visible sign of pregnant rabbits fitness and behavior

Admin 17.36 Add Comment
visible sign of pregnant rabbits fitness and behavior -

Bunnies, including animal species with high production levels. Therefore, it is highly prospective animal so high. Birth of a healthy female rabbits were able to give birth to children 5-15. And in the first year of birth could occur 5 times. For rabbit farmers themselves should know characteristics of pregnant rabbits . The objective for pregnant rabbits were immediately moved (separated) from all other rabbit breeders.

possible pregnant rabbits usually begin to enter the day 7 after mating. In other words, after we mated male and female rabbits within 7 days, the fetus usually begins to develop in the uterus of a female rabbit. The new sign that we are really pregnant rabbits can be detected between day 14

kelinci hamil image


Well how the characteristics of pregnant rabbits in more detail?

changed Galak

Rabbit Women who are pregnant are not ready to be mated with males. Even for female rabbits tend to be aggressive changed fiercer than male rabbits. If you know what should doe and soon separated male rabbits. Depending on the characteristics of pregnant rabbits mouth seems more pink than usual.

kelinci galak


Dig Earth

As mentioned above, the characteristics of rabbits pregnant is usually fierce and aggressive. Other features, rabbits often ruin home alone and will continue to dig if released into the wild as a natural form of rabbits to prepare for birth. Pregnant

rabbit Generally, in order to know the characteristics of pregnant breeding rabbits were separated when walking on gestational age at 17. In fact, it was too early because rabbit gestation on average 30-34 days. While pregnant rabbits can be moved to a special enclosure, such as a day to 24 or 25.

Looks Hungry

In addition to more fierce and aggressive, the rabbits are pregnant also seem easy hunger. For rabbits development of healthy fetuses should be given larger portions of food than usual. pregnant rabbits tend to be hungry, especially at night.

If the rabbit's appetite is not balanced with sufficient food consumption usually rabbits are stressed and could turn into cannibals. He began to love getting hurt or worse he would kill his son. In addition, if the rabbit lack adequate nutrition, your milk is also less than the maximum.

Stomach Buncit

Like people, the characteristics of pregnant rabbits can also be seen in the stomach appears swollen. Certainly, we could feel a little distended stomach of rabbits entering the gestational age of 17 days indicating the rabbit actually contained a fetus.

Once pregnancy in days 23 to 29, the mother often looked agitated and reddened nose. After the stomach enlarges and bloated look but not touch.

Bunny features give birth

As indicated in the specifications of the above pregnant rabbits, pregnant rabbits childbirth entered the day rabbits 30-34 post-coupling. Well, how the characteristics of the rabbit will give birth?

Living Loss

Bunnies childbirth usually experience hair loss on the feathers. If placed in an open cage, it will return to its natural state is to dig a hole to tunnel to put her children. In such conditions can make the rabbit hole that is deep and resembles a winding tunnel.

bulu kelinci rontok


Very aggressive

rabbits that bear his fiercest change especially with other rabbits in the same enclosure. He made a special mark and maintain the zone. It is expected that in the future of their children quieter, safer, and unaltered.

must be known by lovers of reproduction or rabbit, rabbit mated before being placed in the room were comfortable and got enough food. The point of comfort is the most important aspect that rabbits can reproduce perfectly. New rabbit be coupled to adulthood, and the level of maturity of sex is enough.

Each of the different types of rabbits gestation. characteristics of pregnant rabbits each type is different. the maturity of the reproduction can be seen from its size. Rabbits that are ready to breed (ready to be mated), namely the age of 4.5 months - five months for rabbits small print. For type rabbits were 5 months - 6.5 months .. and large type rabbits ready coupled to the age of 7 months

hope this article can be useful

Salam okdogi

  • initial coupling step rabbits with affinity
  • How to care for newborn rabbits

5 steps to stop the excessive meowing cat

Admin 16.35 Add Comment
5 steps to stop the excessive meowing cat -

The cats were meowing excessively can sometimes be very boring, but we must remember that this is the way they communicate either to humans or to other cats. By understanding this cat sounds can help us preventing excessive meowing cat .

Over the years, cats have learned that we, human beings, it is easier to understand the voice rather than the language and body odor are the main source of communication in the world of cats.

Why do cats of speech "

When cats meow, they usually attempt to convey something like:" Hey, perhatiin me "," I am. hungry "" Let's play "

voice kittens generally mimic the way he communicates with his mother, because he considers us his mother (as was done by dogs).

, they are very, very dependent on us about the food and kenyamananya because they depend on their mothers.

cats are used to being around humans generally use more of their voices rather than gestures and flavors, but also use all means to try to communicate with us.

Why Kittens not stop meowing?

If your cat meowing more often than usual, for no apparent reason, you should immediately take him to the vet for a checkup.

cats were meowing usually excessive only because they understand that in this way they can get what they want, just like the boy who cried when he wants something.

jangan memarahi kucing

not scold the cat

These habits can go on and on, because they know that the moaning they can get what they want. They can meowing all day and it was obviously going to bother us. If that were the case, it's time to stop their habit

How to stop habits that

Step :?

never cry cat when it meowed! Why? Cats do not understand screaming as we understand it, they understand us as a positive reaction to cry (not us angry). This means they understand the opposite :. We cry with them, they think they managed to get our attention and they will get what they want

Yelling will also give rise to feelings of fear and it will surely bring other problems in our relationship . and the cat

second step:

Try checking:

  • Do our cats in a state of pain or stress? It checks quite difficult actually because cats are very adept at hiding their pain. So the first thing we can do is raise their body and see his reaction. Also make sure that our cats will urinate or defecate carelessly around the house. If we believe that there is nothing wrong with the health of our cats, then the remaining option is to take them to the clinic

If these checks were carried out, so make -you it :.

  • cat we were fed. Hungry Cat heavy foods regardless of daylight or midnight.
  • The availability of drinking water. Cats really need to drink from time to time, so that the availability of drinking water is very important to them. Sometimes they seem thirsty if they constantly moisten their mouths with lips.
  • Availability toy. Cats do not sleep at night like us. Sometimes in the middle of the night, they were out of activities so that the availability of toys will distract them if they practice taka da meow all night.
  • Availability sandbox. We needed the toilet, they need the sandbox to urinate

Step Three :.

If all the above steps have been done correctly and the cat meowing constantly then the next thing you can do is we just need to not worry about their sound. This sounds very simple, but like children, cats still will not stop until they get what they want.

meminta makan

ask for food


We must change this habit by teaching them that they will get something when they are silent. Then make sure that we just feed them a bit as excessive meowing. Gradually, they learn that they will not get the food that they can not be silent. Be patient because it takes a long time to change this habit. Keep giving them food, this will force them to change habits

Step Four :.

There are people who suggest the use of socks and water to reduce the cat meowing. We should not use this cruel way. There are many other ways we can do more cruelly.

When the cat we were little, he would not stop meowing and kept our feet hanging on wherever we go. Sometimes, this kind of sucks and we are almost desperate to mitigate them. We'll give you a little tip: If we blow his face, just once, it will stop meowing and go sit down. Sounds like magic, right?

meniup muka kucing

blew the face of the cat

Needless to too hard to blow it, just need a little energy to produce startling toot our cat. We gave him a kind of distraction. And this also applies to the cat we buy. This method will not hurt them, not scare them, just enough to surprise cat meowing stopped and move on to other things

Step Five :. Prevention

There is a saying "prevention is better than cure 'and this applies to our cat. Before doing that annoying meowing night, it helps to prevent.

There are a few tricks to make our chat more sleeping at night, so he did not wake up at night. We have compiled a few ways that you can apply a routine that you are with your cat at home:

  • About half an hour before we sleep, we play a game that is heavy enough along our cat. For example, we could ask him to play ball or play mengejejar rigging. heavy game will help our cats to excrete the excess energy they still keep the cat we are fast asleep.
  • Once the game is over, let the cat eat. It will also sleep quickly.
  • Before going to bed, make sure toys are available close to home. This is for preparation in case they wake up at night. So they will soon turn their attention to the toy before deciding to meow all night.
bermain bersama kucing mu sebelum tidur

played with cats before you bed

This works good for your cats living together in a room. If you put your cat in a special room, certainly well above would be helpful. Routines like this need to get used to the cats that we understand and follow a routine that had been arranged so that they are more disciplined. We do not need to use violence to discipline the cat of us, is it not?

Hopefully useful okdogi greeting

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A foolproof way to know the characteristics of the sick rabbit

Admin 15.34 Add Comment
A foolproof way to know the characteristics of the sick rabbit -

If your hobby maintenance of ornamental rabbits, then the first thing you need to do is bagamana maintain some form of health rabbit, like keeping the cage , food quality, etc.

kelinci sakit


Moreover, you should also be careful if your rabbit seems unusual because it is also very necessary to be noticed, impact if ignored can your rabbit is experiencing a dangerous disease and lead to the gradual death or died suddenly rabbit. (Read: different types of rabbit diseases)

Surely nobody wants dead rabbits suddenly, right? Well for those of you who want to know all the features or mark on the rabbits who are sick , and therefore we will examine below.

signs of rabbits who are sick?

rabbit ears feel cold

When the rabbit ears were cold usually often marked with the rabbit behavior seems a little low, not much activity, and have eyes that look glazed. For this you have to be careful, because if you do not know the cause then it would be fatal for the rabbit. Furthermore rabbit ears that look down on the back can also indicate the rabbit was sick.

telinga kelinci yang menurun


Ear rabbit feels hot

In the case where rabbit ears feel hot or not as normal temperature. So you can be sure that the rabbit fever or experiencing indications of serious diseases.

decreased appetite

your rabbit is very difficult in the diet? when these foods are foods that are often used every day and just sit tight and weak. (Read: This kind of quality food for rabbits)

So this is a sign of the rabbit kept the pain on her. Moreover, if throwing food or scratching it, most likely the rabbit is experience stress


The rabbits were all healthy, but belly fat is usually the rabbit felt worms. But for rabbits who have belly fat, but a little weak or unhealthy, such as lack of appetite in general frequent flatulence or diarrhea terindakasi experience.

perut buncit kelinci



If you find soft shapes and fases odors, you might say that your rabbit knows diarrhea. But if fases in the form of small, blackish keraz and then maybe your rabbit attacked by constipation.

Apart from this, if the rabbit rectum you look there are traces of blood or mucus, then one can say that he was attacked type of coccidiosis disease. So if your rabbit with the enlargement of the stomach and if the contact is feeling a little hard, can say the rabbit knows bloating.


Urine normal rabbit usually orange, cat and brown. Therefore check your rabbit urine daily, because usually the rabbit pain can also be seen in the form of urine color, and if you see urine rabbits are not of normal color can so be sure your rabbit is sick, you should take sick rabbit the vet closest to your home.

alone with a strange behavior pattern

If your rabbit bent in a corner of the cage with both feet welcomes and looks a little uncomfortable and eyes that look a little melancholy. He also said that the health of the rabbit was not good. So can say that the rabbit holding pain resulting stress rabbits.

The sound clash of teeth in the mouth

If you listen to your menggeretak rabbit out of his mouth, could be sure that the rabbit is stressed on the trigger because of bear the pain on her.

watery eyes and runny nose

disease indications could be because the result of stress in rabbits. Apart from the reaction of the eye can also be berarair in cases of Pasteurella multocida and an indication of the types of Kolap or enterotoxemia diseases.

Note rabbit when I wake up

Generally sleep rabbits quick response and good happened to someone in front of him. Well, if you look at the rabbits were asleep and did not have a moment of the arrival of a person to answer, it could be the rabbits were weak because of disease in misery.

successful greeting

How practical is necessary to wash the dog

Admin 14.33 Add Comment
How practical is necessary to wash the dog -

Currently, there are many dog ​​shows in various pet shops and other pet stores. But keep in mind is actually all dog lovers want to bathe the dog in the living room. Why? Because most of them do not care to take his dog in the living room, in addition to spend their time while waiting in line at the pet store, ternyatanya for them to bring the dog in the pet store company will also take more time when traveling.

Memandikan anjing


out of it, if maintenance wash the dog animal company store must also be increased to more costs each doglovers . Well for those of you who want to bathe the dog without having to bring the pet shop. We will provide a variety of the right way to bathe a dog properly and efisen. Listen ya

It must be prepared and made

When driving to wash the dog thoroughly, preferably before you bathe the dog, do the preparation you need to do such as:


Use appropriate untu bathe your dog location as the door to the bathroom was closed. This will help when the dog wants to escape rebel. If you have found the location, make sure no dangerous objects that could hurt your dog. However, if any, should be cleaned beforehand so doglvers.

special dog Shampoo

must use shampoos that are specially formulated for dogs. because if you use a regular shampoo, PH in shampoo usually damage the fur and dog's skin. Aside from the special shampoo on a dog will also help the growth and the sweetness of the dog's fur.

buckets and other supplies

Prepare a container / bucket to bathe your dog, do not forget to use hot water so your dog can feel comfortable while you bathe. Make sure that the hot water is not too hot, because it will hurt the skin slip anda.Tempatkan the dog's rubber mat in the tub / shower your dog bucket. This usually makes a slip will prevent your dog and make the dog feel comfortable. Also add your dog toiletries such as combs, towels, sponges, brushes, and the bucket.

Oilseeds and scissors

Check the dog's fur, there is a sap, paint or other sticky substances. If it seems that there should soak the affected parts of feathers sticky substance with vegetable oil for 24 hours. If that does not work, you can cut out parts of feathers that struck the sticky substance. Keep in mind, ensure that solvents such as thinner, concentrated detergent and fabric softener are not mixed when you bathe your dog, because these substances are highly toxic when ingested by a dog buddy.

nail clippers and tweezers

Before you bathe your dog, you need to cut the nails of your dog first. This will help the process bath your dog, so the dog can not hurt you when he rebelled when the shower is running. Be careful not too deep when you memtong the dog's nails, as this will cause bleeding in your dog's nails. If your dog has fleas, foxtail or pests must use tweezers to remove some of these parasites. It will usually help the process bath your dog later. (Read: how to kill fleas without flea medication)

Providing protection for the eyes and ears of your dog

Put a cotton ball in both your dog's ears so that the ear can not contain water when the bath process to your dog. Make sure the cotton balls big enough so that it does not get stuck in the dog's ears. To protect your dog's eyes of coir water, apply petroleum jelly and vegetable oil gets around your dog's eyes.

The dog washing process

If all the preparations before the dog wash, you must do it carefully, then the next thing you need to do is to make the bath process your dog and the next,

Wet your dog's body

it is generally not advisable to wash the face and head your dog. As this will make the water enter telingannya and also made his stinging eyes liquid shampoo. Therefore, use cotton balls to cover both your dog's ears so that the ear is still in safe condition if exposed to water that are not accidental.

membasahkan anjing


Once you enter your dog in a container that is provided then it dampen your dog with warm water from the neck throughout the body, including the head to remember. Make sure the hair is also exposed to the water's edge. Usually if your woolly dog ​​you'll need a little time to do it.

Give shampoo and bathe

Especially on dog hair long and thick, you need to pour shampoo with a cup of water before massaging with your hands, so that the resulting foam will be more than the foam will flatten all parts of the dog's fur.

memandikan anjing


However, for short-haired dogs, should go straight, then rub and massage the shampoo completely rises with your own hand, this activity up to 2 times. Advice, do not give shampoo to the head or the face of a dog, you must use washcloth wet to clean your dog's face that looks dirty.

Rinse your dog clean residual soap / shampoo

Clean the rest of shampoo from the dog's fur. Rinse 3 times with hot water until you can be sure that there was no shampoo in the whole surface of the fur of the dog's skin. this is very important, because if we left the rest of the shampoo on the skin and fur of your dog, can cause irritation and damage to the skin of your dog.

Dry your dog

Once you can ensure that your dog is clean for rinsing, use of micro absorbency towels which fibrous amounted to dry the fur and skin of your dog quickly and well.

Mengeringkan anjing

source blog

layer, the towels are diseluru part of your dog's body and pat until completely dry. But usually dogs who invented the long hair, have a natural instinct when his body was wet with her body shaking to dry. In addition, you can also use a hair dryer (hair drying machine / fur) if you do not want to be bothered to wait for the dog's dry fur.

Paint your dog

Menyisir anjing


If your dog has long hair and bushy, then after wash the dog , you should brush your dog's coat to avoid offending later. In addition, you can also use a spray deterrent fur kusutuntuk help you beautify the dog's fur.

give rewards to your dog

For your dog can always handy when you want bathroom. So give him a reward or special gift after the bath has been completed. Reward in what we leave her favorite food and provide other forms of affection.

Memberi makan anjing


This is very important to do, because you give appreciation and affection for him, your dog will certainly understand that bath time is not the thing that sucks for him.

Well everything about how to bathe the dog explained, can be useful yes doglovers

Greetings okdogi .com

related article :.

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The main causes and types of skin diseases in dogs

Admin 13.32 Add Comment
The main causes and types of skin diseases in dogs -

The condition of the skin or skin disorders in dogs is a dog health issues are most important to the vet. There are many causes that can be hard to find on the specifics related to what affects your dog, not only dogs would look bad, skin diseases suffered by dogs also very tortured some skin diseases result in itching is severe.

symptoms of skin disorders in dogs

Although skin diseases can be very annoying for your dog, it is always an easy way to detect that there is often a convenient way of treatment.

thing to remember is that our dogs are very different neighbor's dog, which means that the two dogs were in the same situation, but can show different physical symptoms on the skin, respectively. The condition of the skin and irritation of the skin of the dog breeds can be seen through one or more of the following:

  • Issue anal glands
  • The color turns brown, black or gray keabu-
  • chronic inflammation in the holes of the inner ear
  • dry skin
  • skins peeling off like dandruff
  • smell or foul smell on the skin
  • There is a layer of oil on the skin
  • feathers fall on
  • itching on the skin of dogs - from mild to severe ( average injuries occur scratches)
  • skin flakes brown peeling
  • acne or sores that ooze pus
  • arise eruptions on the dog's skin
  • skin reddening and irritation
  • Arise korengan or Not hardened skin
  • Arise warts on the skin

Main factors cause skin Dog Problem

skin is the largest organ and is very quick to respond fully in a healthy body. A healthy body can be infected inside and outside the body, so it is very difficult to determine the exact cause of the disease. And sometimes, some things can happen without your knowledge

How is the safest to take is consulted about the state of your dog veterinary background you trust

Some possible causes are: ..

1. Low quality dog ​​food

the main cause of skin irritation dog foods low quality. Unfortunately, many dog ​​owners believe they have been feeding the dog with high quality foods while the food they give to the dog makes even harm it. Indeed, the dog food health level is different from the human diet.

The effect of dry food over wet food your dog

When trying to cure skin diseases your dog, make sure that the food you give is wet food (wet). Dry foods will not help to keep moisture in the body of your dog and cure skin diseases. (Read: healthy food for your dog menu)

2. Treatments

parasites on the skin tend to be more interested dogs that have the least dynamic health. These parasites can attack dogs that are elderly, who lack enough food / nutrition, or a dog living in an unhealthy environment.

Some parasites on the dog's skin may have a different impact on your dog be mild or severe.

is a list of parasites that usually affects the skin of dogs and the impact and the symptoms they cause:

dog lice (ticks, Tuma, louse) - Lice most rare in the dog's skin Flea or Tick , but many have reported several cases of Lice . They are sometimes difficult to find due to their small size. You must find the eggs attached follicle hair in dogs. It is also easy to handle

Symptoms :. As chips , the symptoms are caused to bite or scratch constantly in the same area. Lice very rare compared to Flea and Tick , so you have to pay close attention for being safe.

Dog Fleas (ticks) -.? There are many dog ​​owners are faced with a chip in one or two other occasions, but with proper treatment, the chip can disappear in an instant



symptoms the dog will bite or scratch continuously parties. some covered with hair or skin area exposed

dog ticks (ticks) - Tick not the type to occupy parts some skin in dogs permanently. They attach themselves to an area, sucking blood on the side and lay eggs there. Although they do not cause major problems, but they can bring a variety of terrible diseases and should be avoided as soon as possible

Symptoms :. The dog will not show symptoms, but you may aware of the scoring zone Tick nesting. Periodic inspection can be done to prevent this happening

Dog Eat (Mange) -. Scabies on your dog is a serious matter that Dapa because your dog is depressed and not physically comfortable. Usually caused by tiny mite (small mites) that lived in follicle hair of a sick dog.

Kudis anjing

Scabies dog


  • The itching and powder that looks like dandruff around the head, neck and back.
  • There thinning hair around the eyes, the mouth, the front of the foot that forms a pattern with a diameter of about one inch.
  • feels bad, crispy, and irritation in the
  • Scratching and the bite is fierce in the region, which causes irritation of the skin and cause sores and skin becomes crust, accompanied by the loss of fur in the region. Usually the areas attacked are the ears, elbows, feet and face

ringworm -. Is a fungus (not a worm) that can cause serious problems. It can also be transmitted to humans. If your dog is exposed ringworm widespread, it is an indication of your dog's condition is not healthy.

ringworms pada anjing

fungal infections in dogs

symptoms :.

  • from the red zone, and then developed to form a small ring that spread slowly
  • area who attacked generally areas that are rarely covered with feathers
  • the thickening of the skin
  • ulceration or skin irritation

Read: natural ways to kill fleas lice without medicines

3. Toxins from environmental pollution

Sometimes we do not think of this environment in which we live may cause effects on the health of our dogs. Some of the toxins we use at home and in the garden can harm our dogs. Make sure you study the situation before using the spray in and around the house. And if you do need to use the toxic spray, keep your dog to keep a safe distance from the area to be sprayed for a while.

There is also a possibility that your dog is sensitive to certain pollutants. Unfortunately, if you live in an area that has a high level of pollution, you can not do anything related problems on your dog's skin (unless you are willing to relocate).

4. Vaccination

Some dogs have very sensitive skin to react adversely to vaccination. If this happens, go back to the vet you trust as soon as possible, so they can act quickly to help.

5. psychological factor

Imagine the last time you feel stressed at work or at home. Dapakah you mention the impact on your physical? Some people get acne or rashes on the skin, while others become moist or exposed to frequent canker sores.

Similarly, in dogs we could be adversely affected in the physical (including the impact on the skin) due to stress. Dogs who are bored, stressed, angry or irritable may have a negative reaction on the skin.

Dogs are very disturbed by noises in the environment, such as the sound of the horn and the sound of vehicle engines, they can be stressful because the.

7. Disorders of the past

Sometimes, the dog may show disease signs of recovery when the disease is still lodged in the dog's body . This usually occurs when the various symptoms of the disease are treated according to the usual manner.

tertutama if your dog is suffering from chronic diseases in the past, you should visit the veterinarian you trust for advice on how to cure the disease instead of focusing on symptoms are visible.

8. skin allergy

Allergies in dogs usually appear as skin food, insects, or neighborhood. Another factor why dogs may have allergies is because saliva and urine on the dog's skin wall, many people thought that dog long-haired breeds will row allergy compared with a hairless dog is short, but it is wrong for dogs with short fur also may experience skin allergies.

alergi anjing

dog allergy

This is because the protein in saliva and stick dog urine and itchy for some dogs that have low immunity is a sensitive protein stuck to their skin.

10. Bacteria Pyoderma

Pyoderma is a skin disorder which is usually caused by bacteria that can be found in the follicle or appear to flea bites. In the skin of any bacteria to enter, there will be acne that causes itching so that the dog will scratch, which will lead to the spread of bacteria.

Bakteri Pyoderma

The bacterial pyoderma

Pyoderma in puppies is a skin condition that is caused by bacteria and similar to rashes caused by diapers. Acne in dogs is also the impact of bacteria on the skin.

The bacteria that appear on the skin will not cause health problems in dogs that have endurance. But dogs who have weak immune systems are prone to skin diseases such as pyoderma or acne.

Stress can be a factor that reduces the immune system on the body of a dog, which can lead to pyoderma, but too often given vaccinate your dog's dry food your dog and use chemicals in your home also plays a very important role in triggering the onset of problems in the skin of your dog.

okdogi few articles on some of the causes of skin problems of dogs, hopefully what you provide benefits. If you like this article please share there buddy!

Salam okdogi

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Characters and Sphynx cat care

Admin 12.31 Add Comment
Characters and Sphynx cat care -

Almost all purebred cats have thick fur that covered the surface of the body. However, did you know that there was a rare cat breed that has almost no fur? Yes, a breed of cat with a little fur Sphynx named. With the unique and exotic physical characteristics, Sphynx cats enough to attract cat lovers, so many people support now. Well, before you decide to keep Sphynx cats yuk First consider the following information.

History sphynx cats

the emergence of the Sphynx cat breed originated from local to Canada, which gave birth to hairless kittens due to genetic mutations. These kittens, began breeding cats processes without fur. hairless cat type is then given the name of the Canadian Hairless breed .

kucing sphynx

sphynx cat

Ras Canadian Hairless did not exist when Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) a statement that the absence of the cats fur is not normal and deadly for the cat itself, resulting in the reproduction process of the race was stopped. But some time later, a kitten born without hair seeokor domestic cat parent. This time, the emergence of hairless kittens are not in Canada, but in Minnesota, the US.

A farmer named Georgina Gattenby then try to reproduce the races and cats without fur marry more kittens with Devon Rex cat breed. This cross has managed to strengthen genetic traits and produce healthy cats without fur. Crossing result is called "Sphinx", a name taken from the Sphinx statue in Egypt. Currently the Sphynx cats were registered in various cat registration breed organizations, namely Cat Fanciers' Association, Federation Internationale Feline, Canadian Association Cat American Association of cat lovers, and The International Cat Association.


Behind the faces and frightening physical form, he turns Sphynx cat has properties very friendly, sweet, and loves consult. This cat is very easy familiar with humans and other pets, including dogs, however. Sphynx cat is a cat who is very active and playful.

Because of its very gregarious, the Sphynx is in desperate need of attention his master and can not be left alone at home. So make sure you have enough time to accompany this chat game. Indeed, if you must leave Sphynx cat at home in a long time or often, you must have more than one pet to accompany these cats to be lonely. Do not worry, the Sphynx cats will easily make friends with your pet more.

first glance, the Sphynx cats do not seem at all soft. However, if more closely observed, the Sphynx cats have fur that is short and smooth. The wrinkles that appear on the skin softness adds keeksotisan Sphynx cat.

Sphynx cat has a medium size, weighing 3-6 kilograms. Strapping body shape and is supported by four legs are thin and long. The parts of his body, as the head, body and tail, has a shape similar to a cat breed Bengal.


Cats Sphynx has a life expectancy of 8 to 14 years. These cats including healthy breed, agile, and powerful. However, there are health issues that may arise in the absence of the thick fur covering its body.

kucing sphynx

sphynx cat

Health problems often arise in Sphynx kittens newborn. Sphynx kittens can be infected with respiratory tract infections due to cold, and they have very sensitive digestive systems. Diarrhoeal diseases can arise when the kittens were given medicines or eating foods with a protein content of less than 80 percent. In addition, diarrheal diseases are also sometimes appear as Sphynx cats have moved into a new home or adopted by new owners.

A Sphynx adult cats, the disease problems that sometimes arises is urticaria pigmentosa , which is a kind of disease causing dark spots on the skin and is very itchy. In addition, the Sphynx adults are also susceptible to the disease hypertrophic cardiomyopathy , which is a type of heart disease that is inherited by the ancestors of this breed. Therefore, vaccination regularly and keep the Sphynx cats consumed foods are the things you need to do.


One might think that the Sphynx cats treatment easier than most pure woolly cat breed. But they are not. At least once a week, you need to do treatment ( grooming ) to Sphynx cat. Why is it? Sphynx have fur that is thick enough to absorb the oil, saliva and sweat that clung to his skin. Therefore, it becomes easier the Sphynx skin is dirty and must be cleaned more often.

Use baby shampoo or a shampoo that contains moisturizers to bathe the Sphynx cat. Rub with the soft parts of the skin that wrinkles are for cleaning the dirt does not look stuck. Sphynx cats are bathed accustomed from childhood will enjoy this activity. Clean the tip of the Sphynx eyes with a damp cloth. Do not forget to clean the ears, brushing teeth, and cut his nails regularly to prevent germs or bacteria are deposited.

Finally, and above all, take care of your Sphynx cat with serious and committed. Taking care of Sphynx cats require patience and requires you to spend a considerable time. But, believe me, Sphynx able to reciprocate your affection with loyalty.

Salam okdogi

How to start the cultivation of earthworms

Admin 11.30 Add Comment
How to start the cultivation of earthworms -

earthworms are disgusting and ridiculous pets for some people, because of its soft and contortion. Eitss .. but do not judge what an animal of their appearance alone. Earthworms have many other benefits in addition to helping the tillage process.

The main content of the worm is a protein that plays an important role in biological activity. In comparison with other animal meat, most to high in protein which is about 76%. While protein in beef or other memalia only 65% ​​of proteins in the fish is only 50%. Earthworms also contain the amino acid is approximately 17%

The worm also beneficial to health, such as :. Typhoid cure Diarrhea Drug, smooth blood circulation, smooth digestion, reduces fever (antipyretic), calm nerves, and increases energy. Earthworms are also useful for wound healing and effective for the health of human skin. The content of alpha-tocopherol on earthworms help maintain skin elasticity and keep young. Even the cosmetics industry, including earthworms are the raw material for cosmetics you know ..

Well, if so, what type of worms are most commonly used? Earthworm species vary, but commonly used and are ternakkan: Pheretima, Periony & Lumbricus. The third type of earthworm is like the organic matter from manure and plant debris. But Worm species Lumbricus Rubellus also known as worm of Europe, has the advantage of more than two types of other above, due to the high production (weight gain, egg production / chicks and production of ex-worm "vermicompost") and does not move much, so more who cultivate this type of worm.

the initial stage of earthworm cattle

with the growing need, many are trying to grow their own. The trick is pretty easy anyway, you can try yourself at home. This article will discuss how to cultivate earthworms.

1. Steps to start raising Earthworm (Lumbricus Rubellus)

  1. Make cage worm (maintenance of the box)
  2. Prepare medium of life or environment worm
  3. supply seeds to
  4. method of dispersing seeds earthworm
  5. Markets to brood
  6. making food
  7. care and maintenance
  8. harvest period
  9. to make the enclosure (maintenance of the box)

first thing to do is to make the maintenance box enclosure worm / worm. In fact, making earthworm breeding cage was very easy. Because where the culture of worms, it can carelessly, we remain DELISH alone.

Each place for growing worms Lumbricus Rubellus preferably made separately, with a size of about 50 x 40 x 30 cm, the size of the container will be able to accommodate about 100-130 young. Other references state that should be the size of one square meter can be filled with 0.50 kg of earthworms.

The cage can be made of several materials are cheap and easily obtained as wooden supports, bamboo baskets, plastic bins, same old pond fish that are not used can also be used .

Make the cage for the worm to be in the shade are sheltered from rain and sun.

2. Perisapkan Life Media or worm environment

This is very important and the most obligatory of concern to raise earthworms, especially for beginners wanting engaged in farm worm world this earth, is the average of the culture of the worm itself in because the media live worms that we will use as a place of culture can influence the selling price in the extent of the crop, and the life of the worm itself

life terms for media earthworms, such as :. loose, organic and software. This is necessary for the survival of earthworms loved the soft, damp area

Examples of media that can be used, such as :.

  1. Mushroom Log is a waste mushroom culture. Currently we use as the main media, since the fungal protein daily content is higher than other media to enhance the growth of worms.
  2. House , but not only soil, keep the soil containing many nutrients. Usually found in soil humus.
  3. timber , the waste products sawn, very useful but need to be mixed with water before use.
  4. Shredded Stem Banana , ie using the stems are cut, but generally also added to the soil
baglog jamur

baglog mushrooms via

How .:

the materials used are a mixture of compost with organic ingredients mentioned above. Enter these materials until it reaches a height of 15 cm. Enter as sufficient water for the live media earthworm is moist and crumbly. Stir all ingredients until a homogeneous mixture, so that the fermentation process.

After four weeks, mix manure in it with a ratio of 70% medium and 30% feces of live animals. Kapur also be added up to 1% of live media to obtain a neutral pH. The carrier is considered appropriate when the pH reached 07/06, the moisture content of 15 to 30% and a temperature between 15 - 25 ° C. Then enter the earthworm in it. Worms that included heavy media life that was provided. When the weight of its media reach 1 kg, the worm that is put into it also weighs 1 kg. To avoid dryness of live media, the support surface may be coated in plastic bags or other materials that are not translucent.

3. Seed Procurement worm

If the speaker and media live worms are ready, please buy seeds or breeding stock to farmers is earthworm. It is better than using seeds wild worm that we find it in nature. Because of the ability to reproduce is not good and sometimes can not adapt to the new environment. And the quality and content of substances in growing seedlings earthworms much better.

4. Method Earthworm distribution Seed

If the cage, the live media are ready and seedlings earthworms are available, then the spread is ready do it. worms seed potatoes do not jump immediately into media, but a little. Add again and check every three hours, if there is a worm that roam outdoors. If the worm instead leaving the media or container means the means used must be replaced because it is not ready for habitation, may be contaminated by chemicals, ammonia, fat or less humid. How to replace the media through the rinse water then pressed or water jetty until the water runs clear.
To determine whether the worms were planted at home against the medium used, you can confirm it after 12 hours.

penyebaran cacing tanah

earthworm deployment

If the worm remains comfortable with his new home and enter immediately the seeds of another worm to be uniform. After finished sowing entered the growth medium and close the culture medium with banana skins, plastic or other objects that can make the shadow culture medium and not exposed to direct sunlight.

5. Workflow

To live and grow well, every day of worms should have the necessary food supplies. Earthworms feed easiest, organic waste item single household may be food that has tremendous value and content for worms. There are several types of food given to the worm, including:

a. organic waste from households

Household waste such example is rice was stale, fruit peels, inedible vegetables, potato peelings, carrots, onions, stem kale etc.

b. industry houses organic waste

Home newspaper mushrooms of industrial wastes such as waste in the traditional market, fruit leather waste, waste food from the kitchen at home, etc. .

c. ranch biological waste

agricultural waste such as cow dung, goat, chicken with hints of water in advance to heat, or can be given a prebiotic that feels not.

d. organic waste environment

waste falling leaves can be delivered directly and can also be composted first.

In a properly fed day Earthworms once, depending on the earthworms weights that are grown. However, it is also a food once a week and there is also a 3-day supply, depending on our taste alone. But it is better that every day the worms are fed to rapidly develop a large

For the worm Lumbricus Rubellus become the fat feed that is given should be that livestock manure is ripe already mixed with green compost with a size ratio of 2 .: 1. the power settings equals the number of worms that we cultivate. If the weight of 1 kg to reach, power must be given also weighs 1 kg. Before being put into service cage / box, worm diet must be a powder or a suspension. For the dough, the ratio of water to feed is 1: 1, after mixing the ingredients, stirring until smooth. Feed suspension sprinkled evenly over the surface of the third part of the media live earthworms.

6. Maintenance and repair of

Many say the least / capacity to that we also cultivate in all power schemes, care and at harvest. For self-care thing we must do is keep moisture media culture of earthworms, to taste watering in the media live earthworms with a little water and not more and eventually the worm will be overwhelmed and die.

to Cage should be always covered / protected by a cover so as to feel safe, can use banana leaves, banana leaves, paper / paper, and other objects that could cover the surface of the support. For other than banana leaves and banana stems media must always be in the rain, so the humidity is maintained.

perawatan cacing tanah

earthworm care

media that is so earth or vermicompost already filled with lots of eggs (cocoon) must be replaced immediately. To the worm rapidly growing, eggs, the child and the parent to be separated on different media. Replacing average media is within 2 weeks once.

In addition, many pests that bother some cultivation process and the enemy worms to watch. Among others: beetles, birds, centipedes, millipedes, flies, mice, frogs, squirrels, chickens, ducks, snakes, swans, leeches and ticks. For this purpose, the hole where the maintenance must always be closed. Good material used as cover is a wire mesh. Because the mesh also provides air exchange process continues to work well. In addition, another enemy that is no less disturbing than the red ants that eat carbohydrates and fats in foods, both substances are essential for them to fattening land. To prevent an attack of red ants around maintenance of the box given sufficient water (dirambang).

7. The harvest

Two things can wait earthworms harvest, namely; Biomass or himself and Kascing or used to earthworm

After 2.5 -. 3.5 months, the worm began to be harvested for feed rod / seed and could continue to harvest until the age of 7 months. Marked with the number vermicompost (worm old) and cocoon (a collection of worm eggs). Most adult worms should be left to use seeds. Worms are taken is about 25% of the number of worms there. the size of the harvested biomass without worm.

to harvest can be done in several ways. The first is to use a tool such as petromaks, fluorescent lamp or bulb. Light produced by lamps invite a worm to collect at the top of the media because the worms are very sensitive to light, remain split between the worm and the media. Another way is to maintain the box and separates the media live worms.

Once the worms are harvested, most of the adult worms and cocoons (egg) each put in a media newness of life separately Earthworm eggs will soon hatch in 14- 21 days. After that, the maintenance can be performed from the beginning of culture.

In addition to worms, worm farm land also produces vermicompost, granular, fibrous and blackish. In general, vermicompost is located on the surface around the nest. Vermicompost containing micro-organisms, inorganic minerals and organic ingredients that are beneficial to plants. Vermicompost can be used as organic fertilizer. Excellence vermicompost fertilizer, among others, were able to neutralize the excess acidity in the soil, making the soil more friable and not solid fast. So vermicompost can be returned again to the media or directly packaged and sold for use as organic fertilizer.

Some information on how to grow worms. Easy enough right? Hopefully this information can help you and can be applied to start a business, you sndiri earthworms. Good luck

Listen, how to keep the baby hamster

Admin 22.29 Add Comment
Listen, how to keep the baby hamster -

What's New? Hamster you ever want a baby? Or having a baby? Previously I first congratulate yes! Yeay! Already in love is not the name of their children? hehe .. before you continue reading this article please include the hamster breeding process by reading the following article.

  • Which sniper bovine hamster success
  • 16 Feature pregnant hamster

Good perhaps my friend a little confused how to care for a child hamster huh? Where before I had explained about the great hamster already now, I will explain how to care for cute babies. As usual, the view is!

How to take care of baby hamster

1. Note the condition of the baby's body. Usually baby hamster will be red or pink. If blue is ensured already dead. And the eyes are closed and the baby will still be covered as a human baby, because he can not see clearly and still too dazzled to see the light.

2. The first day, the baby will often breastfed by his mother.

3. do not leave without a male hamster in a hamster cage with the baby. Remember, hamsters including animal cannibals. Sometimes, no matter what, it will devour everything and yes one of them, including a baby hamster will feed her baby hamster because it seems new food for him. If it can be from when the mother was pregnant and had been separated.

4. Clear all kinds of toys you because the baby can be pinched when the mother was to explore around the cage.

5. never touch the baby with fingers! It is certainly curious and wanted to touch him, but never try because of the smell of your hands touching the baby will be a threat to the mother. The child's mother considers a threat to leave the baby and will not be more than one to one care and worse can eat hamster baby by the mother. Approximately three weeks until new boy started can be held. If you want to see or use a spoon to move. But when they wanted to leave menyeroknya also raised with wood powder.

6. Never disturb also the mother hamster gave birth because the mother will feel threatened and scared to become stressed and if stress is not put the hamster mother kills her children. And to clean the cage do in advance for 1-2 weeks or until the child is ready for you when the hamster is already nearing childbirth try sometimes is completely clean.

7. pal hamster Not too often remarked. Indeed, perhaps bored buddy, my friend wants to play with a pet hamster hamster let alone a buddy buddy just gave birth became increasingly exasperated to see his children. But do not be too often approached pal hamster. Because the smell of your body can be embraced by the mother, and again the mother feels threatened and can cause stress because of excessive fears and, one might accidentally kill her.

because in original habiat, the mother children store in a dark place that is very far from any disturbance. If you want to see favorite hamster My friend when he wanted to eat and drink and eat and drink should be very carefully and slowly also provide more food available for a period slightly longer than usual for my friend not to interfere with hamsters and children son. This is done until the child's age is about two weeks began hairy body.

8. Give nutritious food as I described in my previous article on hamster food menu, but not in love sweet corn is!

9. for the cage, as I mentioned earlier in the article how to breed hamsters. The cages can be made from cardboard or aquarium. And should use paper, because when the mother caring for her child, it will be difficult to frequently clean the cage so that the cage will become smelly. The carbon content in the newsprint can absorb odor. The newspaper does not need to be left unharmed, because the mother is torn one and form a nest that is suitable for her and her children. Do not forget to give too little sawdust on top of the paper to be hotter. Do not use sand Zeolith yes, because it would result dusty

read.! Criteria commonly used hamster cage, complete

10. Then, if transparent cage should be covered with paper. It is expected that the temperature inside the enclosure warmer way and the mother does not feel secure. Should be in place in a dark enough place to feel safe for the mother and her children. Hamsters are first the mother was like I mentioned earlier, the mother will be very sensitive and very annoyed if anyone noticed.

11. Put the hamster and children dry heat, not humid and quite light, but not. Be combined 5 watt bulb, but do not get too close to the cage for the lighting of the cage and warm the baby, but not in pairs such as fluorescent light bulbs, etc.

12. Put food and beverages hamster is easy not to complicate the mother hamster. Make sure water and food are always provided clean and fresh! Do not let the mother of thirst and hunger, because it could actually the mother who would devour her child.

minuman induk hamster

13. Then, if the baby is 3 weeks already terihat hairy, mother and child is allowed to be divided. And the mother have their own time of about 1 week to recover stamina. After the mother can be united again with her children and toys can be re-entered. But do not directly interfere with the male hamster yes because the male hamster could take his son and likely to mate again with a hamster and hamster female females will become pregnant again when the children are still very low. Wait until the child is growing about 2 months will be reunited with the male hamster.

friend Ok, it is a way of caring for a child hamster. No more embarrassing is not it? Due to the custody of his mother.

What's New? The mother died after giving birth? Waduh..Dan how to take care of the child if the mother dies ?? Ok there again, I'll tell more how to care for the child without a mother.

Childcare hamster without broodstock

  • Actually baby hamster so desperately needs his mother. Are the same as us, we also still need mom far. The most important is the need milk of the mother. But if the mother dies, then you should be a mother. You must give special milk for hamster commonly to the sale of company-shop animals. Use small bottles or bottles that you normally use to drink a hamster, but in the first wash to clean yes or you can also use a dropper to feed. As much as possible breastfeeding should not be smeared in the body must be very careful and remember, as do not directly affect the baby's body because of the human scent that was extremely sensitive to the hamster child and can lead to stress so that the baby does not want to drink milk. Use a spoon so I mentioned earlier. And it is rather inconvenient because they have to feed the baby every few minutes.
  • Keep the heat of the cage. It is as I mentioned earlier about the cages. Oh yes, because if he could use sawdust powder imports as more clean, clear, and dust. usually sharp local sawdust and can hurt the baby hamster. Friends may also provide light on the cage as I described earlier, so in order to keep the heat hamster.Pasti friend cage will feel very awkward because Comrade can say must always be with the baby hamster continues to breastfeed and maintain. There are other ways, if you feel the hassle that is noticed how the next.
  • friends can leave the baby to the mother the other hamsters, but who are also breastfeeding yes if not later, the baby will be eaten by other hamsters. But it is also the condition of the mother hamster willing to accept the baby from another mother. Because if you did finally accept the baby will be angguri.
  • hamster Search mother who had no abnormality because the hamster who had abnormalities are clearly not able to take care of their children.
  • Search mother hamster-like hamsters mother died and have children the same age as the baby so that the hamster mother assumes the baby as one of her children and can not distinguish so it goes certainly take care of all children, including babies in the living dead by her mother.

seems more embarrassing huh? Hehe .. So take care of all good hamstermu. Before marrying care also best to take care when she was pregnant as I explained earlier how to care for hamsters. Well now, let me explain the hamster growth process from birth until it began to swell. Let me Pal more understanding. Listen ya hehe ..

hamster growth process from birth until it begins to enlarge

  • As I said before the new hamster -Born is red or pink and his eyes finally closed.
  • , then two days later, the baby begins to show signs of pigmentation of the skin and this only occurs on hamster babies will have a brown or black color.
  • and the day 5-7 skin pigmentation begins to look again that raised the fine hairs around his body, but only slightly. Then the ears begin to look and his eyes began to open and look black.
  • last day for 8-9 mother bring regular food he eats in his den to introduce these foods to their children. Give the milk of the mother began to decline.
  • Then, 10 generally fine hairs that have started to cover, but not heavy, and they usually start looking hard foods, even if his eyes can not see clearly, but the food was introduced by his mother.
  • Then the 12 usually starts safe if my friend wanted to keep the small inconvenience was in the hands of man. But do not stay long time ago hehe hamater usually it was only at home for 15 minutes to take the next man, he must have felt annoyed. And at this time in years, my friend had started to clean the hamster cage as possible before the date of birth until delivery was still not clear? Well, deh clean quickly. Kasian hamsters.
  • Then, at the age of 2-3 weeks, the children's eyes began to open. Its fur is also increasingly dense and teeth were also up perfectly. But generally, they will always suck the milk while the mother was gone. But they will still eat a steady supply of food we give. And at the time of this time, the hamster was already able to multiply so quickly separate the male and female hamsters. Also began to separate from the mother that raised the highest hamster confidence and get used to humans. And usually at this age now, hamsters instinct started there, they were able to fight, emotional already understood by them.
  • Then, at the age of 5-6 weeks they had a normal life for himself.

Well that my friend? It is obvious, right? Oh yeah one more note to me if my friend had seen the mother takes her child, there must be a reason. Although sometimes unreasonable that his birth defects or premature reason, have small baby is born or shaped bore in the hamster is dead. And the more serious if my friend did not pay attention to food preparation in place, flip-pity is up and my friend forgot to fill usually the mother who is hungry to take the kids. So do not leave empty ya! Remember, the hamster is a cannibalistic animals.
Okedeh pal, have fun with the baby yeah!

Choose a wet or dry food for cats? Listen

Admin 21.28 Add Comment
Choose a wet or dry food for cats? Listen -

healthy cat is the dream for all lovers of cats in the world, probably, I'm sure none of cat lovers who want to see the soft inactivity and unhealthy because cat some factors that can paint the less tau enthusiasts in treating a cat or give food supply healthy and nutritious cat.

Well in this topic I will discuss in a variety of cat food is the chat buddy cat lovers. healthy, so as chat buddy lovers will increasingly irritated and unfortunately when seen healthy cat pal, and active

Read: the benefits of cat food from several brands in Indonesia

to provide nutritious foods for cats, we must see what is best for the cat we grow. Suppose the Persian cat, Angora, and others in general, each type of cat would be little to no difference where the cat does not eat the food they need.

makanan nasi untuk kucing

food rice in domestic cats


wet cat food

for excess food of this type tend to have a healthier composition. Due to the amount of fat, carbohydrates and protein than dry foods we encounter. But my friend had to know this type of food is more expensive than dry food and also will be gaps will be easily damaged due to the type of food should always be simpen to cold temperatures or if it is not likely to affect expired.

This type of food has a moisture content of 78%, this will be enough to meet the water needs for cats that you just need to give them some water for keep hydrated, wet food is one of the foods that are designed to look like food the original cat in the wild, although we know that many cats are used to eating dry food do not want to eat wet food.

makanan kucing basah

dry food

cat wet food cat

for this type of dried foods, can be a matter of price and nutrition wet food is Buddy. But that does not mean that there is no excess, the excess of these foods tend to contain enough carbohydrates and a little protein wet food, so it would be better to use food dry, if my friend prioritize health pal cat dental because dry food does not stick to Selah tooth cats and water levels belonging to dry food only about 10%, so that the negative effects on the pal cat-MENCI MENCI will be smaller, but they will need to intake more water.

makanan kucing kering

dry cat food

for this type of buddy diet should not bother to taro to cold temperatures, because to run expirednya in packaging of dry food that was long enough.

right now you already know! All variety of healthy foods for wet and dry cat food, and the advantages and disadvantages of these foods. Now you just selected deh where better for a cat at home.

Hopefully this article useful.

successful greeting okdogi

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Solutions to overcome a sick cat diarrhea (diarrhea)

Admin 20.27 Add Comment
Solutions to overcome a sick cat diarrhea (diarrhea) -

healthy cats usually have stools that have a solid form, but if you see their droppings berbetuk liquid and pasty best friend must be vigilant because the cat may suffer from diarrhea. Additionally the activity of the shit of another cat in excess usually can be sure that the cat has diarrhea.

kucing diare

cat diarrhea

Therefore we need to find out in advance what the causes they have diarrhea, it is important to know that the cause cat has diarrhea is two causes mild diarrhea and severe diarrhea. Listen ya!

The cause mild diarrhea in cats

1. Change the type of food that is different.
2. drinking water is in doubt clean (dirty).
3. contain any lactosanya cow milk.
4. changes in the environment or climate are stressing cats and decreased physical fitness among cats (low).
5. owner cat replacement so the cat will undergo a stress.
6. the presence of new people in the old lungkungan always lived there also had a negative impact on the cat's health.

the cause of severe diarrhea in cats

1. Virus leukemia.
2. FIV or also called feline panleukopenia disease.
3 . The presence of small intestinal parasites pencernaanya.
4. Inflammation of the intestine.
5. The presence of bacteria and fungi in the intestines.
6. damaged kidneys.

The following symptoms are common symptoms in cats with diarrhea.

1. the presence of blood in stool cat.
2. Hobby pooping liquid parentheses the near future.
3. his temperature rose dramatically.
4. No appetite.
5. Lack of fluids in the body (dehydration).
6. weight dropped drastically.
7. frequent vomiting vomiting.
8. body becomes soft cat.

appropriate measures when the cat has diarrhea should be done as follows.

• Go to the nearest veterinarian in your home, check with the doctor so that you can treat diarrhea in cats. And seek treatment as well as treatment.
• Make sure your cat is not out of the house, so the cat's physical health and worsens (decrease) when experiencing diarrhea.
• Check the dirt in the sandbox of your cat, whether in the form of manure as.
• It is recommended for 12 hours chat banned for food, so that the abdominal pain being experienced in penderta may be a slight pain.
• If 12 hours have passed, give the food supply of chicken meat in shape with minimal service gradually slowly.
• Do not give milk to your cat infected with diarrhea in the intestines because it will result vatal for digestion.
• at the time of diarrhea symptoms began to subside, and provide more food portions than ever before. While the physical conditions in cats can be restored to normal quickly. . And make sure not to leave food in vain

Giving a good remedy for cats with diarrhea are:

1. Pumpkin Vegetable

pumpkin plant fibers that many will be able to absorb water in the intestine. Therefore, give a bit of cat food on the vegetables to make pumpkin cat feces become hard.

2. Yogurt (lactobacillus)

This type of intestinal bacteria generally have two types, namely the bacterial pathogen and not Patagon. According to my information the non-pathogenic bacteria generally very good for the gut due to the function of the bacteria is to help digestion in the body properly.

Menci MENCI (diarrhea) suffered by cats are usually caused by pathogenic bacteria then use lactobacillus which is a good bacteria that should be used to pegobatan in cats with diarrhea. Use of the drug about 1-2 teaspoons lactobacillus which is meaningless.

Okay, maybe useful yap! Good luck


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Learn the first step to marry a rabbit

Admin 19.26 Add Comment
Learn the first step to marry a rabbit -

Although different kind, but mating rabbits essentially to the same thing. The point is that we can marry doe with a male rabbit and easy at any time. At least the mating rabbits by the same applies to other types of rabbits as rabbits Flemish giant, Rex, Dutch, Angora, New Zealand White Fuzzy Lop and rabbits Australia .

Cara mengawinkan kelinci

How to marry a rabbit

it is important, no need to force the mating rabbits are not ready to marry because that could "destroy" the rabbit itself. If imposed, rabbit growth will be disturbed, become stunted men, while women fail to become pregnant. Despite that may pregnancy are more likely than their children unhealthy, weak, and even disability.

Some ways to note before mating rabbits

How to marry a rabbit to go through some of the terms with right steps by step. Well, consider the ease of mating rabbits after.

Bring the female rabbit in a cage amount of

How to marry a rabbit is right that we should do the deer in the enclosure stud, not be reversed . Why? With a doe comes into the enclosure stud free amount and then dominate the cage (as in the "house" itself). In this case, the male rabbits tend to be more confident and women marry more aggressive.

Sea rabbit preferably when the temperature is not too hot. For example, morning, afternoon, or evening. Marriages carried out at temperatures above 27 degrees Celsius less. Ideally rabbits coupling between the hours of 6:00 to 8:00 or night hours of 18: 00-20h00. (Read: distinction Guidelines between male and female rabbits)

safe and comfortable Cages

After doe rabbit cages inserted into the male leave for a while. They whirling as a form of heating. In this process, we must ensure safe and comfortable cage for two rabbits so that the mating process more smoothly.

kandang kelinci


After the rabbit successful men 'up female for a few minutes, then lift the deer and rest about 15 minutes. Next doe came again and they marry again. Do the same step several times. In fact marry is enough to make a pregnant rabbits, but to increase the possibility of pregnancy should be mated several times. (Read: the specifications of the rabbit cage and how)

unnecessary rested

If the coupling rabbit location on the ground or open space the coupling activity need not being rested. Here, rabbits arrange a marriage breaks naturally. Give half an hour was on the field for next coupled rabbit was returned to the cage respectively.

The rabbits do not want to get married

Although he was already satisfied the requirements to become pregnant, there are also cases of female rabbits did not want to marry. This could have caused the rabbit is not ready or that, even in pregnancy. Admittedly, although the rabbit was pregnant and lactating women, he could still marry and get pregnant because the rabbit has two uteruses.

Meskipu therefore should not marry rabbits during pregnancy or nursing doe. Besides the rabbit torture health conditions may also be disrupted.

The cause of the rabbit does not want to marry

There are many factors why doe not want to marry. Probably because of bad rabbits mating or perhaps other non-technical barriers.

There are several cases where doe not want to marry either because they do not like the female rabbit male rabbit. If it is true, then the solution is just another male who is changing the colors are different.

Cage also affect mood doe for mating. It could be home to an amount that is less convenient, too narrow, or less than to create own mood doe for mating disappear.

If the barriers are factors well stables are cramped and less comfortable then the best solution to replace a larger enclosure. It would be better than the rabbit left a few minutes in the open so that more flexibility to mate naturally.

Possible causes doe not want to marry that rabbits are in a state of stress. If so, you should not need to force doe for mating. Instead rabbits must first be processed until the conditions recover and calm. After only a few days can try to mate back.

Having found some easy way mating rabbits above mungikin little motivating for those planning to manage the business of rabbit farm.

Hopefully this article can be useful for us all.

Salam okdogi

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The results of the voting and funniest famous cat in the world !!

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The results of the voting and funniest famous cat in the world !! -

The cats have characteristics that are very adorable and charming personality for any fan of cats in the world. Many cat show often held in various events in all regions of the world to showcase the cute, stylish and unique cats worldwide have cat lovers. Well, for you who want to know a little funniest cat in the world , you can see an interesting article that!

11 list of social media known and most popular cat in

1. Cat Street (Bob)

street cat bob

source of

this cat fanspage in "Face Book" as well as the number of followers INSTAGRAM least over 300 thousand people. Bob also has a sabagai award "Tails of the Unexpected" in the British television series in 2013 the prices of animals before.
One feature that belongs bob among others, the shawl is always wrapped around the neck. Bob is a cat that has unique features that are not owned another cat.

Bob can do High five, high five was also trained by their owners for many years. In addition, this cute cat has a personality of "The Ultimate Escape Artist" in which the cat often escapes when the bob was in need of fresh air. And most interestingly, it is the owner called Bowen wrote a book specifically bob his beloved.

Link instagram Bob

2. Colonel meow

colonel meow


This cat is found in 2012 and already has thousands of fans in various social media. When the cat is ill news spread through social media. Horrendous news that cat when the cat's pain turns this cat has a fan that many of the world of cat lovers, as well as a photographer and is very much a show of support for his recovery.

Colonel recently nobatkan like a cat with longer bristles with size 9 Inc. were recorded by Guines Of Records. These cats also fanspage on face book with many followers around 500,000 people

Link instagram had colonel meow :. Https://

3. Nala

nala cat

Cat on very well known in the social network and social media online. This cute cat also has a special website to sell all merchandise himself as the form of mobile phone cases, headbands, T-shirts, and more. Super cute cat living in the United States in Kotta Los Angeles, California.

Nala is a unique cat in the separate adoption of his family in California. At first, the owner made Instagram for a cat named Nala nala so could always get together with his family on the social web.

But this behavior was funny Nala even create a Istagramnya has many followers of various cats fans and cat lovers of the world, a feature which is the nala property and be loved a lot of fans are large eyes and gray ash so that makes him look sepertik plush cat is super cute and unique

Link instagram belongs nala :. Https: //

4. Scarface



genster cat is derived from Singapore is called Scarfe because their owners had injuries on his face after berantam with other cats. Scarfe and lived in Marine Parade and had been included in several magazines in the world, as in the English "magazine your cats," Singapore "Pets Megazine" and other magazines.

Currently, the cat remained central to healing adoption of cats, this cat Garfield looks generally already have a personal Facebook FansPage with a number of followers much. Scarface has properties and characters that are not other cats owners in general unique. For example, he likes mamakai bowtie neck kemapun when he went with his owner. Among the advantages of what makes this so unique is her favorite cat when she takes a durian

Facebook scarred of

link :. Https://

5. Hamilton



cute cat is unique and very in the spotlight in various cyber world. friendliness and uniqueness that owned this cat adai in part has a white mustache and very long too dense, so it can differentiate with other cats in general. Hamilton also FansPage on facebook with a considerable number of fans around 100 thousand people.

hamilton Initially rejected by the first owner in Sanfransisco then adopted again by the famous comedian named Jay stowe. Jay Hamilton admitted falling in love with when he saw the cat. This cat became very famous when Jay realized hamilton has quite perfect mustache and unique compared to other cats. . So by Jay was the owner of the cat cat d often perpetuate Instagram and other social media

Link instagram belongs hamilton:

6, Cooper



Cooper is seeokor old cat in the world that was old 6 years and is housed cats live in Seattle. This cat is one of many cats that the discourse of the world of the photographer and cat lovers of the world. Beginning with the story when their owners called "Michael and Deirdre" They really want to know where to go cooper all day? Then the cat memustukan to drape a camera in the neck of the cooper to shoot all shapes that are made every day.

Originally it was considered a fun experience for the owner who named Michel and Deidre. But when the first day back cooper, lead to the capture cameras in wear on the neck is really very amazing. Pictures which produced the camera is a picture of the beauty of the environment in which the adventure from the perspective of cooper. Mini camera that has been in wear around their neck cooper automatically take pictures every 2 minutes each time. Revealing all seen cooper in his adventures

Link instagram owned cooper:

Grumpy Cat 7.

grumpy cat

source www

This cat was born on 4 April 2012. the original name was the cats are property tardar Sauce. Grumpy cat is a female cat who became a cyberspace celebrity because his expressions are so cute. What makes this cute cat is expresinya who always looks like an angry cat in general.

grumpy cat first became famous when the image on the shelf or in a post on Reddit September 22, 2012. At first pictures, that these cats have guessed some modifications by world amateur cat. But after his pet cat owners to download vidio in an account MEDSOS last amateur World chat communities recognize the uniqueness of this cat

Link instagram milli Grumpy cat :. Https://

8. Maru



Maru Japanese cat who was born on 24 May 07. This is the kind of cat Scottish Fold cats are male. This cat is very different from other famous cats through its image. Earlier this cat is famous for Press in loading via owner on youtube.

First maru vidio menghasil have downloaded more than 0,000 people who watch it. So far Maru Youtube has been viewed more than 500,000. Because a trending topic online discussions or TV media, cat maru in crowned as the most popular cat in the world on the internet social network

Link instagram owned maru :. Https://

9. Lil bub

lil bub


the cat was born June 21, 2011. Lil Bub of a cat is quite famous celebrities in America because of his called "perma-kitten" (the cat had kittens body shape forever). This cat was born with a genetic mutation that makes these cats often issuing his tongue sticking out.

Due to the particularities that produced a genetic mutation that makes the cat became very funny with her face smiling mischievously. Lil Bub was also diagnosed with a rare bone disorder (of osteopetrosis). Even if this cat was in such diagnosis, but this cat is a kind of cat are very agile

Link instagram milli Lil Bub :. Https://

10 Snoopy cat

snoopy the cat


Snoopy the cat is the most famous cat in the world. This cat is a kind of exotic shorthaired cat is very cute and funny. This cat has the physical characteristics with big brown eyes, upturned nose, and cheeks that is shaped is Chuby.

The color of the dominant white feathers and orange, a preview of these cats look like dolls that are sold in stores DOLL in general. Snoopy currently has 300,000 followers on Weibo. Cat owners often dress Snoopy with a variety of accessories and dress pattern that makes the cat is very cute and adorable when immortalized his photo

Link instagram belongs snoopy cat. /

11. Garfi



If tardar sauce ( better known as Grumpy cat ) is a cat that looks like -marah anger and Garfi cat Persian are something stronger to " anger" or really scary! . Imagine if he woke up 2:00 with the presence of cats Garfi sat chest you . Creepy yes ?
Although might look like a crook cunning Garfi is actually one cat sweetest other cats .. Garfi stayed Turkey with owner Hulya Ozkok , and Garfi cat surrounded by family and friends cat other . cat Garfi also followers or fans consider their social media such as facebook, Garfi equally famous and funny by other cats
Link instagram belongs Garfi :. https: //
Hopefully this article on the famous and most popular cat in the world would be helpful
Salam okdogi
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