Bunnies, including animal species with high production levels. Therefore, it is highly prospective animal so high. Birth of a healthy female rabbits were able to give birth to children 5-15. And in the first year of birth could occur 5 times. For rabbit farmers themselves should know characteristics of pregnant rabbits . The objective for pregnant rabbits were immediately moved (separated) from all other rabbit breeders.
possible pregnant rabbits usually begin to enter the day 7 after mating. In other words, after we mated male and female rabbits within 7 days, the fetus usually begins to develop in the uterus of a female rabbit. The new sign that we are really pregnant rabbits can be detected between day 14
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Well how the characteristics of pregnant rabbits in more detail?
changed Galak
Rabbit Women who are pregnant are not ready to be mated with males. Even for female rabbits tend to be aggressive changed fiercer than male rabbits. If you know what should doe and soon separated male rabbits. Depending on the characteristics of pregnant rabbits mouth seems more pink than usual.
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Dig Earth
As mentioned above, the characteristics of rabbits pregnant is usually fierce and aggressive. Other features, rabbits often ruin home alone and will continue to dig if released into the wild as a natural form of rabbits to prepare for birth. Pregnant
rabbit Generally, in order to know the characteristics of pregnant breeding rabbits were separated when walking on gestational age at 17. In fact, it was too early because rabbit gestation on average 30-34 days. While pregnant rabbits can be moved to a special enclosure, such as a day to 24 or 25.
Looks Hungry
In addition to more fierce and aggressive, the rabbits are pregnant also seem easy hunger. For rabbits development of healthy fetuses should be given larger portions of food than usual. pregnant rabbits tend to be hungry, especially at night.
If the rabbit's appetite is not balanced with sufficient food consumption usually rabbits are stressed and could turn into cannibals. He began to love getting hurt or worse he would kill his son. In addition, if the rabbit lack adequate nutrition, your milk is also less than the maximum.
Stomach Buncit
Like people, the characteristics of pregnant rabbits can also be seen in the stomach appears swollen. Certainly, we could feel a little distended stomach of rabbits entering the gestational age of 17 days indicating the rabbit actually contained a fetus.
Once pregnancy in days 23 to 29, the mother often looked agitated and reddened nose. After the stomach enlarges and bloated look but not touch.
Bunny features give birth
As indicated in the specifications of the above pregnant rabbits, pregnant rabbits childbirth entered the day rabbits 30-34 post-coupling. Well, how the characteristics of the rabbit will give birth?
Living Loss
Bunnies childbirth usually experience hair loss on the feathers. If placed in an open cage, it will return to its natural state is to dig a hole to tunnel to put her children. In such conditions can make the rabbit hole that is deep and resembles a winding tunnel.
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Very aggressive
rabbits that bear his fiercest change especially with other rabbits in the same enclosure. He made a special mark and maintain the zone. It is expected that in the future of their children quieter, safer, and unaltered.
must be known by lovers of reproduction or rabbit, rabbit mated before being placed in the room were comfortable and got enough food. The point of comfort is the most important aspect that rabbits can reproduce perfectly. New rabbit be coupled to adulthood, and the level of maturity of sex is enough.
Each of the different types of rabbits gestation. characteristics of pregnant rabbits each type is different. the maturity of the reproduction can be seen from its size. Rabbits that are ready to breed (ready to be mated), namely the age of 4.5 months - five months for rabbits small print. For type rabbits were 5 months - 6.5 months .. and large type rabbits ready coupled to the age of 7 months
hope this article can be useful
Salam okdogi
- initial coupling step rabbits with affinity
- How to care for newborn rabbits
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