War I and II, many dogs to military use as ammunition carrier, messenger, ambulance dogs, guard dogs and patrol dogs and more recently as a nest of repellent against dogs of rodents (rats).
physical characteristics of these dogs is to have black fur, tail erect, muscular, 5-10 comfortable childbirth in pregnancy, and weighing 20.4 to 27 2 kg. Apart from the dog also has hearing and sight are very good and sharp. They are known by a dog that brave and agile properties
country :. England
Character: Brave and agile
weight: 20.4 to 27.2 kg
Fur: short, curly
10. Akita
For these dogs come from Japan. This type of dog owners are often used for hunting. akita also excellent in the monitoring field, agility and intelligence in dogs is often used as a dog DIMANCA country race.
However, the lack of these dogs are very sensitive to drugs like caksin, insecticides and tranquilizers or often called. anesthesia
country: Japan
Character: Lively, fat, friendly and sensitive
weight: 45-59
Masa age; 11-15
Color: Black, white and striped
11. Alaska Malamut
Alaskan Malamute dog is a big race coming Alaska, USA. This breed was once used to make the freight train when it resistant to extremely cold temperatures, but these dogs are now used as the family pet as a dog show. Also that this dog also had a friendly character, friendly and easy beradaptasi.Pintar and easily absorb the lessons also have a personality that owns this dog.
Alaskan Malamute has a thick, rough fur with colors ranging from black to white. Almost flat this dog looks like a gray wolf with black shades. The size of the dog's body can reach 68.5 cm
country :. United States
Character: friendly, adaptable and friends
Nickname: Mally
Fur: Thick, double pole, with luxury lower layer
Lifespan: 12-14 years
12. Doberman Pinscher
Doberman Pinscher or we usually known as just Doberman is a very popular dog in the world. dog breeds are well known by the general public. Purebred doberman famous athletic and muscular silhouette. They are one of the dogs with the perfect body shape with the shape symbolizes bravery and masculinity.
country: German
Masa Age: 10-12 years
weight: 30-45 Kg
Character: intelligent, agile and authoritarian
13. Alsatian America
this dog is a domestic dog breeds that are great. True to its name Alsatian American, they come from America. According to various dog breeds such information was raised in 1967 by a man named Lois Elaine Denny.
features that this dog is the color brown eyes oval bright yellow. They also have a fairly straight ears and black tail hanging. In general, dogs have the characteristic smart, calm and able to learn quickly. Furthermore, they can also respond to her very well in pendengerannya
country :. United States
Height: 63-71 cm
weight: 36-54 kg
Longevity: 12-14
fur color: gold, silver and black
14. American Pit Bull Terrier
American Pit Bull Terrier are few -unes of the oldest breeds of dogs. group of dogs is pure breeds of dogs (original dog). Many state dog breeds sources have an advantage in terms of endurance and strength of the dog breed as insensitive to pain, constant mood, inflexible in nature.
The surplus is obtained from the ancestors of the American pit bull terrier, which, according to the story once they were used as fighting dogs. However, because the fighting of dogs present day is prohibited, then determine the shape of the character of these dogs are used in various ways by holding a contest rope from slipping or pulling a tensile load, etc.
country: the United States
Character: inflexible, strong and loyal
Fur: short, smooth
Visit: better routine care for pitbull
15. Azawakh
Azawakh is a dog old native of Africa. These are dogs that can hunt based on the vision and speed. This dog was known as a wild dog that maintain and decorate the shelter of the inner tent sahara population (North Africa).
However, increasing over time these dogs are often used to hunt rabbits and pets. This discount dog slim and trim physical group and can operate at speeds up to 64 kmh. Apart from this, they also have a height of 58-74 cm and weighs about 17-25 kg were covered with short, smooth hair on the body. Criteria owned the Azawakh is quick, independent, alert and sensitive to cold temperatures.
Origin country: Africa
Character: quick, independent, alert, and sensitive
Height: 58-74 cm
weight: 17-25 kg
fur: short and smooth
16. Maltese
The next type is a Maltese dog, they are kind of small dogs. They have a long body shape, rounded head and large eyes. These dogs generally often appeared on various television channels trutama on comics. types of dogs are also considered susceptible to the smoke of the disease, and allergic to it
native country:. Malta
Character: sympathetic, intelligent, not aggressive
weight: 2-6 Kg
Color: brownish white
17. Barbet
Barbet is the oldest dog breeds in France. This dog has the main part physical characteristics of very thick fur such as wool and jerky, which functions to protect them from cold temperatures. Criteria on Barbet fur consists of only a few colors :. Black and brown
other physical characteristics of these dogs, they have a short neck and round eyes are usually dark brown. To measure the height in male dogs at a height of 58-65 cm, while for females 53-61 cm. The dog breeds are generally fond of water and were very happy to do an outdoor activity. the life of the age in dogs is approximately between 12-15 years
country: France.
Character: Friendly, active and adaptable
high males: 58-65 cm
high female: 53-61 cm
Fur: thick, soft
18. Rottweiler
Dogs as Rottweller name is a fairly popular DIMANCA country dog. Characteristic of this dog has a well-built and handsome body. In addition, it is also brand business in this dog. This dog has a large enough trust so that the dog rottweller often used by state police forces.
country: Germany
ageMasa: 9 -10 years
Character: Strong, decisive, courageous and very difficult
Color: Black and brown
tour: Come to know the Rottweiler stout housekeeper
19. Basenji
Basenji is a hunting dog native to Central Africa. They are one of the 14 "old" dogs in the world. According to information from wekipedia considered a Basenji breed Greyhound who pursue and attack all prey silently in North America.
This breed loves to bark, but if they are held together another dog that likes to bark, then probably Basenji will also be able to bark like other dogs. Basenji dog feature a small body and a sleek look.
This dog also has a short coat and ears are upright. This dog is very unique, because people often equate same Basenji bit like a miniature deer. Another feature is the Basenji property are also in almond eyes, which makes the dog look squint and attractive.
country: Central Africa (Congo)
a other name: African Bush Dog, Dog African Barkless, Ango Angari, Avuvi, Congo Dog, Zande Dog
Character: Not loud, mysterious, friendly and gracious
Fur: short
20. Basset Hound
These dogs are popular in the world, because the basset hound breeds is the most recognizable of its legs are short and the face of The display looks sad. These dogs come from France, they are the descendants of Saint Hubert Hound breeds.
This dog has long been known as the dog picture genius in the world, and not only that bassed also often used in the production of television programs in the world. In terms of hunting dogs is to use most often an acute sense of smell. Basset Hound has a personality that is independent, loyal, and happy with small children
country :. France
Character: active, self, hunter, photos genie and friends
21. Bearded Collie
The English name of this dog is Bearded Collie they constitute one of the dogs and also dog breeders, who are from Scotland.
Properties is a special dog in her sad eyes and an expression muram.Namun sad, even if this dog is very energetic and happy to be the center of attention. The dog's body is very good, because they are very strong and brave and has a beautiful long fur. In addition, this dog group easily socialize with humans. Bearded Collie is a dog that is charming, funny, active and easily formed
countries origin:. Scotland
Character: sociable, friendly, funny and active
another name: Highland Collie, Mountain Collie, Hairy Mou'ed Collie, Argle Bargle
Fur: long soft
22. Beagle
in general, beagles known as hunters dog name. This dog group is the smallest breed of the hound family came from England. In the history of this dog, once they are often used in hunting rabbits in the forest, because the beagle has a sense of smell is very strong.
Beagle population almost to extinction in 1923 in England because saaat many people there are no longer hunting Beagle love with the dog because of movement is not very agile. But in 1930, pioneering Phillipe Honeywood which was very favorable to hunting along the Beagle so that the dog population increases again.
Also used as a beagle dog, it is the application of the law in some countries also like to use these bloodhounds dogs. The physical characteristics that have these dogs is 25-28 cm tall, weighing 7-11 kg, muscular body, long ears, brown eyes and black hair shades and white and brown.
country: English
another name: English beagle
characters: Hunter, passive, obedient and respectful
Height: 25-28 cm
weight: 7-11 kg
fur color: black, white and brown
23. Bedlington Terrier
True to its name Bedlington Terrier is a breed that is from the village of Bedlington, in northern England. These dogs include dog of medium size, with a height of about 41 cm and a body weight of 8-10 kg.
This dog has physical features, the eyes are small, triangular ears, head size is rather small and a ridge in the head. As part of this dog fur have a mixture of coarse and fine feathers (curly likely). Generally, Bedlington Terrier blue feathers brown, light brown, and tan on the main color.
country: English
another name: Rothbury Terrier, Rodbery Terrier
Character: friendly, active and
Height: 41 cm
weight: 8-10 kg
Fur: Curly
24. Bichon Frise
small dog breeds have fluffy white and smooth. The origin of these dogs come from the island of Malta in the country include the type of dog Spanyol.Ras bichon dog that four different races, the Bolognese Bichon Havanese, Maltese and Bichon Tenerife (Bichon Frise).
Specifications this dog has a height of about 24.36 to 29.4 cm with shades of white feathers and sometimes there is a little yellow or cream around the ear and also on tubuhnya.Selain the dog's eyes is also a tower with black or chocolate and a little dark. One advantage of these dogs, they are often kept as a dog toy, which is usually often included in agility and obedience competitions dog in the world.
country: Spain
Character: bright and obedient
Height: 24.36 to 29.4 cm
fur color: yellow, beige
other names: bichon tenerife
25 . Bichons Havanas
bichon Havana cigars a small dog that is native to its country of origin Mediterania.Di this dog has two nicknames Bichon Habanero or Havanese. This dog group usually has a smooth, wavy fur white, beige, brown and gray-abu.Mereka a layer of hair or hair twice with a light texture that is used to protect against the weather is hot, as when in Cuba .
But the texture of the fur on them did not protect against weather dingin.Kelebihan this dog also had feathers that do not easily fall dn, or smell. In addition to existing properties on them are also very quiet (not much barking), intelligent, easily trained and can adapt to other dogs.
country: Mediterranean
Character: intelligent and adaptable
Feather: The texture is light and double
another name Havaneser, Havanezer, Bichon Habanero
26. Labrador retriever
This dog is a retriever breed of dog. Generally, they are almost like a dog named golden retriever. This breed is often used as a bloodhound that the dog is classified as a friendly dog and is also widely used as a pet at home.
Unfortunately, these dogs are also considered susceptible to health problems such as dysplasia of the elbows and hips. In addition to these dogs also tend to have problems in the knees and cataracts on his
country .: English
weight: 25-32 Kg
Character: sensitive, loyal, friendly and easy to train
Color: Black, brown and yellow
27. Border Terrier
Border Terrier is one of a group of small dog breeds. They come from the border regions of Scotland and England. once a dog breed is often used to hunt foxes, otters and other wildlife. This dog has a height of 25.4 cm and weighs 5 to 7.2 kg.
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