Goldie is a dog that is very popular in the world. They are a very friendly family dog and always wants to please its owner. So there is no denying that the current goldie dog is one of the dogs were very popular for use as pets.
breed of dog historically goldie race as hunting dogs. Formerly they were assigned to be hunted down like wild waterfowl or poultry in many parts berair.Sehingga race can be said is unique, because they are not afraid of water when he was assigned to the hunt . Leih the Dog goldie also smart enough, when they took its decision not menggit with robust and can take chased by piece.
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intelligence and intelligence of this dog is very diverse so many people who call this dog as a versatile dog such as sniffer dogs, guide dogs, hunting dogs and dogs guard. Well for those of you who want mememlihara goldie dog, we will provide a variety of appropriate treatment methods here. Listen ya!
The primary treatment Daily golden retriever
To cared for golden retrievers , you must also consider the best type of food is good for him, also because of goldie dog bebulu a long, active and energetic, you also have to pay attention to nutrition and balanced on its proper food. The food was well used to goldie is dogfood packaging that contains nutrients that can be customized to the needs of your dog.
to maintain the beauty of the dog hair in general, you should use the food with the appropriate content nutrition and vitamin E as the function in foods containing vitamin E is always to stimulate the growth of goldie dog hair better as you can keep the loss on the dog's coat, Selebih that you should be aware of loss that often occurs in your dog not to use reducing excessive dietary salt content. Because this will lead to a fatal loss of the dog's fur. (Read: find tau dog food menu would you buy)
Although not mentioned goldie stray dog, but this breed of dog also needs a special cage for him . Cage is expected goldie not leave home without the knowledge of the owner. In addition, the chamber also serves to maintain the safety of your dog against the danger of electric shock and swallowing foreign objects -benda or around the house.
But keep in mind that too often confiscate Godie dogs not good for the dog psychologically. Because if it is too long, it will typically cause a dog to become stressed. Therefore, it should be in your goldie dog pound, use the maximum specified duration of about 4 hours. Councils use a cage that has a comfort with the material maintained its quality and do not forget to always clean the cage to wake bacteria and viruses that can damage the health of your dog. (Read: all the things that could be discussed at the kennels)
Sports and play
Goldie is a very energetic dog, they are usually born to spend much time outside. Therefore, if you have a dog, he should invite to exercise, because basically Goldie desperately need interatik aerobics and games every day.
preferably invite you to exercise goldie dog like him to run and also lay catch in the yard . In general, these toys are provided in some pet stores because dog toy is ideal for keeping the stability of the health and temperamentnya your dog.
Apart from the Do not leave your dog is often left alone at home, because most dogs if left alone will usually fall asleep. Similarly with Goldie, if left alone in the house so he would rather sleep longer, even if it does not melt well.
Bathing the dog
Because Goldie is a long-haired dog, you also have more attention to the fur on his condition. Because most dog fur is generally easier dirty and too prone to parasites or harmful bacteria. We recommend that if you have a long haired dog is sweet, bathe him once a week.
In bathing suggested using a special shampoo for the treatment of fur. Apart from that also do not forget to use a mat that will not slip and the water temperature is not too pana when bathing. (Read: a convenient way to bathe a dog in the house)
If the bath is finished, dry hair is the last dog of the washing process. you must use a towel that memliiki high absorption so you can be easier to dry their feathers. More than that, you can also use a hair dryer to ensure that the fur is completely dry hair by combing your dog. Also make sure to set the temperature to the appropriate temperature.
Hair Care goldie
For hair care and skin in the golden retriever, actually not very different from some other types of long-haired dogs. This breed usually kept in an air conditioned environment as long as the circulation in the smooth and healthy room.
Selebih of it if you Goldie dog fur feels damp and dusty appears, you should immediately wipe with a chamois that was Nasuhi with clean hot water. Never mennggunakan other liquids such as alcohol, shampoo man and a liquid chemical to wash the dust from the dog's fur, because it will make you more easily fall fur in general. (Read: to investigate the cause of the loss of dog hair and manage solutions)
You also need to vaccinate your dog goldie. because he is very influential to maintain the immune system and health stability. In general, to perform a vaccination in dogs, you can use it to the vet.
The vaccination of health of pets will be several stages of the vaccination process is complete, the overall veterinarian will usually explain several stages of the vaccination process to determine a routine immunization schedule when your at a stage ulterior.
in goldie dog care, you also need to practice. For ages Goldie young dogs (puppies), you can train to urinate at first to get her out of the house every morning and evening. to do this training, you can use the method of using the same door as everyone bring out of the house. (Read: how to train your dog when he was a puppy)
With it, usually a dog will get used to perform activities throw the water out of the house more easily remember them. Goldie for adult dogs, usually you can tell it like sit and lie menyuru, using their favorite food in your hands as a tool for governing.
All treatment golden retriever we explained here Hopefully doglovers useful yes
Greetings okdogi
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