One of the reasons why the tortoise is still used as a pet is the ability of their long life. Even for specific types can live to be hundreds of years. For a turtle that has a very long life, appropriate treatment should be done early. Even since the new turtles broken eggs should be treated well.
mandatory daily care for turtles
In general, care for seedlings turtle in adulthood patience required. The goalkeeper should know some important factors that turtles in their care can thrive. Here how to take care of turtles right and some things other base must be mastered.
Habitat is right
Habitat is good for -kura turtles is habitat that contains several important elements. The first is the presence of clean water for the turtle to swim, eat and drink. Further habitat must have the appropriate temperature. If you take care of the turtles in the aquarium, make sure the temperature is between 26-27 degrees Celsius. Furthermore the turtle must also mendapatan UV habitat to be able to synthetic vitamin D.
Keep the habitat has adequate water wide. When the turtles are still small, given the size of the hull of the water. Then give a heap of stones that can be used for turtles bask in the day. For those of you who are not shining UV lights, put the aquarium in the sun for a while.
Food and Diet
The turtle is an omnivore that will eat anything alone, both vegetables and meat. In his diet in the wild, turtles usually eat insects, worms or other green vegetation which offers many advantages, especially for the shell. When the turtles are still puppies, especially under the age of 7 months, some foods can be given below:
- blood fluke. The size is very small and full of nutrients are growth and development thus faster turtles.
- Flick-Wiggler.
- special pellets puppies turtle. generally small enough but has a lot of beneficial nutrients.
- raw shrimp cut into small pieces. Source of essential insects substitution of proteins that are often the prey when in the wild.
- Goldfish are small to form hunting turtles in the pond.
When the turtle begins to mature and age to more than 7 months, you can give the following foods.
- meat fish immediately in dice.
- Cricket was thrown head and legs.
- worms are still alive.
- Granules turtles. Do not be too because it can cause obesity in the turtle.
- green leafy vegetables that contain lots of calcium. The supply of these vegetables will support the development of a turtle shell.
- The fresh fruit. Banana and papaya can help digestion turtle to run correctly. Bear fruit too, so that the pool water is not dirty easily.
above spot would support the diet of the big turtle. These animals may be able to eat a lot. But it would be better to give him something that is obviously useful to avoid the risk of death. (Read: healthy food menu for turtles).
all turtles not run into hibernation. However, for this kind of Hermann Tortois are still whatever the circumstances. The turtles that exist in the result is usually overeat until hibernation cycle stalled. If you keep the kind of turtle Hermann Tortois provide a container box in the aquarium where they sleep and spend time in silence. Keep the temperature is set below 10 degrees Celsius for hibernate so good.
Diseases and manipulation
Turtles lot of disruption in the body for the growth of saplings to the adult. Usually the disease is a disorder that often appears diarrhea. The dirty water in the aquarium a lot of E. coli bacteria to emerge and interfere with digestion turtles when they eat or drink.
turtle disease
The disturbance is the next defective or soft shell. To solve this problem, you need to put the turtles in the sun. The turtles usually make synthesis of vitamin D in the body when exposed to sunlight. Furthermore, no appetite are symptoms that are signs of a chronic disease in the intestines or other internal organs. The treatment of this disease is the treatment of veterinary although a very small chance of recovery.
Marriage Ritual
turtles mating ritual bit brutal. Usually, the female turtles will experience some of the wounds on the body due to the male turtle behavior. In the breeding season, adult males turtles being very aggressive and often makes women so that distress. In special cases, women can suffer serious injuries.
turtles mating rituals
When the turtle you started to get into the coupling. Daily checks once every afternoon, especially in the female turtles. If there are pauses, then immediately download and treated to avoid getting worse. After mating, female turtles placed in a container that has a hot sand are easily dug up to lay eggs.
eggs and hatching of
After going through the ritual of marriage rather strong, female turtles instinctively look easy sand excavated. Having found the right place, they will soon enter their eggs before finally covered again with soil. In nature, these eggs will be immediately abandoned and vulnerable to predation by predators.
After learning of their eggs in the sand, you can pick it up and put the eggs in an incubator at a temperature of between 26-32 degrees Celsius. Leave the eggs in there for a few months, but check the humidity every day. Usually in the days to 0-0 eggs begin to hatch.
Such a complete description associated how to take care of turtles puppies to adults. Hope can add pegetahuan you.
Salam okdogi
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