Different types of rabbit food and the benefits of becoming a decisive factor for the success of a person in the breeding of rabbits. Good food rabbit pellets as vegetable waste or manufactured, all have different qualities which the content of different nutrients. Therefore, the quality of various types of foods that contribute to the success of rabbits, especially rabbit meat type.
There are several types of rabbits that lately many breeding both types of rabbit meat and rabbit decoration There are varieties of Flemish Giant rabbit, New Zealand White Satin Rex, Angora, and others would require the kind of food that are not the same. The point kind of rabbit food must be suitable to the rabbit itself, including the dose or the volume of food to give each day.
types of food services that can be given to your rabbit
Like all ruminants in general, rabbits also love this kind of green food, there including grass and vegetables. But keep in mind that there are several types of grass and vegetables are not suitable for rabbit's digestive system, causing diarrhea. For more details on the type of rabbit food and its benefits, the following types of food recommended for rabbits.
The nutritional needs of rabbits can be met by several types of vegetables, not only nutrients, vegetables are also in the water to improve the digestion. To test if these vegetables are safe, we give small portions first. If rabbit droppings does not mean software vegetables is sure to be given. Then, we simply add the part gradually.
vegetables for www.binkybunny.com rabbits
There are many types of vegetables which are generally fed to rabbits with low calcium levels. Keep in mind, the higher the calcium content, the best vegetables to feed the rabbits tersbeut
The following examples are :.
- Leaves peppers (6 mg)
- romaine lettuce (20 mg)
- carrot + sheets (30 mg)
- lettuce Bokor (38 mg)
- Watercress (40 mg)
- Broccoli (42 mg)
- beet leaves (46 mg)
- mustard Leaf (58 mg)
- parsley and celery (78 mg)
- cabbage leaves (94 mg)
- dandelion leaves (103 mg)
- leaves Radish (105 mg )
- Chicory Leaf (180 mg), etc.
rabbits fruit can also be fed. But the fruit is not the kind of food that is the main rabbit, nature as a snack. Like vegetables, not all the pieces was given to rabbits. In other words, there are many types of fruits that can actually bring the sick rabbit. Type of fruit that is not suitable to feed the rabbit is usually because the fruit sugar content is too high to disturb the balance of microorganisms in cecum .
cutter rabbits
fruit is good for rabbit food is a type of fruit that is high in fiber. One last thing, before the fruits were given in the rabbit must be cut into small pieces first. This is so that they can be easier to eat all at once so that the digestive process is not too "heavy". Examples of good fruits for rabbits include: strawberry, banana, pear, grapes (seeded), apples (seeded), pineapple, papaya and Rasberry
[the types of rabbit food, grass is the main food of rabbits. In the grass fibers contained effective to prevent blockage of the gastrointestinal tract in rabbits. The grass is also good for the growth of teeth to chew food.
There are many types of grass around us and there was a kind of nice to feed the rabbits. A type of grass that is suitable to feed the rabbit is a kind of Timothy Hay . We easily get that grass in dry conditions in a pet store nearby. In fact, we can also give the grass growing around the yard of the house. It's just that we need to ensure that the grass is not contaminated by pesticides or other harmful substances.
Pellets (Food Made)
rabbit pellets www.yourpetswarehouse .com
In addition to food natural such as vegetables, fruits and grass, concentrated granules are made specifically to feed the rabbits. Typically, pellets or artificial feeds is the nutritional content was adjusted to the growth of a rabbit with the usage rules based on the age of the rabbit.
Just as the grass Timothy Hay , we can get rabbit pellets in a pet store nearby. But if a pellet was given as a snack only, meaning not too often given to the top of the supply of natural foods.
Rabbits are basically very fond of carrots, feed type is a high quality diet for type of rabbit. Benefits as well as the content of the diet is very good to help all health forms Rabbit. for content in the cores include: There are plenty of high vitamin A 12,000 Sl, Kal Calories 42, fat 0.3 g, 1.2 grams protein, 9.3 grams carbohydrates, 39 milligrams calcium, 0.8 milligrams of iron, 6 milligrams of vitamin C, 0.06 mg of vitamin B1.
carrots for rabbits
carrots Efficiency
carrot leaves - according to research conducted by the carrot leaves contain beta-carotene to increase sex hormones in rabbits
carrot roots -. carrot roots strengthen liver function, launched urinary tract, forming the body's resistance to protect the body of toxins, and as well as expel unnecessary chemicals
Vitamin A - . vitamin A that is in the content of carrots has properties that enhance sight to the eyes of rabbits. vitamin A Selebih can also accelerate the wound healing process and can remove all forms of cancer cell growth in rabbits.
In granting this meal schedule is one day enough with carrot sticks under the leaves. The power function is also very good for pregnant and lactating rabbits. We recommend for rotten or used in stored carrots in the refrigerator should not be used for feeding rabbits, as this would endanger the health of the rabbit.
This power is said types of food that is good for rabbits consumed. The content of papaya has more vitamin A SI 18250, 0.15 mg vitamin B1, vitamin C140 mg, Kal 79 calories, 8.0 milligrams of protein, 2 grams fat, 11.9 g carbohydrates, iron, 0.8 milligrams of calcium 253 milligrams, 63 milligrams of phosphorous, 75.4 grams of water, and 2 grams of fat.
content of Isabelle carposide papaya very effective for treatment to rabbits. In the diet of this type require to dry papaya leaves for 4 hours, because if the leaves are wet basis (costs) will be made and itchy throat caused for rabbits.
feed each is also very beneficial to the health of the rabbit and said type of quality food for this species. Sweet potato contains a good enough that their 81.1 Energy (kj / 100gram), 2.4% sugar, dietary fiber 1.6%, 1.43% protein, 22.4% starch, 51% phosphorus (mg / 100gram), 29% of calcium (mg / 100gram), vitamin A 0.01% (mg / 100gram), 0.49% iron (mg / 100gram), 83.3% g of water, vitamin B 1 0.09% (mg / 100gram), vitamin C 24% (mg / 100gram).
efficiency on sweet potatoes among others, able to absorb the fat and cholesterol in the blood that had rabbit. It can also prevent constipation and ease flatulence and defecation. Giving dedicated sweet potato as a food supplement for rabbits, which should be given 1 week.
Tomatoes are a source of vitamins A and C for rabbits. standard quality of food is very nice and helpful per 100 grams of tomatoes sufficient 20% or more of vitamin C and vitamin A in a day.
tomato Efficiency
- accelerate wound healing which is owned rabbits.
- maintaining healthy gums and teeth in rabbits.
- As an anti-oxidant.
- For the health of the organ of vision (eye).
- Help the rabbit immune system of the body.
- Increase the growth and reproduction which is owned rabbits.
- avoid or ward off bleeding blood vessels smooth.
due tomatoes contain ammonia or could refer to a chemical compound with the formula NH3 which can cause an odor tida tasty). So because of that tomatoes are not I recommend as the main power supply (per day) for rabbits.
In pemeberian tomatoes are proposed for the occasion and ensure the supply of tomato in rabbits only at certain times such as constipation rabbit disease, This power is an additional charge for the production of rabbit pellets. Schedule well enough two weeks supply.
supply of this type is very nutritious for your rabbit, broccoli is a vegetable that is formed in the cabbage kubisan tribe that contains such glucoraphanin, vitamin A, potassium, vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and large quantities of fiber. Glukorafanin Broccoli contains a compound which has a natural form of anti-cancer compounds. efficiency in addition to the type of power is.
- Given the content of sufficiently high glucoraphanin, will help health jatung rabbits.
- Given the amount of vitamin A in broccoli, it really effective to sharpen the view.
- Broccoli is also capable of maintaining the health pecernaan rabbits.
- With vitamin C and E, broccoli is very beneficial for the treatment of kehatan skin and fur on ornamental rabbits.
- Broccoli also able to face (avoid) rabbit excessive depressed.
Since the supply of this type is a lot of content that are beneficial to the health of rabbit and had no adverse effects at all, So to plan broccoli supply in rabbits, suggested giving him
Demikan a kind of rabbit food, we hope we can add lovers insight and start rabbit breeders.
Thanks, friends okdogi wishes
- treatment rabbits puppies less than two months
- The food aid should be given to rabbits
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