Aside from the popularity of cow milk consumption, kambingpun now started a large number of fans. Many who consume goat's milk Etawa who thought he had many advantages. What difference Etawa milk with cow's milk?
milk benefits Etawa via
The research stated that goat milk contains the most complete structure and the protein and the composition is similar to breast milk, which makes it possible for the baby to receive a goat milk compared to cow's milk.
it took more time for our bodies to digest cow's milk about 2-3, while goat milk can be digested in just 20 minutes. Indeed, the composition and structure of fat soft goat milk than cow's milk, also makes it easier to mix more evenly. Now many well-known breed of dairy goats Etawa because it is in fact the most productive breeding milk. We will discuss some of the benefits of goat milk Etawa.
12 Advantages and efficiency Etawa full of milk that has been proven many properties
1. Strengthening bones
strengthens bones, prevents the calcification calcification of the bones to bone loss in older people and prevent (osteoporosis), because goat's milk is a source of calcium and tryptophan, an amino acid. Calcium in milk is more Etawa that in cow's milk. In the content of Etawa Sodium bio-organic milk are useful for keeping joints flexible and healthy.
2. respiratory drugs
As a drug for patients with prnapasan disorders, such as tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. This is because milk contains Flourin Etawa and Betakasein. In addition, the fat in goat milk is lower so it does not accumulate as happened in cow's milk, which led to the accumulation of lenders in people who consume cow's milk so it is not suitable for people with respiratory problems.
drug respiratory disorder
3. Good for people with diabetes
In Etawa milk it is the A2-betakasein content and amino acid esensia which serve to help the pancreas to produce insulin which is useful for diabetics.
4. Improve pecernaan system and lose weight
Etawa Milk has the ability to calm the digestive tract because it contains short chain fatty protein that is easily digested and does not irritate the bowel. alkaline minerals help neutralize the acid in the stomach (chronic gastritis).
In addition, in many cases, can cure allergies in the baby's digestive tract that causes the allergy to cow's milk it. Goat's milk can also suppress effectively and appropriately hunger for weight loss (diet). Good protein helps burn fat faster, so drink after meals.
5. Do not cause allergies
Goat milk does not cause allergies like cow's milk because it contains no complex proteins . Lactoglobulin protein cow's milk contained in cow's milk is the suspected cause of allergies that occur. As to replace them with soy milk, but there was about 20-50% of infants are even allergic to soy milk.
Therefore Etawa milk is recommended as a substitute for cow's milk because it is more easily accepted and nutritional content are also more complete compared with soy milk. Bubble fat in the milk Etawa belongs only 1/9 of cow's milk, such as irritation of the intestines can be avoided.
6. Antiseptic
The high fluorine content in the milk Etawa approximately 10-100 times greater than that of cow's milk, useful as an antiseptic natural and can help eliminate the breeding of bacteria in the body.
7. Contains essential fatty acids
Etawa Goat milk contains about 35% essential fatty acids is higher compared to cow's milk which is only about 17%. In addition, the more pronounced if Etawa effectiveness milk drunk in a state that has always believed, even for those who are lactose intolerant. Antimicrobial fatty acids such as caprylic and capric acid present in the milk Etawa also useful to improve the digestive system.
8. Good for people with high blood pressure, cholesterol and heart
There is a myth that goat milk should not be consumed by people with hypertension (high blood pressure), but this is false. It is precisely the content of potassium (potassium) contained in the milk Etawa it is used to control blood pressure, lower levels of blood cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke and help prevent inflammation of blood vessels (atherosclerosis). It also contains MCTs (Medium Chain Trygliseride) that helps heal those affected by stroke.
9. Feed the skin
Milk Etawa also be used as skin care products such as soaps, masks and scrubs. Etawa milk content is useful to smooth the skin and reduce pores - pores in the face so that the skin is free from problems such as acne. It can also be used for people who have allergies on skin.
Etawa benefits of milk to the skin via
10. The benefits for the brain
cow's milk does not contain a pre-form of vitamin a which is owned by dairy Etawa, pre-form of vitamin a is more easily absorbed and stored in the body. Cholesterol is essential for maintaining the health of myelin in the brain, unlike cholesterol in cow's milk, the cholesterol present in the milk Etawa absorbed faster, more beneficial way for the body and brain. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and B3 in the Etawa milk have the ability to develop brain cells and cells of the nervous system so it is good for children's intelligence and reduce the frequency of migraine attacks, and that an energy boost when you're on a diet.
11. High protein content
The protein content in the milk Etawa greater than cow's milk, is second after the eggs and almost equivalent to the cow. Thus, doctors recommend to give the goat milk in newly weaned children, given the risk of allergy due to a complex protein and lactose content is low, minimizing the effects of allergies and diarrhea. Can also be taken by pregnant women because it can smooth milk.
12. The content of other nutrients are also beneficial
Contains cynokobalamin HB forming agent that is useful for patients with thalassemia, dengue fever, and 'anemia. There is also the enzyme xanthine oxidase and niacin (vitamin B3) which serves to overcome the cancer or tumor cells and may also be used to reduce the effects of toxins resulting from chemotherapy.
Whoa, so the benefits of Etawa milk. Indeed, many say drinking it raw, the new alias milked. But it is rarely sold milk directly after milking, most exist only in the areas close to the farm. In addition, pure milk lovers Etawa very least, given the unpleasant smell, smells even goats and the reluctance of people to drink raw milk because they are afraid of bacteria. While many are sold are Etawa of milk processed or cooked so no fishy smell of goat again, there is even the product as bubuknyadan stay brewed.
Well, even if it has been treated, efficiency and involves the same anyway with a virgin. What is important in the routine we drink 1 glass per day. Etawa milk prices are more expensive than cow's milk, but the efficiency and steering wheel with its content exceeding the comparable milk cow.
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