bengal cat is a cat resulting from a cross between a cat asia with domestic shorthaired cat by renowned scientists. This is done in an effort to introduce the cats stray cats natural immunity can be affected by leukemia virus.
However, the project failed, it attracted a lot of cat lovers in America at that time. According to data obtained, the results of the cat's temperament is not stable so it still has the wild cats in general.
After the scientists conduct a selective breeding program with several others such as race abysinian cat, british shorthair, bombay, and lack Egyptian. At the end of crossing result produced a cat named leopardette. Which was officially accepted as a new race in the 1980s
In 1991 when TICA (The International Assocation of paint) to accept the arrival cat breed as state championship, but with some cats reserves must be born four generations. TICA is done to check if the cat was really mild or wild nature.
In addition, various combinations of other cats such as Fife and GCCF also recognized the cat as a standard race that has been developed and accepted in combination, however, all cat associations receive race cat, as the CFA does not recognize this cat breed cat, based on the policies it has established that cats resulting Wildcats crosses are not accepted in the association.
If you want to have a quiet chat and too graciously, then bengal cat is not very suitable for you. Although these cats are very affectionate and loyal to their owners, but bengal has so much energy and love to play with their owners. Bengal cat usually want disektarnya still interact with people, and also need a friend in the neighborhood.
treesbengal cat cat who is very athletic other cats, other than that they are also very agile and hobbies or climbing high places though. A feature that is very special bengal cat is intelligence.
They always want to know what their owners do, or new things to see. Unlike most other cats, bengal cats are still interact with the environment, for example, he was very happy to play with water. Bengal cat with powerful jaws, sharp nails, muscular athleticism and quick reflexes as he provided a descent that leopard cats.
Physical characteristics
Bengal had a driving fur is very pretty and charming with a form of muscular athletic body and in his body. If you expect these animals, indirectly you bring into your home atmosphere of the forest. Wow? It is interesting and unique is not! Furthermore bengal cat pattern was not like other types of cats in general. Bengal has a pattern like a wildcat with a pattern like spoted, rosseted, and marble. According to the Association TICA recognized several colors are brown, lynx point seal, mink, sepia and silver.
The pattern contrast visible pen on a bengal cat, he will receive very good value, if the cat is included in the cat show organized by the association. But unlike the assessments on other associations, if the cat is still visible characters bengal bobcat then it would score very badly on the competition.
Well, if you are interested in having this chat? if you are interested in keeping the cat bengal, you can see tips on cat care bengal below
The primary treatment of bengal cats
Clean and bathe -. If you have a bengal cat, preferably, should be diligent to clean your bathing bengal cat. Bengal have naturally elegant freckles, but if you are not routine cleaning and washing feathers on this cat would not be pretty again. (Read: how to bathe your cat home alone)
Combing cat - Use a comb to tidy the Bengal cat's fur, the famous Bengal with the pattern on the coat will be attractive if you often paint. The combing operations fur on Bengal also be able to help eliminate fleas on the cat
activity is enough -. You should also be sure to provide enough activity in your bengal cats. Because bengal cat is a cat who is active and very energetic than other types of cats. . Usually bengal appreciate their owners walk the yard and play
Provide toys - Provides toys on bengal cat is required. Because it is in compliance with the cat's personality. you must provide a safe toy for cats that you Bengal because bengal will undertake activities as dangerous any bravery
do eat -. Provide foods containing nutrients perfectly so the bengal cat you can still maintain stamina and spirit. Generally famous bengal cat with a very energetic character, then fit the model of the best food for your cat bengal. in general, you can choose the best food in various pet stores bengal cat dengat your home. (Read: understand good food for cats)
Playing with water - Because bengal cats love the water, so if you see a cat amazed those of water, you must not disturb her. Because it is a pleasure he had. But not too long to play with water, because it will make your cat is exposed to smoke.
About bengal cat already described.
Can be useful catlovers.
Greetings okdogi
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