earthworms are disgusting and ridiculous pets for some people, because of its soft and contortion. Eitss .. but do not judge what an animal of their appearance alone. Earthworms have many other benefits in addition to helping the tillage process.
The main content of the worm is a protein that plays an important role in biological activity. In comparison with other animal meat, most to high in protein which is about 76%. While protein in beef or other memalia only 65% of proteins in the fish is only 50%. Earthworms also contain the amino acid is approximately 17%
The worm also beneficial to health, such as :. Typhoid cure Diarrhea Drug, smooth blood circulation, smooth digestion, reduces fever (antipyretic), calm nerves, and increases energy. Earthworms are also useful for wound healing and effective for the health of human skin. The content of alpha-tocopherol on earthworms help maintain skin elasticity and keep young. Even the cosmetics industry, including earthworms are the raw material for cosmetics you know ..
Well, if so, what type of worms are most commonly used? Earthworm species vary, but commonly used and are ternakkan: Pheretima, Periony & Lumbricus. The third type of earthworm is like the organic matter from manure and plant debris. But Worm species Lumbricus Rubellus also known as worm of Europe, has the advantage of more than two types of other above, due to the high production (weight gain, egg production / chicks and production of ex-worm "vermicompost") and does not move much, so more who cultivate this type of worm.
the initial stage of earthworm cattle
with the growing need, many are trying to grow their own. The trick is pretty easy anyway, you can try yourself at home. This article will discuss how to cultivate earthworms.
1. Steps to start raising Earthworm (Lumbricus Rubellus)
- Make cage worm (maintenance of the box)
- Prepare medium of life or environment worm
- supply seeds to
- method of dispersing seeds earthworm
- Markets to brood
- making food
- care and maintenance
- harvest period
- to make the enclosure (maintenance of the box)
first thing to do is to make the maintenance box enclosure worm / worm. In fact, making earthworm breeding cage was very easy. Because where the culture of worms, it can carelessly, we remain DELISH alone.
Each place for growing worms Lumbricus Rubellus preferably made separately, with a size of about 50 x 40 x 30 cm, the size of the container will be able to accommodate about 100-130 young. Other references state that should be the size of one square meter can be filled with 0.50 kg of earthworms.
The cage can be made of several materials are cheap and easily obtained as wooden supports, bamboo baskets, plastic bins, same old pond fish that are not used can also be used .
Make the cage for the worm to be in the shade are sheltered from rain and sun.
2. Perisapkan Life Media or worm environment
This is very important and the most obligatory of concern to raise earthworms, especially for beginners wanting engaged in farm worm world this earth, is the average of the culture of the worm itself in because the media live worms that we will use as a place of culture can influence the selling price in the extent of the crop, and the life of the worm itself
life terms for media earthworms, such as :. loose, organic and software. This is necessary for the survival of earthworms loved the soft, damp area
Examples of media that can be used, such as :.
- Mushroom Log is a waste mushroom culture. Currently we use as the main media, since the fungal protein daily content is higher than other media to enhance the growth of worms.
- House , but not only soil, keep the soil containing many nutrients. Usually found in soil humus.
- timber , the waste products sawn, very useful but need to be mixed with water before use.
- Shredded Stem Banana , ie using the stems are cut, but generally also added to the soil
baglog mushrooms via
How .:
the materials used are a mixture of compost with organic ingredients mentioned above. Enter these materials until it reaches a height of 15 cm. Enter as sufficient water for the live media earthworm is moist and crumbly. Stir all ingredients until a homogeneous mixture, so that the fermentation process.
After four weeks, mix manure in it with a ratio of 70% medium and 30% feces of live animals. Kapur also be added up to 1% of live media to obtain a neutral pH. The carrier is considered appropriate when the pH reached 07/06, the moisture content of 15 to 30% and a temperature between 15 - 25 ° C. Then enter the earthworm in it. Worms that included heavy media life that was provided. When the weight of its media reach 1 kg, the worm that is put into it also weighs 1 kg. To avoid dryness of live media, the support surface may be coated in plastic bags or other materials that are not translucent.
3. Seed Procurement worm
If the speaker and media live worms are ready, please buy seeds or breeding stock to farmers is earthworm. It is better than using seeds wild worm that we find it in nature. Because of the ability to reproduce is not good and sometimes can not adapt to the new environment. And the quality and content of substances in growing seedlings earthworms much better.
4. Method Earthworm distribution Seed
If the cage, the live media are ready and seedlings earthworms are available, then the spread is ready do it. worms seed potatoes do not jump immediately into media, but a little. Add again and check every three hours, if there is a worm that roam outdoors. If the worm instead leaving the media or container means the means used must be replaced because it is not ready for habitation, may be contaminated by chemicals, ammonia, fat or less humid. How to replace the media through the rinse water then pressed or water jetty until the water runs clear.
To determine whether the worms were planted at home against the medium used, you can confirm it after 12 hours.
earthworm deployment
If the worm remains comfortable with his new home and enter immediately the seeds of another worm to be uniform. After finished sowing entered the growth medium and close the culture medium with banana skins, plastic or other objects that can make the shadow culture medium and not exposed to direct sunlight.
5. Workflow
To live and grow well, every day of worms should have the necessary food supplies. Earthworms feed easiest, organic waste item single household may be food that has tremendous value and content for worms. There are several types of food given to the worm, including:
a. organic waste from households
Household waste such example is rice was stale, fruit peels, inedible vegetables, potato peelings, carrots, onions, stem kale etc.
b. industry houses organic waste
Home newspaper mushrooms of industrial wastes such as waste in the traditional market, fruit leather waste, waste food from the kitchen at home, etc. .
c. ranch biological waste
agricultural waste such as cow dung, goat, chicken with hints of water in advance to heat, or can be given a prebiotic that feels not.
d. organic waste environment
waste falling leaves can be delivered directly and can also be composted first.
In a properly fed day Earthworms once, depending on the earthworms weights that are grown. However, it is also a food once a week and there is also a 3-day supply, depending on our taste alone. But it is better that every day the worms are fed to rapidly develop a large
For the worm Lumbricus Rubellus become the fat feed that is given should be that livestock manure is ripe already mixed with green compost with a size ratio of 2 .: 1. the power settings equals the number of worms that we cultivate. If the weight of 1 kg to reach, power must be given also weighs 1 kg. Before being put into service cage / box, worm diet must be a powder or a suspension. For the dough, the ratio of water to feed is 1: 1, after mixing the ingredients, stirring until smooth. Feed suspension sprinkled evenly over the surface of the third part of the media live earthworms.
6. Maintenance and repair of
Many say the least / capacity to that we also cultivate in all power schemes, care and at harvest. For self-care thing we must do is keep moisture media culture of earthworms, to taste watering in the media live earthworms with a little water and not more and eventually the worm will be overwhelmed and die.
to Cage should be always covered / protected by a cover so as to feel safe, can use banana leaves, banana leaves, paper / paper, and other objects that could cover the surface of the support. For other than banana leaves and banana stems media must always be in the rain, so the humidity is maintained.
earthworm care
media that is so earth or vermicompost already filled with lots of eggs (cocoon) must be replaced immediately. To the worm rapidly growing, eggs, the child and the parent to be separated on different media. Replacing average media is within 2 weeks once.
In addition, many pests that bother some cultivation process and the enemy worms to watch. Among others: beetles, birds, centipedes, millipedes, flies, mice, frogs, squirrels, chickens, ducks, snakes, swans, leeches and ticks. For this purpose, the hole where the maintenance must always be closed. Good material used as cover is a wire mesh. Because the mesh also provides air exchange process continues to work well. In addition, another enemy that is no less disturbing than the red ants that eat carbohydrates and fats in foods, both substances are essential for them to fattening land. To prevent an attack of red ants around maintenance of the box given sufficient water (dirambang).
7. The harvest
Two things can wait earthworms harvest, namely; Biomass or himself and Kascing or used to earthworm
After 2.5 -. 3.5 months, the worm began to be harvested for feed rod / seed and could continue to harvest until the age of 7 months. Marked with the number vermicompost (worm old) and cocoon (a collection of worm eggs). Most adult worms should be left to use seeds. Worms are taken is about 25% of the number of worms there. the size of the harvested biomass without worm.
to harvest can be done in several ways. The first is to use a tool such as petromaks, fluorescent lamp or bulb. Light produced by lamps invite a worm to collect at the top of the media because the worms are very sensitive to light, remain split between the worm and the media. Another way is to maintain the box and separates the media live worms.
Once the worms are harvested, most of the adult worms and cocoons (egg) each put in a media newness of life separately Earthworm eggs will soon hatch in 14- 21 days. After that, the maintenance can be performed from the beginning of culture.
In addition to worms, worm farm land also produces vermicompost, granular, fibrous and blackish. In general, vermicompost is located on the surface around the nest. Vermicompost containing micro-organisms, inorganic minerals and organic ingredients that are beneficial to plants. Vermicompost can be used as organic fertilizer. Excellence vermicompost fertilizer, among others, were able to neutralize the excess acidity in the soil, making the soil more friable and not solid fast. So vermicompost can be returned again to the media or directly packaged and sold for use as organic fertilizer.
Some information on how to grow worms. Easy enough right? Hopefully this information can help you and can be applied to start a business, you sndiri earthworms. Good luck
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