Owning a dog is a pride for anyone who has it. No doubt, as a companion dog is very charming, funny, intelligent, and a pet pleasure in the world. Today, numerous types of dogs from a variety of races were very excited to be a pet. (Read: a popular breed of dog in the world)
Source www.aol.com
They usually consist the smallest breed of dog to the largest dog in addition there is also a long haired dog and be hairy. But for dog lovers who are beginners certainly be a loss to know how how to keep a good dog , so okdogi show effective ways to right and right to take care of him. Listen ya doglovers!
Best Dog Grooming
L Atih new dog you things
When you arrive home a new puppy, you have to get used to train your dog. Because basically the dog is not born in a state of well-trained. If you regularly perform these activities then see you as a coach and closest friends
In general, there are several things that must be done to train new dogs / puppies as an example :. Formed defecate or water small spaces. In addition, you can also train your puppy dog to defecate in the litter box that contains special sand for animal waste. By doing this training, it is not hard enough.
Source www.diy-dogtraining.com
Your role as a coach is just enough to give directions to your dog when he wants to throw fasesnya or urine. Do this activity on your elderly dog early so that later if their maturity will be very accustomed to doing.
Add foods that contain the nutrients in full
To treat a dog surely we needed to provide food with complete nutrition. Because of this very important and is used for growth of food contents of sempurna.Dalam with a complete diet can be generally classified as proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals in the right amount.
Source www .chelseadogs.com
Besides that puppies should be fed in the form of concentrates that she can receive all the necessary nutrients without overloading the digestive system. This time to look for needs in the dog's diet is quite difficult. (Read: things about dog food)
Generally, there are two types of dog food is quite good as dogfood packaging and home food. In packaging usually dogfood, you can determine the proper nutrition for your dog, as well as in the manufacture of homemade dog food will be easier to determine what nutrients.
Grooming your dog at the right time
the next thing you need to do is menggrooming your dog puppies at an early age. Because if these activities are often carried out when the dog is still smaller then when you are an adult dog, they will know. Apart from this, you must also note with any shampoo for your dog menggroming.
Source countryviewkennels.ie
Generally good shampoo to wash the dog shampoo that is pH balanced, around 7 and more, you shampoos should also avoid using perfumes and synthetic dyes because these materials can cause irritation of the skin of your dog. Therefore, you must use a specially formulated shampoo dog, usually this shampoo is available in various pet stores near your home.
Hair care is the recommended
This it is also very necessary to take care of your dog. because of dog hair is a crown of beauty for dogs that have a long fur. Therefore, you should tahui how to care for dog hair properly. Stages after grooming dog care, you must also know how to care for their feathers and what causes hair loss on the mantle.
Source anjingdijual.com
Usually after digrooming dog, you should always be combed regularly, so that the dog fur still beautiful and can also reduce the loss of the dog's fur factor. In addition to experience hair loss usually causes the dog dog has a problem in terms of care and do not insert the food. Plus there are other factors such as lack of vitamins and also allergic to him that the cause of dog hair often falls.
Well for those of you who do not want the dog's fur knows bad things like that, you should give them a regime of law and well balanced. Therefore pililah with the perfect nutritious food for your dog. But if your dog has suffered a loss of unknown cause, you must take your dog to the nearest vet your home.
brush your dog's teeth regularly
Brushing your dog's teeth is usually just as important as brushing your own teeth. Because of side effects if your dog has not brushed his teeth, then it will cause problems such as bad breath odor, plaque, tartar, gum problems, and even can cause problems digestive and heart disease.
source countryviewkennels.ie
Therefore, you must make it a habit to brush your dog's teeth with toothpaste and toothbrush specially for you dog, because if you use human toothpaste will have a negative impact on the dog's health.
Clean your dog's ears
Like humans, dog ears are not allowed to dirty. Because if it is allowed to have a serious effect on the health of your dog.
Source petshop.co.id
Therefore wash your dog's ears with a cotton swab use on wet with a special lotion dogs hewanLakukan used to store these activities on a regular basis once a week to prevent a variety of bacteria and fungi that attack your dog's ears.
cut your dog's nails
Like humans, the nail in dogs also will continue to grow. Basically nail a stray dog is not a dog in general nails will be eroded by itself, because they often walked on the sidewalks, asphalt and paving stones. But for home or pet dog, certainly not like stray dogs. Housedogs usually leave their nails until long though.
Now you get a dog for a home, you must cut your dog's nails if the nails are a little long. The function of the dog's nails are trimmed to counter bacteria (faeces), which in general is often attached to the dog's nails. Now to find out how to cut dog nails, you can use the special cutting tools for the dog's nails are available in many pet stores.
Source anjingdijual.com
my best advice when you cut your dog's nails are nails note section. Because part of the nail is called fast (see above photo) usually there are blood vessels, which is cut, there will be bleeding on her nails. Therefore, you should pay attention to clip your dog's nails. Tips from me should you cut your dog's nails in the part that says "cut here" its course to prevent bleeding, we do not want.
Take your dog to play and Sports
In care for dogs, exercise is also very necessary. Because it can help shape the dog's health. outside of this sport in dogs also help the healthy heart function in itself. Generally exercise in dogs can be treated with him in activities such as walks out of the house and ask him to play with a special court dog toy is available in pet stores.
Source sharingdisini.com
checkup dog to the vet regularly
Before you have a puppy Ideally, you already have a veterinarian candidate who will become your customers. Then when you get home a puppy, take him immediately to a veterinarian for a complete checkup.
Source anjingvibe.com
Ask the vet do a health schedule for her and do not forget to create a pleasant atmosphere, so that when you invite your dog to the vet he will feel more at ease without any fear.
Act vaccination to keep the health of your dog
vaccination is an essential activity in the treatment of dogs. The function of vaccination is to stimulate the immune shape to resist various diseases attacking your dog. Examples can spread dangerous diseases such as rabies, Flue, and other diseases.
Source www.homievetcare.com
With the vaccine, the disease can usually be avoided in such a manner. We recommend that when you have just a dog, live vaccines your dog to the vet immediately and do not forget to ask the exact timing for each time giving the vaccine routinely.
Praise if a dog you do the good and right
in the last step is very important. In general, dogs are animals who invented the intelligence very well compared to other types of pets. So, therefore, you must make your dog as a family member. If your dog is doing things and please, you must give words of praise for him.
But if he made a mistake or you are angry, then you need to act decisively to raise the alarm at that time, the direction of the strike call your dog can distinguish what makes you happy and those that could make you angry. However basically dogs always want to do things that are unpleasant for the human companions.
Hopefully this article can be useful for lovers of all dogs.
Salam okdogi
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