The Boer goat is a kind of goat meat, goat import comes from South Africa. Compared to other local goat meat, boer goat rapidly between 0.02 to 0.04 kg per day and percentage boer goat meat carcass to be much higher. Can reach about 40-50% of their body weight, while the local goat meat percentage is only about 30% only.
Body weight is greater boer goat around 35-45 kg at the age of 6-8 months, while the same age other goats weighs about 25 -30 kg. So many who dub boer goat as "real goat meat" and prefer meat of its kind to be sold in the form of processed foods because it is more profitable.
typical feature boer goat that distinguish it from the other type of goat's body shape is wide, deep and long. Boer goats also have a convex nose, long ears and short legs dangling. color Boer goat head reddish brown, light brown or dark brown, but the color of his fur white. although brown skin is useful to protect against cancer of the skin caused by the sun directly, because it boer goat loves sunbathing during the day. some Boer goat also has a white strip in the area around his face
Overview of boer goats
boer goat and female. - Everyone has horns, the difference is the weight Boer. adult male goats can reach a weight of about 0-150 kg, while the adult female about 80-0 kg. Boer goat females are also more feminine with a thin neck and head and tend to be mild compared to men. Boer Goat Stud also felt very keen that aims to attract females, body shape is more robust and powerful, his shoulders broad muscular buttocks.
productive boer goat Age can reach about 7-8 years and can live to reach tens year. Boer goat disease temperature changes of dengann resistant and adaptable to the environment around them. They can live in an extreme temperature environment -250c low temperatures at the warmest temperature reached 43 0C. Their habitat is in the bush, the mountain slopes are rocky or on pasture, so they naturally prefer the leaves -. Leaves the grass
boer goat is a type of goat meat with a large weight anyway, but it was also dependent on the way we take care of it as well. Cleaning cages, feeding vitamins and specific GCC provided will greatly affect the quality and quantity of the goat. Here are things to consider in the care of boer goats.
Boer goat breeding cages should be large, considering it to be more. Cage measuring 0 m2 enough to the house about 50 Boer goats. Cage stage shaped usually made to be easy to clean and wet in the goat pen is not always healthy goats. The cages are made from pieces of wood that formed round and flat, and bases can be made from bamboo.
goatfold boer
cage Cleanliness is important, although the Boer goat goat is a type of disease resistance, fixed cage should be cleaned regularly. Cages should be cleaned once a week or two days of a scanned manner and once a month cleaned by spraying disinfectant.
feed is for boer goats is not that different types of foods other goat, in the form of green - fodder. Can be given Napier grass, leaves Lamtoro, calliandra, jackfruit leaves, the leaves of beans and cassava leaves or other natural protein foods. RSS can be mixed or changed each day so the goats do not get bored. During the dry season, the goats can also be given as banana, teak leaves, teak leaves and bamboo leaves were dry. Give as much as 2-4 kg per head and can be given 2-3 times a day.
boer goat feed via
Does forget to give a concentrated feed and to accelerate fat goat as than 1% by weight of a goat, is usually administered once per week. Can be concentrated from a mixture of ground coffee, refined rice bran, molasses, corn flour and soy flour. Although disease resistance, it never hurts to take precautions by providing B1 and vitamin B complex once a month along with the supply of concentrate.
disease prevention
Goats can be bathed once every 2 weeks to dry and wet bathed once a month. Cut the goat's nails once a month and give vaccines to prevent serious diseases. It could also provide vitamin A, D3 and E every 2 weeks. Bloating goats of ordinary experience and diarrhea, the cause is too young to feed too. Thus, when the feed supply remember not to wet preformance or fresh again. Preferably, the first with a withered left overnight or dried 3-4 hours. Search colored older leaves yellowish not young, fresh and green.
boer goat diseases that attack the disease is usually quite mild, so as not to cause death in goats. For example, as mites skin diseases and orf (pus on the muzzle and lips goat). In the treatment of scabies, a separate sick goat first, then coated with sulfur and cooking oil. As for the sick goat orf, scar usually dikeletek new first, then given a red medicine, such as Betadine.
Ram Boer stud can already be married at the age of 7-8 months, while new woman can be engaged at the age of 10-12 months. When men aged 3 months must be separated from the female cage to prevent unwanted marriage. Many breeders who choose to marry to inject (artificial insemination or IB) as it was considered more convenient and easier. (See also:
)After the goats mated for 5 months will conceive and give birth to 1-2 children in his first marriage at the age of 1 year. It was his second marriage boer goat can produce 2-4 children. Boer goat females can produce as much as three times over a period of 2 years. Boer goats are mating season, so it can be coupled again after three months of confinement. Signs goat ready for mating is the tail that move -. rapid motion also called "alert"
boer goats mating process via
boer female parent can produce milk with a content fat high enough to nurse their young, but when the child is between 2.5 to 3.5 months of milk that the mother had started to dry and can be weaned. Therefore, in a week of boer goat feeding puppies age was to be provided from the same source as her mother. Although it is still nursing, they will begin to learn to eat the vegetation at a very young age so that when the mother's milk dries up they can still food intake. Remember to always provide safe drinking water at all times, it is very important for both mother and child boer goats. At the age of 5 months boer goat is diual loan. (Read: 12 The benefits of goat milk to man)
We discussed a lot about the characteristics of Boer goats and how to treat them properly. Now you certainly want to know how much it costs? Yep, with the advantages and great weight with other Boer goat goats clear that the price is more expensive than the price of goats in general. For example, goat or goat Java beans sold locally to a range of 500 miles price - 1 million by the tail. While Senduro Etawa goat or white which can be used as dairy and goat meat are sold at prices ranging from 2 to 3.5 million tail.
What boer goats? Boer goats for sale bedasarkan how pure boer goat, boer goats for pure line usually are not sold only in the single cross coupling. Then there is said F1 progeny (50% de Boer blood), F2 (75% of blood Boer), F3 (87.5% of Boer blood), F4 (93.75% of Boer blood) and F5 ( 96.88% of Boer blood) to boer goat F1 offspring alone is estimated at 1.8 million fish, the minimum price for Boer goat females while males are more expensive around 2.5 million fish. F2 and F3 to offspring more expensive around 2.5 to 9,000,000 and the most expensive is the equivalent pure Boer goat or F4 and F5 (Boer super class) could reach 8 to 20,000,000 by the tail.
But not really a problem but only afford to buy the F1 progeny that only 50% of Boer blood, because these children also carry a strong genetic tendency Boer. Great body and the pace of growth will depend on local dikawinkannya goats are usually crossed Boer goats with the type of Java Randu or Etawa.
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