As we know, the hamster comes from the desert and did not know the water. Hamsters are sensitive to water animals. So much confused pal sure how clean the hamster because in general to clean the animal with water. We are also human beings to clean with water that is bathing
Step -. Step process bathe hamsters
Well for you who keep hamsters actually quite profitable because there are so many problems because you do not need to bathe hamsters. Hamster was always clean all the time as long as we can maintain a good condition and clean cages with sawdust and foremost, you have to be very diligent in exchange for sawdust used in use also useful to maintain cleanliness and beauty of fur. Hamsters will clean more we can help by providing a bath Special hamsters sand.
Well the sand, the sand what the heck? Like what? And how to clean the hamster using the sand? Very easy pal! Listen ya!
1. Friends must prepare specifically for hamsters sand bath.
using sand Zeolite can mate Typically found in pet-shop. Pal could also buy another animal bathing shop much sand and varied scent like lavender, apple, lemon, orange and others. Friends can choose as desired favorite buddy or hamster. After buying my friend had to prepare things, namely:
- Establish a sand bath as I explained. If my friend carry sand zeolite, my friend can add talc powder or baby hamster also special in it. This powder helps to create a perfume hamster and prevent fleas in hamsters.
There are three types of zeolite sand is sand with a very small size and smooth, medium-sized sand and sand with the largest size. Usually made of sand that were relatively small
-. Prepare a bath for pouring the sand bath and shower for the hamster. The place could use a bath to eat or shovel or bucket is small but if you want, my friend could also buy a bath for the hamster in pet-shop or Carrefour
2. If everything is prepared we clean hamsters bestowed us one way:
- Make sure the shower that will be used yes total net
- the sand must be filtered before yes, can use a tea strainer or milk .. coconut Point of dust and fine sand could be wasted. In case of dust contact with hamster eyes, hamsters can SMTH and if it hit the nose, this dust is inhaled by a hamster that makes hamsters nose so clogged and dangerous to the lungs of hamsters, the result can shorten the life of a hamster
-. After that, pour the sand bath in a shower is used. Do not have much, about half of the body until the hamster. But if you use a bath that you buy specifically for hamsters usually measuring 2 cm heck of a pedestal height of the shower. Because the hamster likes to dig in the sand so the sand was so red in the shower or the toilet
-. Then enter the friend hamster slowly and gently in the shower so
-. Then let the hamster to play with the sand. Hamsters will roll by itself, because it is comfortable and happy clean itself let alone have the scent in love hamsters
-. Hamster automatically finish cleaning itself can see my friend the hamster was already bored or want to get out of the bathroom. When finished, put the hamster in the cage with gentleness and love of course hehe ..
- If the hamster friend could not swim, my friend can swim by putting it in the shower while watering his body with sand but the heart careful not to hit his head. While in the flush as he stroked her body so that feces is. When finished, return the hamster cage
- .. To the Syrian hamster who has long hair, having bathed in grooming can just combing the hair with a comb fingers rarely not stuck in the hamster's fur
how? So easy is it not? Simple once! Hehe ..
But there will surely come upon you like a buddy example of hamster was not satisfied with such a hamster bath or a hamster when it is too bad and dirty that my usual buddy can also swim with water, but there are certain things that must be noted once when my friend wanted to bathe with water.
the main thing that is important is that you must know how your old hamster. Because if you want to bathe with water, your hamster minimum of 5 months. Unless the age of the immune system is not strong enough hamsters. Never try to bathe a hamster under the age of 5 months.
Can I explain the steps bathe hamsters. Ok, see ya again
1. This should be prepared :.
- The hamster bath can be a small bucket or shovel or a special bath hamsters sold in pet-shop or Carrefour
- Prepare hot water. Not too hot, anyway the point is not cold, but does not cool as well. Tests kehangaan with your fingernails, as it is usually hot water for nails not so hot nor cold
-. Prepare baby shampoos that are not sore eyes or a special shampoo hamster
-. Prepare a small towel to dry easily absorb water
- Prepare a damp cloth for the baby
- .. Prepare a hairdryer or commonly known with hairdryer
2. Any the equipment is ready? Let us bathe hamsters with extreme caution
- If a shower that already meet in hot water is ready, remove the desired hamster, grasp it with a little tight in fear while being bathed in hamster memgannya suddenly run or jump, but also with gentleness and love, it is very important yes
-. Then slowly pour a little hot water from the neck means do not let the head of the hamster. Remember, yes, just a little water. Then rub gently until the body basically seen uniformly wet hamster. Do not soak in water directly hamster because hamsters can contract pneumonia that often occurs or any other disease and one to one hamster that you might die
-. Pour the shampoo in PAL finger like a drop or two drops of shampoo and then rubbed evenly in the body of hamster though slightly rub gently to defecate. Do not be too long as well and remember, do not hit her head
-. Rub with the finished shampooing, rinse again with warm water it. Bilasnya also while rubbing so shampoonya quickly disappear from the body and not too much water bearing. Do not let the shampoo remain in his body. Note the skin covered with feathers still afraid because the shampoo has left many scars
- .. When finished, dry with a dry towel which was prepared
- Then wipe with a damp cloth that has been prepared well. Can be rubbed on the head at home not to hit the eye. Rub slowly and carefully. The point for more clean and sterile hamster is fragrant
-. Then dry again immediately with a hair dryer or a hair dryer. Wind also be tight. Poor drying and hamstr also quickly feel warm
- .. Can also put the zeolite sand mengkiatkan fur hamster
-. Restore hamster in the cage again
Not hard swim huh? He has been very careful. But the use of water for the hamster is critical. I suggest try not to bathe a hamster with water. Just a small error in the wash water can be fatal. regret later, you know. So, let the hamsters are not really dirty, diligent cleaning the cage yes! ?. The made my
slightly additional pet hamster has a beautiful coat, clean and fragrant may also be a way:
1. Vitamin
friends can leave a pal hamster regularly, but also depends on the hair hamster state. Because there is a wide variety of vitamins that can be given in accordance with the requirements fur hamster
-. If the fur looks pretty healthy, clean and does not smell, my friend does not need to give vitamin. But it may also be to maintain the quality of the fur giving drops of vitamins such as vitamin Hamvit or Hemsflex
-. If the feathers are often considered wet, autumn and smell, it could happen because of malnutrition or its genes are ugly. Friends can give pal hamster vitamin Derma-Gel. Vitamins such as drugs that can increase endurance and nutrition. And also my friend should provide regularly vitamin Hemsflex on his drink
-. Hamster problematic in better health outcomes of the given vitamin Hemsflex in Hamvit compare, because vitamin Hemsflex containing Lysine. And also should be given regularly Vita-Gel.
2. Powder
If my friend wants to make the hamster fragrant buddy, my friend can give hamsters mate with special hamster powder or it could be baby powder through sprinkle some on his body because the hamster loves to lick her body so that most can become poisoned and no contact with the head. If the cage mate wear sawdust, can also sprinkle some on top of the cage, because it contains sulfur powder that can absorb the unpleasant smell of mud hamster. By providing the powder can also prevent the occurrence of fleas, you know.
Ok, let hamster buddy always healthy, lively, fragrant and beautiful and yet beautiful, yes!
Good luck!
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