cat food is a food that is given specifically for consumption to a cat. These foods usually require nutritional requirements are necessary in cats, among other foods containing vitamins and amino acids, m Akanan containing amino acids (taorin) is like the meat in particular.
The benefits of the nutrients in cat belly foods
nutrients these foods globally for each type of cat anywhere, make sure that cats consume either food manufacturers or common foods are containing compositions such as the following
vitamin a :. supplements and vitamins a special cat fish oil, helps to sharpen the chat view, nourish the skin of a cat and is good for the immune chat
.Vitamin E + C :. vegetable oil supplements and vitamin E + C, is useful to maintain healthy bones and teeth
Omega 3 & 6 : yellow, fish oil and flax seed is useful to beautify and prevent loss of cat fur
calcium :. meat of chicken, lamb and fish, calcium is almost the same as vitamin E and C are beneficial to the maintenance of bones and teeth
P .. meat and egg yolks, is useful to help the bones, cells teeth and muscles has always worked well
content that should be avoided
white rice, wheat and corn -. These foods are too high to contain gluten which makes a cat obesity
Chips - kind tubers this exorbitant contain glesemik substances which could result in cats exposed to sugar in the blood disease
See also :. List of nutrients needed all kinds of cat
for food manufacturers you will get presented the food moist and dry in the package, therefore, let us discuss how the two types of food this manufacturer:
vs cat dry food wet food
wet food
if food is to high quality meat and made with the treatment mashed into a paste. For these foods can make sure it is pasteurized and sterilized by the different parties responsible for the brand of this food.
type of canned food has a moisture content is high enough and contains no preservatives, food benefits this among other things useful to their health, such as vitamins and proteins that help reduce urinary problems, kidney failure, obesity, constipation and diabetes in cats. If you buy these foods sure to store these foods in the refrigerator so no stale.
wet food containing 78% water, it makes a cat requires little water intake because of wet food to meet their water needs.
dry food
These foods contain nutrients that are not inferior to common foods and packaged foods, excess food is likely to contain dry well and some carbohydrates proteins. Dry food is also a way to keep teeth healthy cats, dry food leaves no dirt on cats so good enough teeth for the dental health of your cat. And needs to know the content of water in the dry cat food only 10% to allow the lowering of MENCI MENCI factor in cats in general. (Read: how to clean cat teeth)
The following is a review certain list of brands and the market prices
1. Me-O
This type of cat food in dedicated to the cat and the long-haired Persian cat, Angora and others. Me-o generally produce the types of wet and dry food. excess nutrients and dietary minerals are excellent for this type of long-haired cats. For minerals and vitamins can also be used to prevent hair loss in cat fur and save your cat against the dangers of swallowing feathers fall when losing.
Meo cat
These foods also contain amino acids omega 3 and 6 which is used to stimulate the smoothness of the fur and skin shining in cats. For about the Me-O price relative was not too expensive.
Me-O Persian Weight 1.5 Kilograms = 70,000
Me-O Adult tuna / chicken / beef / weight 1 5 Kilograms = 65000
me-O Kitten weight 1.5 Kilograms = 63000
weight of me-O tuna 7 Kilograms = 280000
This type of food is not enough raputasi nice because excess food in trust counteract the loss of cat fur which caused weather factors and the specific climatic factors and many people say that the royal canine can melebatkan domestic cat fur or domestic cats.
many veterinarians recommend cat lovers to use this type of food, because the quality of nutrients contained no doubt, but it is in the offer price was comparable to the quality provided. Royal Canin generally divided into several parts, particularly for the Persian cat, Angora, and as well as domestic cats, the most popular product is Royal Canin persian kitten persian 32 and adult.
royal canine 30 - 00gr = 95,000 ( repack )
royal canine 32 - 00gr = 95,000 ( repack )
royal canine 30, 33 and 36 with a weight of 2 kg = 0,000 ( expenses Pack )
royal canine 30, 33 and 36 with a weight of 400 grams = 50 000 ( expenses Pack )
Royal Canin
food is very popular among cat lovers, many cat lovers generally European accommodations that use this type of food, Proplan classified super premium cat food because of good quality. the excess of these foods are in addition to two variations between wet and dry food. These foods can maximize your weight for the cat who loved physical big cats, but for those of you who want a cat with a thick coat I recommend the Royal canine. The high content of about 41% proteins to make your cat active enough, Proplan also serve to denser and cat poop does not stink. The price is quite expensive because the quality is no doubt.
kitten Proplan weighing 3 kg = 270000
adult weight Proplan of 7 kg = 530000
adult weight Proplan of 3 kg = 280000
4. Friskies
The brand is very popular in Indonesia because Friskies often sponsor events or competition animals. Just like Whiskas, Friskies also easy to find in some supermarkets nearby. Friskies will belong premium cat food which, with respect to cat food super premium Friskies, then the price is not expensive. These foods have a fairly balanced nutrition, but according to people on a cat lover, this type of food is very controversial because many say that these foods have ingredients that are not suitable for cats, which would cause the MENCI-MENCI cat .
But it makes all the cat food that is suitable styles, maybe this kind of food can be customized with your cat. For these foods, there are two variations of the presence of the wet and dry food.
Friskies Kitten Weight 1.5 Kilograms = 70,000
Friskies Adult Tuna / sea fish / Gourmet weight 1.5 Kilograms = 70,000
Friskies Wet Food weight 400 gram = 000
5, Whiskas
These foods are two types of food to wet and dry knowledge, the excess of these foods have nutrients and proteins relatively good, but many say that this type of plan is the right type of food as Frieskie, which can be interpreted as MENCI MENCI-cat allergies and if he feels he does not match the meal.
Another advantage of this food has a smaller form factor and wetter other types of food, so it is very easy to be eaten by a cat.
Whiskas junior weight 1.5 Kilograms = Rp. 70,000
Whiskas Adult Weight 1.5 Kilograms = Rp. 70,000
Maxi including cat food is premium at a relatively affordable price, the compositions of max diclaim have protein and 32% omega 3 6, max premium dry cat food like biscuits or food with a diameter that is small enough with tuna composition. In addition to the market maxi package can also be purchased with the repack the package. The price for a maxi sized 15,000 500gram is too expensive for you guys who want to buy ketengan.
maxi cat food via
7. Equilibrio
cat food is a good cat food for your cat is problematic puppy smell that stung because the food it serves to neutralize odors, these foods have the following composition of 35% protein, 20% fat, fiber 2.7 %, 1.2% calcium, 1% phosphorus. In addition to neutralizing odors puppy, Equilibrio is also used to chat you fatter than before although it is actually not ideal cats conditions.
cat food Equilibrio
Daily planning to feed our cat
adult cat weighs about 5 kg of energy they need from food sources around 300 calories. should pay attention to the calorie content in the cat food packaging, determine the amount of these foods to meet the caloric needs for a day, then the amount of food the appropriate frequency in food until 2 or 3 times a day.
rule in our calculations can calculate the weight of the cat. Generally, each day, the cat will eat about 2% of total body weight. Therefore, if the weight of the cat of 5 kg, then the food is needed is only about 2% x 5 kg that is equal to 100 g / day.
By this point in the calendar giving the cat food, then make sure that the age and maturity of the cat. For cats of less than 8 months and more than two months should receive a meal twice daily (morning and evening) and adults or 8 months of rest should be 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening).
Okay, flavor at all types of cat food I described here are complete enough to pal cat lovers, maybe yes useful. Greetings
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- Select dry or wet food for cats?
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