Compared Angora or mini rabbit, rex rabbit may not seem familiar as a type of ornamental rabbits. However, the animal with the Latin name Oryctolagus cuniculus Seems a hard and luxurious as pets.
Besides sold as ornamental rabbits, fur and rex rabbit meat also can be used as a product having a high commercial value. For more details, consider the following review.
Rex Rabbit History
Ras real rex is a descendant of wild rabbits in Peracis. Its existence was first identified in 1919 by accident by a farmer on a farm in Paris. The rabbits are then raised by a priest and included in an international exhibition that became known in Europe.
rex rabbit
in 1924, a professor from the University of Strasbourg - Germany rex rabbit develop in several varieties with color variations such news Chincilla , white, brown, and lynx
Currently, the population is growing and farmers specifically mengembangbiakkannya for a variety of needs, including food and mode.
Special features
is not difficult to recognize rex rabbits among other types of ornamental rabbits. The specific characteristics that can be used as a reference to recognize
The shape of the body -. There are two types of high rex rabbits in general, the standard rex rabbit weighs about 5 kg and 3,6 mini rex rabbit that weighs less than about 1.4 -. 2 kg
rabbit that has a greater size of the head relative to other types of rabbits. Besides the size of the ears is also a bit wide and stand (not static)
Fur -. Although ornamental rabbits, rex rabbit fur is long and heavy, but short, dense and smooth velvet. That is why it is also known as the carpet bunny rabbit. fur thickness between 1.3 -. 2.2 cm
In addition to the feathers are short and do not easily fall, also has a curled mustache rabbit fur so easily recognizable and makes it different from other types of rabbits
.color - rex rabbit has a lot of color categories. various organizations rabbits also have a different standard for securing the standard color rabbit like this.
Generally certain colors are recognized as the standard color is black rex, blue, castor, lynx, opal, brown, red, white, chinchilla, lilac, Himalaya broken and tricolor. In Indonesia alone, dominated by rex rabbit pattern color (papilon), harlequin, tricolor, white or spotted.
As a prospective commodity
Rex rabbit began to exist in Indenesia since 00. This variety is suitable in areas of high cold climate with temperatures around 5-15 ° C. that is why the rabbit this type are widely bred in the area of Lembang - Bandung, Batu -. Malang, or a cool place between
rex rabbit breeding is essentially for commercial purposes, namely to be traded as pets, animal consumption and raw materials not consumption.
As pets
As ornamental rabbits, the animals are sold in sizes bebagai, from puppies under 3 months to adult rabbits that are ready to be mated
females mated Rex rabbit can already start at the age of 6 months. Rex females are ready to mate imports and childbirth are generally sold at a price Rp500.000,00. Bulls may give birth to 6x in a year with the number of children in each birth between 4-6 tails.
As for the child is, the sale price varies greatly depending on the style, age and weight. For example, rex rabbit children aged 1.5 months to sell about Rp50.000,00 - Rp80.000,00. While the old price of 3 months for sale Rp150.000,00.
As animal meat
Rex rabbit meat has a delicious taste high in protein but low cholesterol. That is why rabbit meat is in high demand in the culinary industry.
Domestically, rabbit meat is usually treated as a sort of menu as satay, tongseng or rabbit stew, with a gross selling price around Rp8.000,00 -. Rp15.000,00 per kilogram
abroad, the rex rabbit meat is a special menu offered and served in restaurants and luxurious hotels. From a 5kg standard size rabbit, the potential for meat to be sold are weighing 1.5 kg. Concerning the selling price on the international market of between $ 1-1.5 per kilogram.
Currently, the largest importing countries rex rabbit meat for food products are Italy, France, Brunei, Japan and Singapore.
as industrial raw material commodity mode
fur leather rex rabbit is thick and soft so desirable in the international market as a feedstock fashion products and accessories
According to the training of agricultural workers (BLPP) Ciawi -. Bogor, rabbit fur leather rex can be used as raw material for jackets, scarves, handbags, wallets, belts, jackets coating materials, up doll. rex rabbit fur bags
rex rabbit skins selling price ranges from the international market between $ 8-15 per leaf. If tanned, are more expensive, which is $ 18 per sheet.
For more information, the finished product rex rabbit skin seems to have a sale price which is quite high. An exclusive coats made from 20-30 sheets rex rabbit skins can be sold at a price of $ 3,000.
export markets and major consumers rex rabbit skins are Europe, Russia, America, North Asia. While the largest manufacturers in the world today is dominated by Hongkong, Taiwan and Japan South Korea.
Application rex rabbit skins on the market in Indonesia itself is in fact quite large. For example, Japan has a request at least 20,000 pieces / month. Singapore also to big enough to rabbit skin products, namely about 1000 pieces per week.
However, the figure is still unable to fulfill due to the small population and the small number of rabbits mengembangbiakannya farmers in large quantities.
likewise the previous comments on the rex rabbit profile. We hope you can add your insight on the types of rabbits and a variety of benefits.
Salam okdogi
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