As we know, a cat urine odors because more substances in it could harm our sofa bed linen pets and even more than that would cause health issues. Not that we do not want to throw the bed sheets, blankets, pillows or exposed to the urine of animals every day?
Each owner of a cat is likely to face problems like this because of ignorance, we will talk. But do not worry, once we know the cause, we can surely find a solution. Read this article to learn how we can solve the problem of urine.
Source of cat urine problem
If MPU suddenly started to pee small house, whereas before it never did, the first thing we must consider is his health. This could be a sign of disease, we must be aware of the signs that appear. These signs may include:
- Excessive consumption (Possible indicates diabetic cats)
- There are traces of blood in the urine
- The smell urine is too pungent smell .. more than usual to show signs of dehydration infections, cystitis or bladder and urinary disturbance.
If we suspect a disease or injury, consult a veterinarian.
pee recklessly or mark territory with urine odor
cats are driven by instinct and not emotions so that when the cat started peeing recklessly or begin to "mark" their territory with urine, it is a signal that the cat is angry over there is a cause. Not because they are naughty or unruly, but they felt "threatened" by something.
To solve the problem and to prevent this happening, it is very important for us to investigate the cause. Unfortunately, many cats discharged for allegedly "rogue" by the owner, but not the cause. We as a cat lover should understand these issues and cats instead scolded, let alone throw it.
pissed cat as a sign tetorial
Pee recklessly to mark their territory is a form of communication with other cats. Cat urine contains pheromones that send a warning to other cats to stay away from their territory or to attract a mate during breeding season.
marking territory is essential for cats, as "blind pee" took place in the house, it could be this is a sign that the cat feels threatened and needs to feel confident to reiterate its claim their territory
Read :. 7 unique personalized cat is often a problem of man
Therefore, we must do is find the cause. Are there other cats in the house? Or a stray cat that eats our cat food? Finding the root of the problem, we can get a perfect solution to prevent the action of "pee recklessly east.
Clean and remove cat urine odor
Unfortunately, once a cat pee us somewhere, they return to this place to pee again. The reason for the usual cleaning method, rinse and gave him a little soap still leave pheromone there.
To clean cat pet urine, we must eliminate all bacteria, enzymes and pheromones are stubborn and difficult to remove, although the old urine is dry and odorless for human senses
rid of cat pee smell
There are many products that can be used to eliminate odors in the same time the substances in the urine of cat thoroughly. Choose products with merisetnya advance so our cat pee still. Make them feel comfortable so they do not need to take steps "to pee indiscriminately" may pollute the aroma environment in our homes.
Stress and anxiety can be a major cause increased intensity of urination and acts 'recklessly pee' earlier. Some cats are more sensitive to change than others, even the slightest change in their routine can make them angry and feel taka man in our homes. This encourages them to urinate around the house to spread the smell of their own so that they feel safe.
stress chat
Changes that can cause cat disorders of the soul and causes stress problems include:
- the arrival of a new pet
- stray cats around the house that make them feel threatened
- changes in the home environment, such as .. the decor or the arrival of new furniture.
- changes in the daily routine.
over time, the cat will get used to the change and harmful actions such as "pee carelessly 'stop. However, some cats need our help to adapt to the new situation.
How to train a cat to defecate
Sometimes the urine problem simply arises because we do not train a cat to our favorite "know" their sandbox, so they look elsewhere for waste water, or they deliberately avoid. The problems that can cause the cat to avoid the sand box, among others:
- The size of the sandbox is false
- Cats we feel trapped in it (to the comfortable)
- the sandbox layout too close to them to eat, a lot has happened to the cat race.
- sandbox felt strange (chemical smell and plastic or paint).
in fact, many things that can make them avoid a sand box and each cat is different temperament, we as owners have to pay more attention to their behavior to know nature and signs that can make our instincts sharper in understanding the animal's problem we chat.
Read: 4 types of sand that can be used to poop and cat pee
three steps that must be done regularly
1. Pay attention to their behavior - if the cat is seen running kepojokan wall or scrape the carpet, it is usually a sign if they wanted to pee then immediately raise the litter box to get them used to pee in the litter box, you must do several times until they understand
2. Kandangi cat - Supports cat at home for 1 week and place the litter box she, too, inevitably cat pee in the litter box for 1 week. Usually the cat will pee in the same place when they get used to it fetches litter box when you want to pee.
3. chat Age -. Teach them when I was little because when they get to maturity very difficult to teach, but not too late if you teach regularly the above steps
Hopefully this article can be useful each of us.
Salam okdogi
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