Scottish Fold cat ? What kind of cat is it? Perhaps the question that had ceased to mind when reading the title above. In Indonesia, the type of cat is even less popular with Angora or Persian cat. However, for those who are cat lovers, would not feel familiar with the breed unique and adorable cat. Cats with folded ears, he turned out to record the facts you need to know, especially before deciding to keep them.
profile, character and how to take care of a scottish fold cat
Have you ever thought that turns Scottish Fold folded ears from a disorder of genetic mutation? Yes, indeed it is. Genetic mutations lead to abnormalities in the cartilage such that the ear of the cat pressed forward. This species is from a cat named Susie found on the farm of Scotland in 1961.
cat scottish fold
Farmers who find Susie then see some unusual things in the ears fluffy white cat. Susie had squeaked ear forward, not up like a cat in general. Susie, who was found pregnant, gave birth to kittens, some of which have ears that are also closed. A kitten was later adopted by William and Mary Ross, a neighboring farmer who is a cat lover.
Initially, Ross gave the name "flops" for this breed of cat. But in 1966, Ross has changed the name of the "Scottish Fold" to indicate cat breed originally. Then, with help from a geneticist named Pat Turner, Ross breed this race to produce 42 tails Scottish Fold ears fold between 76 tails were born.
Having successfully developed race Ross then save the Scottish Fold breed Board of Directors of the Cat Fancy (GCCF). But in 1971, GCCF remove this list race because the gene is not yet stable. Scottish Fold Ras also was not recognized by Fife (Federation Internationale Feline), because it was feared genetic disorders caused by this race will be a negative impact on the health of the cat itself as paralysis of the limbs and deafness. Currently, there are two organizations that recognize racial Scottish Fold, namely The International Cat Association (TICA) and the Association Cat Fanciers (CFA).
Seeing the concerns, cat fanciers in the United States are trying to improve the genetic Scottish Fold, they marry this with the breed British Shorthair cat and American Shorthair. The mating process successfully creates a Scottish Fold with genes that are more stable and reduce the health risks that threaten the cat due to a genetic abnormality.
The average life expectancy is 15 years Scottish Fold. During his life, cats vulnerable to this type of heart disease and cystic kidney disease. Therefore, you must provide food for good cat to complete the Scottish Fold nutrients.
cats Scottish Fold have an active, intelligent, friendly and quiet, making it easy to adapt to humans and other animals. This quality can be Scottish Fold became very close to their owners, especially those who feed. However, if you include people who are rarely home, Scottish Fold cat is not the best choice for you to maintain. This cat really enjoyed the attention and can be stressful if you feel alone. Therefore, you should have enough time to try to play or just to spoil. (Read: understand the body language of cats, must read)
In addition, Scottish Fold cats also unique customs. This cat likes to present itself as a human sitting and sleeping supine. This is what makes it cute and adorable. Scottish Fold is also a bit different from other cat breeds because of the noise and the sweetest snoring.
Physical characteristics
Physical characteristics Scottish Fold them easier to observe is a unique form of ear due to a genetic mutation. When newborn kittens Scottish Fold has erect ears. Then, on day 21, his ears began to show signs of tight before.
care cat scottish fold
Scottish Fold cute physics increasingly supported by the shape of the head and round eyes. These cats also have a small nose and neck and short legs. With a weight of about 3-6 kg Scottish Fold has a medium body size and content. Scottish Fold race consists of two types, namely Scottish Fold shorthair and longhair.
care for cats Scottish Fold are basically the same with other cats fur and pretty easy. You just need to comb the fur on a regular basis, especially for long-haired Scottish Fold.
This must be done to prevent your cat fur clumping and tangles. Do not forget to regularly check the ears of Scottish Fold, because the shape of his ears were pressed to make the inside of the ear becomes more moist and easy to get dirty. (Read: the right way to prevent hair loss cats)
Other treatments such as bathing, nail trimming, brushing teeth and you must do to prevent your cat from germs . Cleaning the cage and food also should not escape your attention. Finally, do not forget to always take the time to encourage your cat to play and interact. (Read: 9 daily care required for cats)
The facts above should really be taken into consideration before deciding to keep the Scottish Fold cat. Make sure you do not buy or adopt a cat is only because of her adorable physics. However, commit to keep your pet well.
Salam okdogi
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