Hamsters were already accustomed to living in the wild. Now, you want to keep, but are confused how a good place to stay and in accordance with the life of a hamster? Well, my friend's hamster supplies should know what is necessary for pal hamster uncomfortable. I describe the place to stay for a hamster in maintained. Listen yaaa!
hamster cages are widely used criteria
1. was minimal hamster cage 30x30x30cm size In Indeed, the more the better cage because the hamsters are used to living in the wild and are very fond of walking and need pal know that hamsters if being in nature will follow as far as eight miles overnight . It has become a natural instinct. So, use the cage as big as possible.
2. cage must be closed so that the hamster could not get out of his cage and also predators such as dogs, rats and others can not enter. But do not be too closed, have yet to provide ventilation to breathe and also let the hamster cage that does not smell.
3. Because as we know that the hamster is derived from wilderness areas, which means heat. Temperatures can we not so well received by the state of the hamster hamster mat body must be given that the use of wood chips to heat hamster. disposable wooden paper powder that has been in the waste or wood with perfumes is the healthiest. If you use sawdust made from cedar, pine or possibly containing phenol could accidentally inhaled or kemakan hamster and can damage the respiratory system, liver and hamster skin. Hamster normal temperature 18-26 ° C (64-80 ° F). In addition to warm ubuh hamster, wood dust can also make the hamster more comfortable in walking or sleep because the base will be very soft. Also able to absorb moisture and urine hamster itself. For the relatively cheap price for 1 pack of pine sawdust shavings usually sold trader 4,000 rupiah and bags 55,000 rupees
wood shavings for hamster
4.. In addition to wood dust, sand can also be used as a basis hamster cage. Typically using types of Zeolite sand. Sand Zeolite can absorb liquids better than sawdust. But does not work well to create a comfortable cage and could not warm the hamster's body. Solution, you can sow seloit sand in the bottom of the cage and menuutpnya with sawdust.
There are three zeolite sand sizes on the market, use 1-2mm Hamster
5. steady state must not be empty. Just the same as with us, a house without any object or any other accessory will be very lonely, unattractive and very annoying is not it? Karna was complete the stables with a variety of hamster toys or accessories are needed. If there is no hardware to its business, the hamster could be paralyzed.
6. Do not be lazy to wash the cage. Cages should be washed once a week. Release all toys and accessories in the cage. Cages, toys, accessories, places to eat and drink everything should be washed in the smallest point until clean. Do not forget the dry until completely dry yes. Do not forget to replace the wood powder and replace the minimum of sawdust 2 weeks to avoid contracting the disease, and hamsters are also clean and did not smell.
7. Use a special drink for hamsters usually a point that many are sold on the market. Point so that the water does not bertumpahan in the base enclosure if the disposable container is placed on the floor let alone hamster is an animal that is lively, especially at night and also hamster're not allowed to hit the water at all, so wear a special drink for hamsters, prices varied market ranging from 10,000 to hundreds of thousands depending on the brand, but if you want to experiment, you can change the bottles in your home to be a place to drink hamsters.
beverage hamsters are many on the market
8. do not wear a hamster cage that its tools easily bite by a hamster because hamsters were happy to bite you later, dear device already bought expensive eh hahahaha elsewhere Kasian broken tooth when hamsters bite later carelessly broken and although bite arbitrary one-one inedible and not good for digestion or could subsequently choking so hard to breathe.
It is noted to have a hamster cage that is good and comfortable for the hamster.
again, I will explain the wide variety of existing stable.
hamster cage Variations
1. cage bars
type cage to cage bars is the simplest and most easily available everywhere. The bars of the cage is very suitable for my friend who did not want to be disturbed or farmers who are serious because the bars of the cage houses the easiest to clean. We can say, the bars of the cage is a kind of ideal cage for hamsters and their caregivers.
There is one thing to note when you want to buy bars of the cage, which ensure that the base of the cage are not in the form of bars, too, because over small box hamster legs remotest easy grid. Much later, using sand and sawdust, but the use of sand and sawdust are so much and also very active hamsters over time permanently placing of sand and sawdust will not berarturan. So choose the cage bars which were made of thick plastic material. Plastics not only make the hamster uncomfortable, but also can reduce waste or food that may be scattered around the cage
Benefits :.
- Because the shape of the cage open to allow air to circulate freely where it is a very good thing.
- Hamsters are very happy to mount and pin bars on the cage can climb a hamster hamster so feel comfortable, because it is a hobby that can be used in the cage.
- hamsters love to bite and materials grating material is sufficiently strong and durable so it is not easily damaged as hamster will not be able to eat and chew so do not worry.
- would have been easier if you want to play with hamster or take the hamster and the newest easier if you want to tame hamster because hamsters pet is not easy and there are several points to note
Disadvantages :.
- cage bars are made of metal, where the material can be corroded rapidly, especially hamster bite, saliva on the bars of the cage will accelerate the rusting cage.
- In addition, the metallic properties readily absorb the temperature of the environment around so that if the air temperature is cold, cold kandangpun so hot. Yes, that may be facilitated by the use of sand and sawdust are.
- Junk food or sawdust will be easier to reverse out of the cage for a hamster is an animal that is very active, it will be fro.
2. Glass Cage
glass enclosure can also mean using this aquarium also has a large variation in the decoration of the place. Create a buddy who wants to have a good hamster cage as desired partner, a glass enclosure is more suitable for my friend. For example:
- Cages are closed so that the hamster will certainly not be able to escape and night not the hamster walking or other activities.
- because of the closure, the waste sawdust or food will not spill out of the cage.
- buddy can vary more and decorate hamster cage mate as creative friend.
- buddy can more easily see the hamster the darling of all sudup of view even when the hamster bury
Disadvantages :.
- to the greenhouse in which the temperature inside the chamber is higher, because the heat from the outside, trapped in a cage and is more adapted to be placed in a climatic chamber. Or the solution is not to choose an aquarium closed cage, if it has already bought a closed, then it might be a vent in the enclosure wall or in the cover and can be a bit annoying to sore afraid to do vents.
- But if the cage is not closed, it is easier for predators to enter the cage, especially rats and cats.
- could be a cage is covered with a wire on top of the cage, but since the air flow in case of using a glass enclosure has not been as bars the cage, use wire to make the flow of air increased trade can make a rapid cage smelly, crowded and there will be more diseases.
and other equipment in the means toys or accessories that can be used by the hamster. These tools are typically used in use are:
1. Hamster Wheel
This tool is very useful for the hamster used to walk for miles in nature, because it can be a substitute for him to walk according to his needs, because sport with a spinning wheel in the call goes into the cage only very different instincts. As there are also challenges with a wheel. swivel wheels can also be useful for hamster become lazy and will not fat that can lead to diabetes. However, do not select an existing playlist wire wheel because it will make the leg injury. Select only the plastic, but not easily collapsed yes.
2. Tubes and tunnels Hamster
hamster when in nature is like making a hole if this tool will be very useful for him to walk around the small hole tubes and tunnels as used to do in the wild. Because sometimes the hamster likes to hide in a small and narrow temat or rest in the hole so that the tool is also very need peace of mind and comfort hamster.
3. Box Hamster
Hamster if sleeping like to hide. Not only during sleep, sometimes in activity through their natural instincts, sometimes he wanted to hide in dark places. Well, can you create a hamster cardboard box. Do in a small box and give small holes for windows and holes for him and the door. hamster to feel that he had his castle itself. This can reduce the fear hamster. Think of it as a playhouse for hamsters.
4. Bite Toys
The faster the more teeth hamster grow and make the hamster to bite or chew things. For this friend could use the toilet paper as a replacement, but not too often and not too much should be noticed when she bit into the fabric because one can enter the throat and improper digestion. But my friend can also buy wooden toys to the pet store for a safer but more good again my friend could memberika branches of apple trees that are not exposed to peptisidanya.
This hamster buddy buddy hehe made as comfortable as possible yes. Care about and give my best for the hamster buddy
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