beef breeding efforts is a lucrative opportunity, given the demand for beef demand is very high in the range of 60%. But the results of meat production in the country can meet only a third of the requirement, which is about 20%. These conditions have led to a deficit that forced the government to import foreign livestock and certainly the demand will increase as the years of change and population growth are also increasing.
The potential for the development of cattle very big in support to climate and weather conditions are suitable applied in the area of Indonesia. But as the tropics, where many natural resources that can be dug, not a hard thing to increase production of beef by reproduction. Because it is very easy in terms of foraging, many natural foods that can be found in the vicinity and if you want to use the quality of artificial foods are not inferior to imported foods. We stayed in the need for patience and rigor of the breeder. It takes a large enough capital in this effort to raise cattle, but also great profits. Thus, it is important to how we care for cows to grow and healthy. We will discuss what measures are in need raise livestock .
How common beef cattle and dairy products need to know you
1. Cage
Enclosure should be in about - about 10 m from the house or the regulations, are also exposed to enough sunlight to prevent moisture in the cage. Cowshed there are 2 types of double and single form depends on the number of cattle that will be maintained and the availability of funds. Pregnant with a single type, move cows to a line or parallel, usually for small animals. Although the type double cage for positioning cows in two rows, facing each other or opposite, usually for large farms or commercial. But in general, farmers are double, because between the two series can be made street. Cages can also be significant simplified is clean and free of parasites.
ideal size barn via
Preferably, the cage is made of individuals, not flocking to avoid the seizure of food which led to uneven growth of the livestock. Ideally in individual cages made with the size of 2.5 x 2 meters for a cow, this investment can create rapid growth because they do not compete in food and space is limited, so do not use a lot of energy to move. Cages can be built of logs or planks of solid wood. Cowshed should be open or ajar, if the area in hot lowlands but the wind does not blow too hard. While the enclosure is made with a closed wall, if the cold and windy area or enclosure that is made to a calf.
Where to eat and drink can be made out of the cage, but in naungi roof of the cage. Where to eat to be higher than a market - or mixed with soil underfoot, while a drink is made slightly too high off the ground and permanent form of cement tanks. Floor of the cage can be made of concrete floor or solid and can then be coated again with a dry straw to heat. Do not forget to clean from cow manure on a regular basis, cow dung can store elsewhere in order to facilitate the fermentation process that lasts about 1-2 weeks, then later transformed into manure that has been cooked and pleasant to use.
2. Nurseries or Bakalan
Earlier, we must recognize the type of cow that we do ternakkan. There are many types of beef cattle, among them:
a. Bali cattle
bovine Bali is the kind of local cattle most widely farmed, characteristic - his character is all red from toe to knee down and his ass is white. Her back was striped black. The more mature and aged by the body color may become darker. The benefits of Bali cattle is a good adaptation to the new environment.
bali cattle
b. Brahman
growing power of Brahman is fast, so be an option for beef cattle producers. Characteristic of his brown to white and dark head. This high durability cow in the warm weather resistant and insect bites. As well as the percentage of karkasnya quite high, about 45%.
c. Limousin cattle
French origin imported cow is famous because of good production levels and its large size. Black Body color mixed with red and white brick on moncongnnya. limousine cow
d. Sapi Madura
Cattle Madura is relatively low due to low weight gain. livestock characteristic Madura is punuknya, its yellow to red brick and sometimes muzzle, tail and feet are white.
Madura cattle
e. Ongole
original cow india is far too cultivated, there are two types: Peranakan Ongole (PO) with the result of cross breeding cattle Madura and Sumba Ongole (SO). Its main feature is the color of the white body, around the head tends to be darker - gray, has a dewlap and hump berpostur quite long, the neck is a little short with long legs visible. Ongole cow is able to adapt well in tropical climates, but production and growth tends to be low and slow.
When you know the type of livestock and choose one that will ternakkan then you must find the seeds or livestock quality food. Feeder cattle were of good quality will influence the result of fattening. What should be noticed
- In a sign of the ear which means the recorded line and clear.
- He was 2 years old and weighs about 0 kg.
- Please choose the male sex, because it grows faster than a cow so that the same age bulls weight and more meat compared with cows.
- bright eyes and clean, no droppings or water removal.
- No sign of skin damage and hair loss due to external parasites.
- No body is deformed and smooth fur.
- No sign of respiratory symptoms such as nasal mucus.
- Her nails are not inflated and does not feel hot when in contact
- The tail and clean no marks anus - .. diarrhea brands
- body is thin, bony, but still healthy as lean less food not sick.
- fattening RSS
in breeding beef cattle is no such thing fattening, intended to keep cattle and lean adult emergency and increase its weight through the expansion of meat in a relatively short time about 3-6 months. But the time will be different if we keep or buy the seed of cattle are still small (tillers). The key is diet and nutrients for fattening.
Every day the cows need to feed about 10% of its body weight, and concentrated (food supplement) of about 2% per day. Cows also need 15-30 grams of salt per day or 13-30 grams of calcium phosphate contained in the bone meal or chalk. Remember to always provide enough drinking water for livestock drinking water each day. RSS can be given 2-3 times per day. We will give you many varieties and types of varieties of feed and concentrate for that cows do not get bored and nutritional needs met. Giving should not the same food, feed concentrate is given 2-3 hours prior to filling. It aims to stimulate the release of enzymes from saliva from cows that are useful to trigger the growth of bacteria in the rumen of cows
Green Flow is divided into three categories .. Fodder cool, dry feed and silage
- fresh fodder grass, bean leaf - beans (legumes) and other green foliage. Several types of fresh forage that is good for animal feed, among others: Turi leaves Lamtoro leaves, elephant grass, king grass, Setaria grass, sugar cane leaves, reeds - alang alang - alang etc.
- BERSAL Forage dry voluntarily dried fresh fodder to last longer. For example:. rice straw, corn straw, hay peanuts are often given when the dry season arrives
- silage, fresh feed is kept. How to make the closed hijuan fees that will promote the fermentation process. Some examples of silage which is commonly known is a grass silage, corn silage, the silage rice straw and so on.
According to the study, the only fresh forage diet is less effective in the fattening process because the results hiajuan supply fresh content nutrisainya still limited, it could take a long, less optimal, it is also in need of additional power or focus. extra food can be derived from agricultural waste and industrial waste in the form of refined rice or rice bran, pulp, cassava, coconut cake, the dregs of beer, bagasse, coat of soybean, pineapple skin, fish meal and sago sago are already peeled. If you want an easy way to buy the factory made concentrated power
The new technology is now strongly encourage cattle to provide organic and vitamin supplements, because we keep the cows will sometimes get bored and old -. Eventually lose their appetite. Although we already provide many snacks with a varied diet, supplementation is used to increase the appetite of the cow. Vitamins and supplements are appropriate, we can buy in feed nearest store. Brand examples VITERNA Plus POC NASA and Hormonik, which contains the necessary animal nutrients. Among these minerals - mineral component of bones and blood, an amino acid that is necessary for the formation of cells and organs, the complete vitamin immune system, essential organic acids and contains proteins and fats that can improve the growing weight of cow per day, but reducing cholesterol as well as cow dung smells.
4. Maintenance
Like livestock in general, in addition to feeding sufficient and nutritious beef also needs regular maintenance so that its development is well.
Cows should receive routine vaccinations to prevent serious diseases, such as anthrax, foot and mouth disease (FMD), etc. Also given deworming regularly every 3, 6 or 12 months to avoid the cow attacked by worms. Although intestinal worms are harmless, but if the cows exposed to intestinal worms can affect the speed of weight gain during the fattening process, which could lead to losses.
vaccination of cattle via
Most important is cleaning the barn every day, even if it allows anyone to cleaned twice daily. Pens can own the cow to be comfortable and not easily stressed, and improve the welfare and health of cows, making it protected against diseases that are not necessary, which is caused by the wrong cage maintained and dirty.
Oh yes, do not forget to maintain the cleanliness of the body of the cow by washing about 1-2 days, brush the body of the cow until clean.
also ensure the stable ground always dry, for example by making the floor of the slightly sloped cage, so it is not flooded with water when the rainy season come. Standing water can cause nail inflammatory disease or rot nail, causing the foot of wet cow kept to intensify the puddles.
Keep the barn via
there should also be a quarantine cage, the goal is cow disease quarantined or separated from the other so as to prevent transmission to other cows. Hence the need for regular monitoring, so that the sick cow can be immediately identified and separated and treated
So in conclusion, there are many factors that influence the success of the fattening cattle you have, including :. Fator genetic and gender charger or livestock we choose, the quality of food and the supply of vitamins and dietary supplements, as well as maintenance and proper maintenance.
There are many advantages to livestock business. Not too complicated for many natural foods that are already available, must be sold because the demand is very large, the harvest time is short, sewage or manure can be sold again.
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