For the layman who wants to keep a ferret, will certainly ask how tame a wild ferret? Basically ferret pet is not easy, because in this case the necessary courage and patience and diligence.
Musang which is still wild normally have a ferocious character (stern) and also did not hesitate to bite anyone around him. So then this is where courage is needed. In general, to tame ferrets that we are required to match the right way to succeed. Then, the following steps are appropriate and effective to tame a wild ferret.
4 basic principles necessary to tame ferrets
Before step how how to tame ferrets are still wild, you have to know some of these first principles first.
Remove the fear
The essential principle is that you must have when they want to tame the wild weasel is, throw your fear. Because the more you afraid of wild ferrets, ferrets and usually will be increasingly fierce.
bitten by a ferret is a natural thing
The principle is that you must get used to being bitten weasel, Because biting is a dominant trait possessed ferret essentially. In fact, when the ferret to bite the hand just to scare you. Therefore, you should not be afraid when he's bitten by a ferret.
Make a ferret as your partner
When you want to weasel tame your pet, but you must get used to making the ferret as a partner or close friend. Because the more you get close to ferret you are more to defuse it. Usually when you have successfully set up as parnernya, ferrets always follow you wherever you go.
Handsfeed (feed ferrets with hands)
The final principle in need is you need to eat regularly to feed him. It is usually essential when you are able to do the steps I described previously above. This reduction of the important functions that will ferret emotions will be improved ownernya.
Well, if you already know some of the principles for how domesticated ferrets , the next you must know the steps to tame ferret.
effective way to tame a wild ferret
1. Taro your ferret in a cage that is not too large, so the cage and your ferret move more easily move and also practical in the process of taming the wild civet.
2. Provide an old mineral bottle to help your ferret taming. Make sure that no bottle of minerals in any form.
3. Next use the mineral bottle and press the bottle on the outside side of the cage ferret you. Based on this bottle is that you get used to finding strong and too crowded. It can also eliminate the wild ferrets who tend to be easily frightened and weasels say you are more fierce than he. To do this every day.
4. After work on how to hit the bottle to drink out of the cage, then it's time to hit the bottle in the side of the cage. Keep doing that way every day.
5. If your ferret is already familiar with such circumstances, so now you try to coax eluskan bottle of mineral water in your ferret, touch the head or body, look weasels reaction, the ferrets usually want to be touched when they begin to adhere to its owner.
6. While stroking you want jinakan ferret, ferrets give you a nickname for him. If you found his name, make it a habit to call the name of your ferret whenever
7. For this step usually ferret will not be trying to bite you . Well, if you are able to hold and caress the body of a ferret in a cage. Next, always remember to keep some tail, head and legs of the ferret, so it becomes accustomed held weasel.
8. Having already tame ferrets in a cage, it is time you make the process of domestication outside the ferret cage. The first is your pocket civets, ferrets and then pull out of the cage slowly. When outside the cage usually ferret will be fierce back, and he will bend over backwards to escape and try to intimidate you with their strength.
9. In this step, you calm down. because after a few moments of emotion ferrets will usually begin to subside. When you see a ferret was a little quiet when is the right time for you to caress the body and head. Continue to do caresses to ferret you really feel comfortable with you.
10. be used to make the domestication process daily until you feel the change. In the process, you can also feed your ferret with papaya cut into small pieces.
11. After the process carried out regularly to tame and benign that your ferret. The next, you can start experimenting with putting the shoulders of your ferret and other parts of your body.
12. In addition to what I mentioned earlier, you also do not forget to bathe the ferret 2 days, usually tame ferrets will be easier when we often bathe regularly.
13. Finally do not forget to handfeed mandatory for every day.
Can be useful ferret lovers yes
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