Rabbits are adorable because many people in Indonesia who make a rabbit as a pet merchandise. There are so many types of rabbits, a bushy smallish mini rabbits often called. Rabbits can be classified as bunny or mini rabbit is a body that weighs less than 2.5 kg. There are over 20 types of mini rabbits scattered around the world, but only a few are included in Note The American Rabbit Breeders (ARBA). Here are mini rabbits
type of rabbit with mini size
Netherland Dwarf. (0,9KG - 1.2 kg)
Netherland dwarf rabbit is a super mini. The weight of the average adult still less than 1kg. In addition to its small, this rabbit has special features such as the shape of the head is round, soft fur and slippery, a short neck, and ears are pricked with a length of about 5cm. Rabbits like this tend to bite, making it less suitable maintained by children
Netherland Dwarf www.mercafauna.com
Age 1-3 months :. Rp50.000,00 - Rp0.000,00
age> 3 months: Rp0.000,00 - 1,000,000.00
Dwarf Hotot (1.5 kg to 2 kg)
dwarf Hotot has a characteristic form of dark circles around the eyes that look like wear eyeliner . His body was rounded short with small ears erect, but it looks balanced with the body.
Hotot Dwarf rabbits
months Age 1-3: Rp0.000,00 - Rp300.000,00
age> 3 months:> Rp400.000,00
Jersey Wooly (1.5 kg 2 kg)
wolly Jersey is one of three mini rabbit marriages Netherland Dwarf Angora long hair and France. The size is slightly larger than the dwarf Netherland but long feathers (5-6cm) in the body, and the shorter hair on the face, ears and feet.
The ears are small, erect and dashing. Besides the color change quite a lot, about 26 colors.
jersey wooly rabbit www.thenaturetrail.com
Age 2-3 months: about RP500 .000,00
Ages 6 months approximately Rp1.0.000,00
Holland Lop (1, 4 kg-2 kg)
this rabbit is a hybrid of the English lop, french lop and Netherland Dwarf. The main features of Holland Lop is a short-legged, round head, flat face (Pug), a large-bodied with earlobe hanging / limp.
Holland Lop Rabbits
Ages 1-3 months: Rp50.000,00 - RP300 .000,00
age> 3 months: Rp300.000,00 - Rp4.000.000,00
Fuzzy Lop (1.4kg-2 kg) American
physically it looks like Holland Lop rabbit, only the longer hairs. As its name suggests, Fuzzy Lop fur is very soft and smooth. Another feature is the earlobe far (LOP) and as cute bulldog.
These rabbits require intensive care and a special diet to maintain good health and quality of fur.
US lop fuzzy fuzzy lop rabbit US
Age 1-3 months: Rp50.000 00 - Rp300.000,00
age> 3 months: Rp300.000,00 - Rp4.000.000,00
United Small (1 kg-1.5 kg)
Rabbit has a slender body. Little Britain had small feet rather long and slightly curved so that when seated pose, rabbit looks so elegant and stylish.
right ears and not too long. Color variations or so, which are black, white, otter, agouti Chestnut and sable .
Brittania Petite famous active and aggressive, often fighting and biting. That's why these rabbits are not recommended as a family pet.
Britannia small rabbit derbybunny.wordpress.com
Age 2-3 months: about RP500 .000,00
age> 6 months: about Rp2,000,000.00
Dutch (1.5 kg 2 kg)
Dutch is a Dutch rabbits sweet little original to the skin. This bunny has a unique pattern, which has two different solid color on the upper and lower body. Color differences can be clearly separated as a belt line.
The combination of available colors are black and white, yellow-white, black-white, blue-white, and gray-white.
Dutch is preferred types of rabbits are popular with animal lovers. Besides the unique patterns and simple maintenance, reproductive capacity is also high. other than that character is calm and quiet making it suitable as family pets.
bungalowofbunnies.weebly.com Dutch rabbit
Age 1-3 months: Rp50.000 00 - Rp0.000,00
age> 3 months: Rp0.000,00 - Rp2,000,000.00
Mini Himalaya (1 kg 2.5 kg)
Himalaya kelici feature is a form of body narrow and slightly elongated (cylindrical). His body was mostly white with other colors in the nose, feet and right ears.
Alternative color rabbits are black, brown, blue and lilac. These rabbits love to sleep during the day, but the mini-Himalaya night move very active.
Himalayan rabbit mini-www.pets4homes.co.uk
Age 2-3 months : about Rp800.000,00
Ages 6 months approximately Rp1.800.000,00
Lionhead (1kg-1.7kg)
These rabbits are from Belgium, but developed in the UK. Its shape is round with a long feather a circular from the head to the neck to resemble the head of a male lion.
There are two types of Lionhead rabbit ears based forms, namely Lionhead erect ears and ears limp.
Lionhead rabbit
Age 1-3 months: Rp50.000,00 - RP0. 000.00
age> 3 months: Rp150.000,00 - Rp700.000,00
Mini Rex (1.4kg-2 kg)
mini Rex is a mini version of rex rabbit. Characteristic of this rabbit fur is short, dense and soft as carpet. Moreover Mini Rex has a body that is rounded, the shoulders are narrow and the ears are upright.
Mini rex has a lot of variety of colors, like black, blue, castor, lynx, opal, brown, red, white, chinchilla, lilac, Himalaya broken and tricolor.
mini rex rabbit
Age 2-3 months: Rp80.000,00 - Rp300.000,00
Age> 4 months: Rp400.000,00 of
Mini Satin (1.5 kg-2.5 kg)
Mini Satin is the result of a cross between a dwarf race and satin. The results of high-cons to produce mini-fluffy rabbit with a strong color. In softer, mini satin fur looks as shiny and slippery to the touch. These rabbits have white eyes with red eyes and small erect ears.
Mini Satin rabbit rabbitsforsaleinmaine.wordpress.com
Age 2-3 months: RP50. 000.00 - Rp0.000,00
age> 3 months: 250,000.00 to 1,000,000.00
Polish (1 kg-2 kg)
Rabbit Netherland Dwarf is similar, but slightly larger. Rabbit fur polish telingannya quite short and vertical. Color variations are available for this kind is white, black, blue, brown, and broken.
Polish rabbit happyfarmbunnies.com
Age 2-3 months: Rp50.000,00 - Rp150.000,00
age> 3 months: Rp150.000,00 - Rp700.000,00
Thus information on the different types of mini-size rabbit and a description of the price. Can be beneficial.
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