hamster pet is a very cute and adorable. The shape is attractive, aggressive, and has a shy nature make an animal attracted many people to maintain and made friends play. In general, hamsters have some kind, they have a variety of colors, feathers and all kind of different characters. Currently, many market that sells hamsters.
source mediabnr.com
Generally, each type of hamster has a different price. Because each cutting prices on a hamster that based on its quality and also jenisnya.Untuk you who want to know the price of hamster in fact, you can make inquiries on the market of ornamental animals that have been providing various types hamsters.
But how will certainly spend your time, especially for those of you who are busy and work productivity. So therefore we okdogi.com will help those who want to know the different price list hamster all types sold on the market. Ok are listened hamster lovers
The market price of the hamsters in Indonesia
normal Roborovski: Rp.28,000 - 35,000
Roborovski White Face: Rp. 45000-55000
long Syrian hair Aka Angora: 20,000 - 25,000
normal Syrian: 10.000 to 15.000
Whinter White Pearl: 25,000 - Rp 30,000
Whinter normal white: 15.000 to 25.000
Whinter white Shapire: 20.000 to 32.000
Whinter Blue white Argente: 25.000 to 37.000
Whinter white Violet: Rp.22.000 - 27.000
Whinter white Purple Dorsal: Rp.24.000 - 29.000
Whinter white Pearl Red Eye: Rp.85-000 - 93.000
Whinter Blanc white gold ear Rp. 45000-55000
Whinter white Red Eyes: Rp.60.000 - 76.000
Whinter Golde White Black ear: Rp.26.000 - 33.000
Hybrid Violet: 20.000 to 35.000
Hybrid Violet Red Eye: 25.000 to 45.000
Hybrid Golden Black Eye: Rp.26.000 - 44.000
Hybrid or Red Eye: Rp.45.000 - 50,000
Hybrid yellow Pearl online Red Eye: Rp.55.000 - 60.000
Hybrid yellow line Perle: Rp.46.000 - 55.000
Hybrid Red Eye Bead: 35000-45000
Hybrid Blue Argente: Rp.21.000 - 34.000
Hamster chincilia: Rp 0,000
Chinese dwarf hamster: Rp 215,000
Fancy Mouse:.. Rp 95,000
Female Dumbo Rat. Rp 185,000
Male Dumbo Rat Rp 10,000
Female Fancy Bear Hamster. Rp 300,000
Female Fancy Rat.. Rp 145,000
Female gerbil. Rp 162,000
Female Guinea Pig: Rp 400,000
Female Robo dwarf hamster.. Rp 175,000
Tips for buying a quality hamster
for anyone want to keep the hamster hamsters certainly want to have good health and quality. Well that Okdogi.com provide a variety of interesting tips for choosing quality herbs and healthy hamsters.
Specify the type of hamster
Before you buy a hamster, you must first determine the hamster you want to buy. Because you first define if it will not be confused when later buy them in the store. My advice anyway, if you are just learning to keep the hamster should buy you a campble types of hamster. Because in addition to its affordable price is cheaper, hamsters also a more aggressive character, easy to grow and also has good endurance than other types of hamsters. (Read: This type of hamster in the world)
The exact time when buying a hamster
It is most pengting for those want to buy a hamster. I suggest you buy a hamster at night. Because basically hamsters are nocturnal animals are active at night. Thus, the function of what you can find out where hamsters are active and which hamsters are lazy.
Generally hamsters are active tend to have better health than hamsters slacker. Therefore, you should not choose the wrong sanpai in buying a hamster.
Any food for hamsters
This is also very important for you to know. Before buying a hamster you want, you should ask the seller before the hamster. Ask the seller what foods are good for granted in daily hamsters.
The food should be given hamster hamsters have a healthy and active body is a food that is a composition of sunflower seeds, cereals, miled, broken corn rice and concentrates, other than of course hamster membuthkan vitamins for animal feed. (Read: tau hamster food research)
Well the price of hamster and various tips on how to choose a hamster already described herein. yes Hopefully useful.
warm okdogi.com
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