This is the fourth common factor causes vomiting cat

Admin 12.06 Add Comment
This is the fourth common factor causes vomiting cat -

Cats are animals that are cute and pretty, this group of animals is one of the most popular groups in the world to make pets. At that time, usually many different people who like to keep a cat, because of the extraordinary appeal is that the type of this animal deserves to be made a pet.

penyebab kucing muntah

causes cat vomit

However memilihara cat requires knowledge to maintain, karaternya recognize and treat when the cat is not in a healthy state. Well this time, I will discuss causes a cat to vomit , which is the most common disease in the natural cat, ya see

cat vomiting can be caused by four factors:

1. Hairball (feather vomiting)

This frequently occurs on all cats, as we know a cat has a habit of licking their own body and fur usually die just swallowed too. At that time, the cat that swallowed fur clot in the stomach. If the cat vomit usually liquid, it will be different when the cat suffering from cat hairball for regurgitated instead would pupnya. If your cat is experiencing them, you can buy hairball medication that many are sold in pet stores.

muntah kucing hairball

cat hairball vomiting examples

2. pregnant cat

Just like humans while pregnant cat will also experience this phase in which the cat's mother will be seen often vomiting. The cause of vomiting cat during pregnancy is due to the increase of the hormone estrogen also increase stomach acid in the cat's mother's stomach. (Read: the features that your cat is pregnant)

3. A meal

Cats not allowed to consume excess food, as it can damage the digestive tract . Providing meals make sure you already know the foods that suit it as something, because otherwise the cat may vomit (may be caused by allergies), other than vomiting cat vomiting can also be caused by foods containing toxin, so that the intestines were accommodating food can become infected with himself

4. Diseases

This is the factor that most should be vigilant, because if the leave would threaten the security of the cat. Following are the different types of commonly experienced vomiting cats diseases.

Vomiting yellow , cats issued yellow, frothy vomiting, usually causes vomiting caused by liver disease in misery.

to vomiting, cat vomiting when taken out of the remains which include worms, usually so already if you have to give deworming tablets on the cat.

blood brown vomiting (dark ), if the cat vomited brownish blood (dark), experts of vomiting health can be caused a problem with the intestines in the gastrointestinal tract.

vomiting blood colorful (fresh) , chances are there is a wound in the stomach of the cat (cuts) in the digestive tract.

yellow mucus vomiting , if a yellow colored mucus and vomiting, usually this is caused inflammation in the intestines.

vomiting of bile , weather vomiting secrete bile which is dark green, most likely your cat gut inflation or inflammation of the pancreas is called.

if you already know all the causes of cat vomit, now is the time you need to know how to solve a vomiting cat as well.

overcome cat vomit

the first thing overcoming natural vomiting in cats is what is the root cause. When you already know, then you need to find a solution to the right and set with the disease. For example, if your cat to vomit, then the drug is right for them is a worm medicines dedicated to the cat.

But if you can not find a solution to the drug in the disease does not exist or are not sold in a public place, should take appropriate measures to take your cat to the vet. Then, ask the doctor how to manage the property and this medication is best for them.

ok, surely already know how semuakan how to deal with cat vomit . If so, I say goodbye before so, can be helpful.



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Provide daily care required for your bunny!

Admin 11.05 Add Comment
Provide daily care required for your bunny! -

How the daily care of the rabbits must be made for rabbit breeders and those who, like rabbit farming. Daily care encompasses all matters relating to the survival of rabbits, including cleaning of the cage, health care, and how to identify the natural properties of rabbit itself.

Cage ideal Yang

center of how the daily care of rabbits one of them by placing rabbits in cages that ideal. There are several things that must be met relating comfortable cage for rabbits, including the establishment of the cage to be near water sources.

Furthermore enclosure shall be ensured through the cool weather with temperatures ranging from 15-20 degrees Celsius and 60-0% humidity. Cages should also be kept away from possible attacks of various types of predator kind of dogs, snakes and others.

kandang ideal kelinci

perfect rabbit cage

rabbit cage must also provide sufficient sunlight, especially in the morning. So penampatan cage should be facing east. hot morning sun in healthier also to keep the cage remains dry and free of germs. (Read: the specifications of the rabbit cage and how to do)

rabbits Cages should also have adequate ventilation for air circulation functioning optimally. Keep the cage placed in areas where more that are not easily flooded during the rainy season.

Note Safety and Health

In addition to the position of the cage, how the daily care of the rabbit of the most crucial especially in terms of safety and soundness. Because it includes a nocturnal animal, rabbits tend to be more active in the evening meal. So you should give more time to eat at night. In the morning, we were pretty fed in the form of concentrates, wheat, corn, peanuts, or other grains. Afternoon and evening, we give the main meal of vegetables and fresh grass.

makanan untuk kelinci

food for rabbits

daily bunny developments must also be met. If there are symptoms of rabbits disease given immediately or go to the vet medicine. Periodically give the doctor recommended vitamin supplements to keep the body's immunity.

predatory animals such as dogs, wild cats, snakes, weasels, raccoons, etc. tend to hunt their prey at night. Of course, it is dangerous for rabbits that are placed outdoors or in the courtyard. Therefore, we recommend the rabbit was brought into the house late in the evening to make it safer.

pay attention and affection

Especially for ornamental rabbits should receive enough attention and affection of their owners. With just a hug or hold him free time to time, then the rabbits will be comfortable. Although there are definitely just taking a special thing to do so that rabbits do not feel bad.

To put the cages in rabbits also need a special way. Catch the skin of the back (back of neck) with one hand and the other hand to raise the hips simultaneously. Puppy rabbits (still small) keep the skin on her back and soft extra careful. Keep your rabbit is not thrash when lifted.

berikan perhatian untuk kelinci mu

pay attention to mu rabbit

Raising rabbits taking both ears is an example of how the daily care of the rabbit evil. This way, he will feel the pain rabbit and the hare worst may experience permanent disabilities.

For ornamental rabbits seemed clean and pretty, it should be bathed regularly at least twice a month. Because rabbits, including animals that can not stand the cold should be bathed with warm water to stay comfortable and painless.

Recognize the rabbit personality

How the next rabbit care is to recognize characters the nature of the rabbit. If rabbits are too often allowed to roam in the open area and instinct or more dominant natural instincts, for example through holes in various places to dig.

If we allow the possibility of rabbits will be trapped and will be hard to find, because he was able to make a deep and winding excavation. This possibility should be avoided because the soil contains a lot of bacteria and germs that are harmful to the health of the rabbit itself. (Read: the type of disease that is often suffered from rabbit)

Strongly recommended to put a straw in a cage enough to meet the needs of the natural instinct of a rabbit. For example, by placing the straw into the bottom of the cage to reduce the likelihood of a rabbit minerals.

Indeed, rabbits are subject animals. So if we understand how the daily care of rabbits itself, it is a kind of rabbit all is certainly not a hard thing to cultivate.

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Learning to care grooming your cat at home!

Admin 22.04 Add Comment
Learning to care grooming your cat at home! -

Caring for a cat seems that it has become a daily routine that we need not fear. Yes, but the work on it is very important to prevent the things we do not want to get to the pet cat us, like a feather stuck in the esophagus or prevent beautiful plumage, they tangled.

No. No word bored taking care of our cats well, although sometimes they can stifle their own feathers. What we do not work in vain, trying to imagine the result if we do not comb their fur regularly?

Cats that have long hair is very fragile, they like to play outside and inside every day during her life. Therefore, treatment is the key to happiness, extreme weather and changing which makes them vulnerable to damage and hair loss. And we do not want that to happen? (Read: the main cause of cat experiencing hair loss)

It is therefore very important for us to spend time combing their feathers and menyikati at least three times a week. Also, if you really affectionate with their work can be a cure us trouble, is not it?

Cats Able Feather Caring their own

There is a common perception that thought that the owners cats should not take care of plumage because the cat is able to do it alone. Yes, this is true. In fact, cats are very fond of this activity. Most cats take care of their own feathers when they are happy or when they felt it was too dense fur. They will "comb" fur several times per day.

kucing dapat membersihkan bulunya sendiri

cat fur can be cleaned

Indeed, that's how it was cleaned and make sure that their bodies release flea attack. Their languages ​​are designed by nature, as well as a brush that can clean while protecting their feathers. However, it should be noted that this activity causes the loss of hair enter the throat and get stuck in the stomach, is the main cause sometimes they spit bits of fur.

And please note, the process of spitting clumps of fur is so painful for the cat and us as their current employer also should not bear witness.

Maintain Gains cat fur

there are no people who do not like to be pampered, so does our cat. They are, in fact, very like to be pampered. the treatment of the cat's fur, plus a way to spoil, are also able to strengthen social ties among us as a human being with them. You must have seen how cats menyikati each other of their respective bodies, which is one way they build friendships and trust. Thus, the earlier we begin to take care of their feathers, they trust more quickly and more closely we also our relationship with animals we were favorable.

hubungan pemilik dan kucing

relations and cat owners

Another advantage is that the more often we comb their feathers, even by them anyway and no fuss when later at any time must undergo treatment at the vet and living cats.

Furthermore, the management of the cat -bulu layer will greatly help to prevent them from experiencing hair loss, especially if your cat kind Peranakan long hair. While reducing the volume of air entering and clumping in their stomachs, so they should not throw too often.

And most important of all, take care of our cats regularly allows us to check the ears, eyes, and the animal's body favored us so that we know where the parties are injured or have swelling. Better safe than sorry, right?

Grooming Routines

care what the hell can we do on a regular basis at home? Here 5M we must do two to three times a week:

  1. combing
  2. swimming
  3. Cut the nails
  4. Cleaning the ear
  5. Clean the eye area

There are two other procedures that may be necessary. First, check lumps or wounds that occur in the skin of their body. Second, check any area attacks by ticks. Do this regularly, so our cat happy and safe all the time.

The second procedure depends on the kind of half-breed our cats. Unlike dogs, most cats do not show early symptoms are too obvious. Then we can do is pay attention to the areas most frequently licked by a cat and if we see redness immediately take them to a veterinary clinic or deal with lice medication.

How good grooming cat?

Remember, the more you do routine maintenance, the more your cat treated at a later date. Most cats feel less comfortable during the treatment procedure and they will rebel even rare, they can suddenly bite.

So it would be better if we do not do the whole process of care as well. It can help reduce stress levels and perhaps avoid our cat and our claw bites. Let's start with a little massage in their body feathers before we slowly combing

This is what the basic care of the cat steps :.

The first step:

gently massage their body so they get used to the touch of our hands, until gradually the cat we felt relaxed and did not detect a threat

second stage :.

while the massage, we can check the whole body. Make sure there are no cuts, bruises, or a lump in their agencies

The third step :.

See also the soles of their feet. Make sure no gum or thorns between them between your fingers

Step Four :.

nail clippers. Make sure they are not too long nails. If it is too long, scissors immediately. This process may sound awful, especially if you imagine a room ATU hurt fingers. But with regular practice, the nail cutting process is very easy and quick. We will explain how to quickly and easily nails a cat in the next article.

menggunting kuku kucing

cat nails

cat nails trimmed is not something wrong, some of us might think that the cat does not need cut nails in nature because they do not intersect. However, because our cats live in the house, try to think about the side effects that can occur when our cat nails pet is too long and sharp. (Read: Practical Guidelines cat nail cutting)

Step Five:

Start combing their fur. the long-haired cats should be combed every day, it helps to ensure that no ticks and ruffled feathers on their bodies. There are many tools combs are available in pet stores that will make our work easier and make our cats feel safe

Step Six :.

Examine ears them, clean the ears of black or brown spots on the ear biasany wall. Use soft tissue or cat ear cleaning tool. Sometimes we encounter the expelled hard dirt, for cases like this kit can use the eardrops cats or we can take her to the nearest clinic. If this process is completed, do not massage the area behind the ear. (Read: cat cleaning method for the appropriate ear)

Step Seven:

Bathe them. Bathing a cat is not the thing to do every day, but it must be done on a regular basis and we should do the shower program. Before bathing, make sure that the cat hair is combed evenly, which will facilitate the shampoo and absorb on their skin.

memandikan kucing



the next article we will provide you the best way to bathe a cat has favored us.

always use a shampoo that is designed for cats that color brightness and health of fur and skin is maintained.

Taking care of cats without their Stress

any entry we love our cats and even if we still want to spoil every time, please note that cats do not really like to be forced, not as it is pressed, and the majority of cat care process potentially making their trauma.

Then make sure we always do the procedure cat grooming treatments gently and the emotional approach that we treat a friend or a lover. Thus, the situation that will create a more relaxed and away from the threat, so the cat we do not need the stress and distress. In fact, it is possible the process will be fun for us and we favored the sweet.

Make sure we know our cats before touching it, because we do not want our cats angry and do not trust us.

Continued success okdogi

A surefire way to tame a wild ferret

Admin 21.03 Add Comment
A surefire way to tame a wild ferret -

For the layman who wants to keep a ferret, will certainly ask how tame a wild ferret? Basically ferret pet is not easy, because in this case the necessary courage and patience and diligence.

Musang which is still wild normally have a ferocious character (stern) and also did not hesitate to bite anyone around him. So then this is where courage is needed. In general, to tame ferrets that we are required to match the right way to succeed. Then, the following steps are appropriate and effective to tame a wild ferret.

menjinakan musang


4 basic principles necessary to tame ferrets

Before step how how to tame ferrets are still wild, you have to know some of these first principles first.

Remove the fear

The essential principle is that you must have when they want to tame the wild weasel is, throw your fear. Because the more you afraid of wild ferrets, ferrets and usually will be increasingly fierce.

bitten by a ferret is a natural thing

The principle is that you must get used to being bitten weasel, Because biting is a dominant trait possessed ferret essentially. In fact, when the ferret to bite the hand just to scare you. Therefore, you should not be afraid when he's bitten by a ferret.

Make a ferret as your partner

When you want to weasel tame your pet, but you must get used to making the ferret as a partner or close friend. Because the more you get close to ferret you are more to defuse it. Usually when you have successfully set up as parnernya, ferrets always follow you wherever you go.

Handsfeed (feed ferrets with hands)

The final principle in need is you need to eat regularly to feed him. It is usually essential when you are able to do the steps I described previously above. This reduction of the important functions that will ferret emotions will be improved ownernya.

Well, if you already know some of the principles for how domesticated ferrets , the next you must know the steps to tame ferret.

effective way to tame a wild ferret

1. Taro your ferret in a cage that is not too large, so the cage and your ferret move more easily move and also practical in the process of taming the wild civet.

2. Provide an old mineral bottle to help your ferret taming. Make sure that no bottle of minerals in any form.

3. Next use the mineral bottle and press the bottle on the outside side of the cage ferret you. Based on this bottle is that you get used to finding strong and too crowded. It can also eliminate the wild ferrets who tend to be easily frightened and weasels say you are more fierce than he. To do this every day.

4. After work on how to hit the bottle to drink out of the cage, then it's time to hit the bottle in the side of the cage. Keep doing that way every day.

5. If your ferret is already familiar with such circumstances, so now you try to coax eluskan bottle of mineral water in your ferret, touch the head or body, look weasels reaction, the ferrets usually want to be touched when they begin to adhere to its owner.

6. While stroking you want jinakan ferret, ferrets give you a nickname for him. If you found his name, make it a habit to call the name of your ferret whenever

7. For this step usually ferret will not be trying to bite you . Well, if you are able to hold and caress the body of a ferret in a cage. Next, always remember to keep some tail, head and legs of the ferret, so it becomes accustomed held weasel.

8. Having already tame ferrets in a cage, it is time you make the process of domestication outside the ferret cage. The first is your pocket civets, ferrets and then pull out of the cage slowly. When outside the cage usually ferret will be fierce back, and he will bend over backwards to escape and try to intimidate you with their strength.

9. In this step, you calm down. because after a few moments of emotion ferrets will usually begin to subside. When you see a ferret was a little quiet when is the right time for you to caress the body and head. Continue to do caresses to ferret you really feel comfortable with you.

10. be used to make the domestication process daily until you feel the change. In the process, you can also feed your ferret with papaya cut into small pieces.

11. After the process carried out regularly to tame and benign that your ferret. The next, you can start experimenting with putting the shoulders of your ferret and other parts of your body.

12. In addition to what I mentioned earlier, you also do not forget to bathe the ferret 2 days, usually tame ferrets will be easier when we often bathe regularly.

13. Finally do not forget to handfeed mandatory for every day.

Can be useful ferret lovers yes


shepherd dog sniper maintenance (German shepherd)

Admin 20.02 Add Comment
shepherd dog sniper maintenance (German shepherd) -

German Shepherd Dog (German sherpherd) is a dog breed from Germany. Formerly, they were used as a shepherd dog. Although tempilannya dark seems this dog actually intended for a sheepdog working in Germany. Initiators which first created the penggebala dog is someone named Maxx von Stephanitz, who at that time wanted to create a working dog breeding can be run in a long time.



body structure to this dog has a long body, both of proportionate lovers and well-muscled dogs that love the sport Sangaran look in dogs of this type. Discounted properties sheepdog temperament courageous, vigilant, fearless, besides they are also intelligent and very loyal to their owners. In addition, they also have an instinct to protect a very strong, so many people use the dog as a companion dog or guard dog at the time.

To herder care essentially this dog should involve small. Because usually aggressive and sheep dog likes to attack people because of the lack of manipulation and exercise when the dog is young. Usually, this problem often occurs when dog owners think their dog is the leader, so they do not feel the need to provide mental and physical exercises on the dog. Naturally sheepdog requires the figure of the owner of a calm, firm and consistent, train physically and mentally on him that dog shepherd temperament can be stabilized.

dog has a stable and well-trained physical and psychological temperament he has a good temperament with other animals and also very friendly with the children of men around him. Conversely, if the German shepherd instincts are not met due to having a passive owner, these dogs usually become anxious, shy and tend to become aggressive to someone menggit. Therefore provide good care for this dog. The following is the main treatment sheepdog in everyday life. Listening!

The primary treatment for sheepdog daily

Provide a cage for him

To maintain a sheepdog, the first thing to do is to provide a cage for him . Enclosure generally has a function that is useful for you when traveling out of the house, so your dog will continue to feel safe and comfortable despite being left alone in your house.

kandang anjing herder


Apart from the other features of the cages also have uses so that your dog can not defecate casually around your home. Therefore, before you start treating your German shepherd, you must provide the cage in advance to help you other treatments.

suggestion, use aluminum enclosures to make it easier to clean. If you own cages, then you should also clean the cage regularly at least two days.

give the right foods and balanced

The next thing you should do is give the appropriate and balanced food intake for your German Shepherd. What is meant by appropriate decision in this case is with the food nutrition products tailored to their needs.


makanan herder


If you have a German Shepherd dog aged 0-1 months, then you do not bother to find the entry for itself. Due to the appropriate food intake for young dogs like enough to breastfeed ation on its parent.

But if you do not have a parent, then you can give milk that is specially formulated for the puppy. This milk is usually what you get in various pet stores near your home.

For the 3-month-old puppy, you can use supplementary food ASI as dogfood for puppies in the form of packaging that was provided specifically for puppies. You can feed the package by mixing hot water so it can be sweet for consumption puppies you.

Well if sheepdog you are older adult, you can use a dogfood food grade packaging that has been adapted to the nutritional needs of your dog, if you want to be great, you can also mix the foods packed with vegetables and vitamin supplements that you want to support health shepherd dog you more perfect.

shower and brush your teeth

Herder also need a shower and brush your teeth regularly. You must perform dog washing activities once a week to clean the skin and the shepherd dog fur you can wake parasites and ticks that can harm the health of your dog's skin. Apart from that you brush your teeth in the German Shepherd will also eliminate unpleasant mouth odors on your dog.

For the bath breeder, you can use a special shampoo for dogs sold in pet stores and clean your teeth could use special toothpaste dog that can also be found at pet stores company. We recommend using a toothpaste that has the flavor of the meat, so that your dog feels comfortable when giginnya cleaned.

and collar

To keep your dog under control when out of the house as like exercise or Street- road in the afternoon, disaran you use a collar and mengandilakannya a leash. This will greatly help you to keep your dog on the nature of farmers who want to protect their owners and also the dangers of illegal street food to devour arbitrary.



therefore we recommend you provide special dog leash for your dog. Tips use colar pressed leaves collector that can bind the shoulder of your dog. generally the type of collar is very safe for the neck of each dog.

Invite to play and exercise for physical training herder

playing herder


Because the German Shepherd is an active and energetic dog, sports field and then the dog is desperately needed on a regular basis, it is generally useful to support endurance, health and temperament of his personality. Therefore, take your workout with a German shepherd running on the field for 20 minutes. Apart from this, you can also do this activity using a special toy dog ​​sepert chew toys or balls to make it more pleasant to do this on a regular basis.


Provide Vaccinations in the dog's body to give immunity to diseases that can affect the health of your dog. Before the vaccine should you already Herder dog wash beforehand. To vaccinate, you can bring your animal German shepherd drug, then it will be explained how you will conduct routine immunization and gradually to your dog. when you want the immunization process must not cause it to exert too much, as this would endanger the dog's health.

Train herder

herder Train is usually in need, because this dog has doble functions: in addition to being a pet, you can also this animal has become a guard dog to protect your home and yourself. Well maybe here you are confused how to practice?

In fact, a German shepherd training is not difficult, provided you have the courage to exercise it. Because, basically, the natural instinct of this dog off to protect their owners. To train these dogs to be trained, you must also be able to guide your dog with a determined, disciplined and quiet so your dog has a stable membership.

melatih herder


exercise first thing in German Shepherd dogs, you can sit in menyurunya with the sound of vibrations by calling his name and also the "general command said" such as lying, standing, biting, jumping, etc. In addition, you are also able to menyurunya in the cage. This is usually done with the help of the method of food they like when you do this training because it will be easier for you to practice. if this training has been successfully applied by you, you can do the steps of another training with the same method

Related article :.

  • How accurate care of dogs with meticulous
  • Exclusive Care siberian husky
  • dog food with a balanced diet and appropriate

12 Varieties types of mini-size rabbit

Admin 19.01 Add Comment
12 Varieties types of mini-size rabbit -

Rabbits are adorable because many people in Indonesia who make a rabbit as a pet merchandise. There are so many types of rabbits, a bushy smallish mini rabbits often called. Rabbits can be classified as bunny or mini rabbit is a body that weighs less than 2.5 kg. There are over 20 types of mini rabbits scattered around the world, but only a few are included in Note The American Rabbit Breeders (ARBA). Here are mini rabbits

type of rabbit with mini size

Netherland Dwarf. (0,9KG - 1.2 kg)

Netherland dwarf rabbit is a super mini. The weight of the average adult still less than 1kg. In addition to its small, this rabbit has special features such as the shape of the head is round, soft fur and slippery, a short neck, and ears are pricked with a length of about 5cm. Rabbits like this tend to bite, making it less suitable maintained by children

Netherland Dwarf

Netherland Dwarf


Age 1-3 months :. Rp50.000,00 - Rp0.000,00

age> 3 months: Rp0.000,00 - 1,000,000.00

Dwarf Hotot (1.5 kg to 2 kg)

dwarf Hotot has a characteristic form of dark circles around the eyes that look like wear eyeliner . His body was rounded short with small ears erect, but it looks balanced with the body.

Kelinci dwarf hotot

Hotot Dwarf rabbits


months Age 1-3: Rp0.000,00 - Rp300.000,00

age> 3 months:> Rp400.000,00

Jersey Wooly (1.5 kg 2 kg)

wolly Jersey is one of three mini rabbit marriages Netherland Dwarf Angora long hair and France. The size is slightly larger than the dwarf Netherland but long feathers (5-6cm) in the body, and the shorter hair on the face, ears and feet.

The ears are small, erect and dashing. Besides the color change quite a lot, about 26 colors.

kelinci jersey wooly

jersey wooly rabbit


Age 2-3 months: about RP500 .000,00

Ages 6 months approximately Rp1.0.000,00

Holland Lop (1, 4 kg-2 kg)

this rabbit is a hybrid of the English lop, french lop and Netherland Dwarf. The main features of Holland Lop is a short-legged, round head, flat face (Pug), a large-bodied with earlobe hanging / limp.

Kelinci Holland Lop

Holland Lop Rabbits


Ages 1-3 months: Rp50.000,00 - RP300 .000,00

age> 3 months: Rp300.000,00 - Rp4.000.000,00

Fuzzy Lop (1.4kg-2 kg) American

physically it looks like Holland Lop rabbit, only the longer hairs. As its name suggests, Fuzzy Lop fur is very soft and smooth. Another feature is the earlobe far (LOP) and as cute bulldog.

These rabbits require intensive care and a special diet to maintain good health and quality of fur.

kelinci american fuzzy lop

US lop fuzzy fuzzy lop rabbit US


Age 1-3 months: Rp50.000 00 - Rp300.000,00

age> 3 months: Rp300.000,00 - Rp4.000.000,00

United Small (1 kg-1.5 kg)

Rabbit has a slender body. Little Britain had small feet rather long and slightly curved so that when seated pose, rabbit looks so elegant and stylish.

right ears and not too long. Color variations or so, which are black, white, otter, agouti Chestnut and sable .

Brittania Petite famous active and aggressive, often fighting and biting. That's why these rabbits are not recommended as a family pet.

Kelinci britannia petite

Britannia small rabbit


Age 2-3 months: about RP500 .000,00

age> 6 months: about Rp2,000,000.00

Dutch (1.5 kg 2 kg)

Dutch is a Dutch rabbits sweet little original to the skin. This bunny has a unique pattern, which has two different solid color on the upper and lower body. Color differences can be clearly separated as a belt line.

The combination of available colors are black and white, yellow-white, black-white, blue-white, and gray-white.

Dutch is preferred types of rabbits are popular with animal lovers. Besides the unique patterns and simple maintenance, reproductive capacity is also high. other than that character is calm and quiet making it suitable as family pets.

kelinci dutch Dutch rabbit


Age 1-3 months: Rp50.000 00 - Rp0.000,00

age> 3 months: Rp0.000,00 - Rp2,000,000.00

Mini Himalaya (1 kg 2.5 kg)

Himalaya kelici feature is a form of body narrow and slightly elongated (cylindrical). His body was mostly white with other colors in the nose, feet and right ears.

Alternative color rabbits are black, brown, blue and lilac. These rabbits love to sleep during the day, but the mini-Himalaya night move very active.

kelinci himalayan mini

Himalayan rabbit


Age 2-3 months : about Rp800.000,00

Ages 6 months approximately Rp1.800.000,00

Lionhead (1kg-1.7kg)

These rabbits are from Belgium, but developed in the UK. Its shape is round with a long feather a circular from the head to the neck to resemble the head of a male lion.

There are two types of Lionhead rabbit ears based forms, namely Lionhead erect ears and ears limp.

kelinci lionhead

Lionhead rabbit


Age 1-3 months: Rp50.000,00 - RP0. 000.00

age> 3 months: Rp150.000,00 - Rp700.000,00

Mini Rex (1.4kg-2 kg)

mini Rex is a mini version of rex rabbit. Characteristic of this rabbit fur is short, dense and soft as carpet. Moreover Mini Rex has a body that is rounded, the shoulders are narrow and the ears are upright.

Mini rex has a lot of variety of colors, like black, blue, castor, lynx, opal, brown, red, white, chinchilla, lilac, Himalaya broken and tricolor.

kelinci mini rex

mini rex rabbit


Age 2-3 months: Rp80.000,00 - Rp300.000,00

Age> 4 months: Rp400.000,00 of

Mini Satin (1.5 kg-2.5 kg)

Mini Satin is the result of a cross between a dwarf race and satin. The results of high-cons to produce mini-fluffy rabbit with a strong color. In softer, mini satin fur looks as shiny and slippery to the touch. These rabbits have white eyes with red eyes and small erect ears.

kelinci Mini Satin

Mini Satin rabbit


Age 2-3 months: RP50. 000.00 - Rp0.000,00

age> 3 months: 250,000.00 to 1,000,000.00

Polish (1 kg-2 kg)

Rabbit Netherland Dwarf is similar, but slightly larger. Rabbit fur polish telingannya quite short and vertical. Color variations are available for this kind is white, black, blue, brown, and broken.

kelinci polish

Polish rabbit


Age 2-3 months: Rp50.000,00 - Rp150.000,00

age> 3 months: Rp150.000,00 - Rp700.000,00

Thus information on the different types of mini-size rabbit and a description of the price. Can be beneficial.

Salam okdogi

  • 5 Type Peranakan angora rabbit
  • 32 pet rabbit type of company you need tau
  • guidelines how to raise rabbits, the view and practice!

Important are vaccines for your dog?

Admin 18.00 Add Comment
Important are vaccines for your dog? -

Like humans, dogs need to be vaccinated to prevent different types of deadly diseases. Without the vaccine is given, the dog's growth can be disrupted and often ill. In developed countries like the United States, the vaccine is very important for dogs. Even in its first year, dogs can receive different types of vaccines to prevent many diseases.

Knowing the vaccine dog type

So far we only know that the vaccine against rabies is an important vaccine for dogs. While in the outcome there, another vaccine that is no less important even necessary dogs, especially young people. Here is a complete description of Vaccines dog as well as the functions and the right time to give it.

vaksin anjing dog vaccine

basic vaccines ( main vaccines )

based vaccine is a vaccine that is not to be missed given to dogs. Without the vaccine, the dog's health while growing up will begin to be disturbed. In fact, the chances of having a viral infection to death becomes. To avoid this, dog owners should vaccinate a core of two types, the first is the rage and the second is the tempera (DHPP).

rabies vaccine

Vaccines rabies vaccine is a key that can not be missed by the dog. This virus will prevent the dog exposed to rabies virus inveksi dangerous. If you let the dog wander outside the house, then the vaccine against rabies is the best thing to do. When you adopt a puppy, try giving this vaccine at the age of 12-24 weeks, the dogs were crushed. This means that in the first half of the dog should be given a vaccine against rabies. In the future, the dog can be vaccinated every 3 years. (Read: a sign that your dog rabies)

administration of rabies in dogs is very important, not because the health of dogs. But also human health in surrounding areas. When a dog with rabies, then the people in the surrounding areas also have the opportunity to participate infected. That is why the vaccine is mandatory for healthy joints

Vaccines Distemper (DHPP)

vaccines tempera is the next most important vaccine should be given to dogs. This vaccine will prevent the dog had a deadly disease that often prevalent in an unhealthy environment. An injection of vaccine tempera prevent the virus that damages the sustainability and nervous system spread and cause death in dogs.

Vaccines tempera can prevent viruses such as adenovirus parvovirus and parainfluenza very deadly. That is why the distemper vaccine used as a base vaccine and must be accepted by the dog when the age of 6-8 weeks, 14-16 weeks, then every two years. Vaccine tempera would make the healthiest dog even if you let it wander around the house

Support for vaccines ( non-core vaccines )

vaccines support be awarded to a dog, he can not. But for prevention, you must always give as needed. If the only dog ​​in the house, give such standard vaccine prevents the flu. When you leave the dog and play anywhere, other vaccines seem mandatory. Here is a list of vaccines supporting the health of the dog more.

Vaccines bordatella ( Kennel cough )

vaccines bordatella is a vaccine that prevents the dog had coughing and breathing disturbing organs. Dogs who often play in wet or dirty will be sensitive to the bacteria that cause them trouble breathing. Finally dogs so lazy to eat and caused him increasingly weak and vulnerable to other viral infections.

Vaccine bordatella is currently 6-8 weeks puppy. In addition, may be repeated every four months to 1.5 years dog. Vaccine bordatella is a vaccine that can be used to replace the vaccine tempera .

Vaccines Canine influenza

vaccines c Anine influenza could be given to a dog is in an unhealthy environment. Usually, all the dogs in various parts of the world is in need of an injection of this vaccine. However, for the prevention of respiratory distress language diseases because of the flu, you can ask the vet to be administered as soon as possible.

This vaccine will prevent dogs against canine influenza which yielded 5 percent of dogs died. Dogs that are still in the house must be given the vaccine when you leave the house in a long time. May be provided at any time regardless of the age of the dog.

Vaccines Lyme

Vaccines lyme prevents the dog from contracting the disease lyme , which is carried by ticks tick , which infects dogs often. Usually these fleas often bite dogs areas such as the ears or other hidden parts that make it difficult dog to scratch. (Read: the natural way to kill fleas)

vaccine can be done once a year. However, for difficult dogs responded to the vaccine, the administration can be repeated every 6 months. Dogs are not given this vaccine are likely to get the dog diseases lyme which leads them to hang joints to nerve disorders. Death may occur if not immediately get treatment quickly.

Vaccines leptospirosis

Vaccines leptospirosis is very important for dogs although is only a carrier vaccine. This vaccine will make an immune dog diseases caused by bacteria from rat urine. If bacteria enter and infect the dog's vital organs like the liver and kidneys can be damaged. Consequently, the dog will have a quick death. Worse, the disease can spread to humans and cause a disruption of the body almost the same. Giving the vaccine can be administered when the dog is 12 weeks and repeated every 1-2 years.

From the description Vaccines dog above, we become increasingly know if the vaccine is essential. Because the vaccine not only makes the dog to be healthy, but also make everyone avoid dangerous diseases.

Salam Okdogi

The general method of raising livestock, obtain quality seedlings

Admin 16.59 Add Comment
The general method of raising livestock, obtain quality seedlings -

beef breeding efforts is a lucrative opportunity, given the demand for beef demand is very high in the range of 60%. But the results of meat production in the country can meet only a third of the requirement, which is about 20%. These conditions have led to a deficit that forced the government to import foreign livestock and certainly the demand will increase as the years of change and population growth are also increasing.

The potential for the development of cattle very big in support to climate and weather conditions are suitable applied in the area of ​​Indonesia. But as the tropics, where many natural resources that can be dug, not a hard thing to increase production of beef by reproduction. Because it is very easy in terms of foraging, many natural foods that can be found in the vicinity and if you want to use the quality of artificial foods are not inferior to imported foods. We stayed in the need for patience and rigor of the breeder. It takes a large enough capital in this effort to raise cattle, but also great profits. Thus, it is important to how we care for cows to grow and healthy. We will discuss what measures are in need raise livestock .

How common beef cattle and dairy products need to know you

1. Cage

Enclosure should be in about - about 10 m from the house or the regulations, are also exposed to enough sunlight to prevent moisture in the cage. Cowshed there are 2 types of double and single form depends on the number of cattle that will be maintained and the availability of funds. Pregnant with a single type, move cows to a line or parallel, usually for small animals. Although the type double cage for positioning cows in two rows, facing each other or opposite, usually for large farms or commercial. But in general, farmers are double, because between the two series can be made street. Cages can also be significant simplified is clean and free of parasites.

ukuran ideal kandang sapi

ideal size barn via

Preferably, the cage is made of individuals, not flocking to avoid the seizure of food which led to uneven growth of the livestock. Ideally in individual cages made with the size of 2.5 x 2 meters for a cow, this investment can create rapid growth because they do not compete in food and space is limited, so do not use a lot of energy to move. Cages can be built of logs or planks of solid wood. Cowshed should be open or ajar, if the area in hot lowlands but the wind does not blow too hard. While the enclosure is made with a closed wall, if the cold and windy area or enclosure that is made to a calf.

Where to eat and drink can be made out of the cage, but in naungi roof of the cage. Where to eat to be higher than a market - or mixed with soil underfoot, while a drink is made slightly too high off the ground and permanent form of cement tanks. Floor of the cage can be made of concrete floor or solid and can then be coated again with a dry straw to heat. Do not forget to clean from cow manure on a regular basis, cow dung can store elsewhere in order to facilitate the fermentation process that lasts about 1-2 weeks, then later transformed into manure that has been cooked and pleasant to use.

2. Nurseries or Bakalan

Earlier, we must recognize the type of cow that we do ternakkan. There are many types of beef cattle, among them:

a. Bali cattle

bovine Bali is the kind of local cattle most widely farmed, characteristic - his character is all red from toe to knee down and his ass is white. Her back was striped black. The more mature and aged by the body color may become darker. The benefits of Bali cattle is a good adaptation to the new environment.

sapi bali

bali cattle

b. Brahman

growing power of Brahman is fast, so be an option for beef cattle producers. Characteristic of his brown to white and dark head. This high durability cow in the warm weather resistant and insect bites. As well as the percentage of karkasnya quite high, about 45%.

c. Limousin cattle

French origin imported cow is famous because of good production levels and its large size. Black Body color mixed with red and white brick on moncongnnya.

sapi limousin limousine cow

d. Sapi Madura

Cattle Madura is relatively low due to low weight gain. livestock characteristic Madura is punuknya, its yellow to red brick and sometimes muzzle, tail and feet are white.

sapi madura

Madura cattle

e. Ongole

original cow india is far too cultivated, there are two types: Peranakan Ongole (PO) with the result of cross breeding cattle Madura and Sumba Ongole (SO). Its main feature is the color of the white body, around the head tends to be darker - gray, has a dewlap and hump berpostur quite long, the neck is a little short with long legs visible. Ongole cow is able to adapt well in tropical climates, but production and growth tends to be low and slow.

When you know the type of livestock and choose one that will ternakkan then you must find the seeds or livestock quality food. Feeder cattle were of good quality will influence the result of fattening. What should be noticed

  1. In a sign of the ear which means the recorded line and clear.
  2. He was 2 years old and weighs about 0 kg.
  3. Please choose the male sex, because it grows faster than a cow so that the same age bulls weight and more meat compared with cows.
  4. bright eyes and clean, no droppings or water removal.
  5. No sign of skin damage and hair loss due to external parasites.
  6. No body is deformed and smooth fur.
  7. No sign of respiratory symptoms such as nasal mucus.
  8. Her nails are not inflated and does not feel hot when in contact
  9. The tail and clean no marks anus - .. diarrhea brands
  10. body is thin, bony, but still healthy as lean less food not sick.
  11. fattening RSS

in breeding beef cattle is no such thing fattening, intended to keep cattle and lean adult emergency and increase its weight through the expansion of meat in a relatively short time about 3-6 months. But the time will be different if we keep or buy the seed of cattle are still small (tillers). The key is diet and nutrients for fattening.

Every day the cows need to feed about 10% of its body weight, and concentrated (food supplement) of about 2% per day. Cows also need 15-30 grams of salt per day or 13-30 grams of calcium phosphate contained in the bone meal or chalk. Remember to always provide enough drinking water for livestock drinking water each day. RSS can be given 2-3 times per day. We will give you many varieties and types of varieties of feed and concentrate for that cows do not get bored and nutritional needs met. Giving should not the same food, feed concentrate is given 2-3 hours prior to filling. It aims to stimulate the release of enzymes from saliva from cows that are useful to trigger the growth of bacteria in the rumen of cows

Green Flow is divided into three categories .. Fodder cool, dry feed and silage

  1. fresh fodder grass, bean leaf - beans (legumes) and other green foliage. Several types of fresh forage that is good for animal feed, among others: Turi leaves Lamtoro leaves, elephant grass, king grass, Setaria grass, sugar cane leaves, reeds - alang alang - alang etc.
  2. BERSAL Forage dry voluntarily dried fresh fodder to last longer. For example:. rice straw, corn straw, hay peanuts are often given when the dry season arrives
  3. silage, fresh feed is kept. How to make the closed hijuan fees that will promote the fermentation process. Some examples of silage which is commonly known is a grass silage, corn silage, the silage rice straw and so on.

According to the study, the only fresh forage diet is less effective in the fattening process because the results hiajuan supply fresh content nutrisainya still limited, it could take a long, less optimal, it is also in need of additional power or focus. extra food can be derived from agricultural waste and industrial waste in the form of refined rice or rice bran, pulp, cassava, coconut cake, the dregs of beer, bagasse, coat of soybean, pineapple skin, fish meal and sago sago are already peeled. If you want an easy way to buy the factory made concentrated power

The new technology is now strongly encourage cattle to provide organic and vitamin supplements, because we keep the cows will sometimes get bored and old -. Eventually lose their appetite. Although we already provide many snacks with a varied diet, supplementation is used to increase the appetite of the cow. Vitamins and supplements are appropriate, we can buy in feed nearest store. Brand examples VITERNA Plus POC NASA and Hormonik, which contains the necessary animal nutrients. Among these minerals - mineral component of bones and blood, an amino acid that is necessary for the formation of cells and organs, the complete vitamin immune system, essential organic acids and contains proteins and fats that can improve the growing weight of cow per day, but reducing cholesterol as well as cow dung smells.

4. Maintenance

Like livestock in general, in addition to feeding sufficient and nutritious beef also needs regular maintenance so that its development is well.

Cows should receive routine vaccinations to prevent serious diseases, such as anthrax, foot and mouth disease (FMD), etc. Also given deworming regularly every 3, 6 or 12 months to avoid the cow attacked by worms. Although intestinal worms are harmless, but if the cows exposed to intestinal worms can affect the speed of weight gain during the fattening process, which could lead to losses.

vaksinasi sapi

vaccination of cattle via

Most important is cleaning the barn every day, even if it allows anyone to cleaned twice daily. Pens can own the cow to be comfortable and not easily stressed, and improve the welfare and health of cows, making it protected against diseases that are not necessary, which is caused by the wrong cage maintained and dirty.

Oh yes, do not forget to maintain the cleanliness of the body of the cow by washing about 1-2 days, brush the body of the cow until clean.

also ensure the stable ground always dry, for example by making the floor of the slightly sloped cage, so it is not flooded with water when the rainy season come. Standing water can cause nail inflammatory disease or rot nail, causing the foot of wet cow kept to intensify the puddles.

Jaga kebersihan kandang sapi

Keep the barn via

there should also be a quarantine cage, the goal is cow disease quarantined or separated from the other so as to prevent transmission to other cows. Hence the need for regular monitoring, so that the sick cow can be immediately identified and separated and treated

So in conclusion, there are many factors that influence the success of the fattening cattle you have, including :. Fator genetic and gender charger or livestock we choose, the quality of food and the supply of vitamins and dietary supplements, as well as maintenance and proper maintenance.

There are many advantages to livestock business. Not too complicated for many natural foods that are already available, must be sold because the demand is very large, the harvest time is short, sewage or manure can be sold again.

How accurately distinguish between male and female hamster

Admin 15.58 Add Comment
How accurately distinguish between male and female hamster -

You want to keep the hamsters? You want to raise a hamster? But I do not know what animal is male and which are female hamster? Wah was desperate sob! Friends should know.

In fact, a little difficult to see the difference between men with the women in a very young age. But here, I will explain how to differentiate yes. See yaaa!

13 male and female hamsters differences

1. Hold your hamster gently and slowly turn the hamster in the palm of your hands let him lying on the hand stay with the treatment of love.

2. If the reverse hamster pal pal difficulties at hand, trying to get into the plastic and look through the plate with care. This can save time boyfriend to watch the hamster genre. To enter into a plastic hamster is a hamster which are not easily blurred. Plastic does not need to be linked into the fold a little and give some small holes for breathing hamster when in place on the hamster from the plate will not flee, but was still able to breathe.

3. Ensuring age hamster 3-4 weeks because if observed before age companion will have trouble distinguishing the sex of hamsters.

4. Then on the back (buttocks) more male hamster seems long and rounded in comparison with the female hamster, especially for Chinese hamsters. Usually the female hamster will look more elongated tail.

jenis kelamin hamster jantan dan betina image


5. As already Approximately one 4 weeks of age, can see the male hamster has a scrotum with testicles. Testicles are usually quite large and sometimes misunderstood by the tumor.

6. Certainly male hamster will not look where the female hamster in nipple means around the fur on her belly.

7. And the most important is to note the genitals hamsters in the region as well:
Men: Having two separate holes about 1 cm ^ 1_2. The hole near the tail is the anus, while above there is a hole or penis male
Women :. Make 2 holes are very close even sticking. The hole near the tail is the anus, while above it is a hole vagina. Hamter females also appeared to have 4-6 pieces of the nipple on each side of the stomach.

perbedaan hamster jantan dan betina image


8. Usually, male hamsters appear larger than the female hamster, but not always. Weight usually adult male hamsters 85 g - 140 g, while for female hamsters only 0 g - 0 g

9. Hamster males have a long reproductive life over female hamsters . , Which is about 18 months. While the female hamster just 14 months.

10. Hamster males have scent glands that are larger than the female hamster so the odors are more concentrated. Some species of hamsters scent glands and the other two have a single scent gland. Scent glands that produce oil and use to mark territory.

11. Usually, the male hamster fur would look more dirty unkempt.

12. Fur female hamster will look more clean and well maintained.

13. female hamsters are more active and aggressive when age was 2 years old.

Okay so my friend how to make the difference. Hell any easiest way to see the difference that the hole in the hamsters that I just described. Note
Good luck

Importantly, the identification of diseases cat soon!

Admin 14.57 Add Comment
Importantly, the identification of diseases cat soon! -

Have a cute cat, soft and beautiful is a matter of pride for all cat owners worldwide. But what do you feel? when looking at your cat attacked by several diseases that can damage the natural beauty of the cat and even lead to death! Well, certainly, I'm sure my cat loving friends feel sad right? Because as one of the cat lover in the world, it would be nice of him, we must know the various diseases that is the property of each cat.

Because of its essential to us about all forms of the disease in cats, there is a vigilance that must have every cat owner in the world, to fight against all forms of the disease that can membahayai on the cat. Here is a kind of different disease in cats you need to know. Listen ya!

skin diseases

Perhaps for this type of the disease seems simple, but it must also know the presence of the disease, the cat not know good view and trouble comfortable when we know that their fleas and parasites that attach to the body of the cat. In the treatment of problems of this skin disease, his good buddy cat lovers use a special shampoo that is designed to remove ticks attached to the cat's skin.

penyakit kulit kucing

diseases cat image of the skin by

and do not forget to use the anti-lice lotion to push the insects that want to enter the fur or cat the cat's skin. And need to know my friend! The main factor that causes the cat parasites and fleas are? The cat in the cage and the environment playing your cat. By because he noticed the cleanliness in the area around the cat well. (Read: type of skin disease in cats and how to cope)


He is no stranger to our audience when disease influenza hearing due the type of the disease is also known by man, but the disease has also been experienced by cats tablets, want to know what are the causes? For this type of disease caused by adverse weather conditions This often happens when the cat is not healthy because of the weather factor.

flu pada kucing

flu cats / image www.infobarrel. com

Gezala flu in cats is similar to the man in her town, such as runny nose and sneezing sneezing. Perhaps for these diseases will not be too bad impact on the cat. But it would be dangerous if the disease is experienced by cats that are still under the age of 4 months or immature.

To overcome it the way his pal cat lovers should pay attention to your cat, then they do fun activities with water or exposed to rain when the weather conditions are unfavorable. If your cat is exposed to rain or water around, familiarize buddy cat lovers use a towel to dry the body of a cat is exposed to water.

Ear infections in cats

The disease is also very common in cats, to determine the characteristic of this disease is to see the situation on the cat's ears if the ears of your cat swelling, blistering, and an unpleasant odor, it can be sure of cat ears that there are many germs that stick.

Infeksi telinga kucing

cat ear infection / image

Therefore, because he was cleaning routine ear your cat, and the use of Catton buds are soaked in hot water. If you want more secure, you can also use eardrops that perjual traded in a pet store

read :. Simple ways to clean cat ears

bone diseases cat

for this disease is usually caused by a heavy impact on the cat bone, because there cats who really love to excessive hops. But usually there is accidentally fell from a height. Due to the nature of the disease, the cat will lameness and a sprain in the cat's bone. Use a better drug to the veterinarian if your cat has a bad thing on his bones.


In Latin this disease called Feline Panleukopemia which is caused by a virus that attacks the intestines. This type of disease is very deadly, and can attack all animals. Based on research studies by experts, 20% -. 0% of cats with the disease will lead to death

feline distemper pada kucing

feline distemper in cats / image

for features this type of disease, the cat will experience a high fever with a temperature of 41-42 degrees Celsius, and the great depression, vomiting, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain and dehydration. To cope with this disease I direct my suggestion that you bring your cat to the nearest vet. (Read: cat disease Alert distamper)

Allergy dust / air

alergi debu


Like humans, cats can also be allergic to things like grass seed, pollen, fungi and even spray household cleaners and other chemicals.

Food Allergies in cats

alergi makanan

source hello-pet com

There are many brands of cat food that is -to say unequivocally that they contain only the best ingredients on the packaging. But it is the food is also containing something and can cause cats become allergic, one of which is a natural material such as tuna are added supplements that causes the cat may be allergic

Read :. The content of cat food

Insects and pests

parasit kutu di kucing


infestation is a common which can cause the cat becomes allergies and infections. Because the itching and simple design that caused ticks on the skin surface, cats often occur in various natural cats. Therefore, you must be diligent to overcome mesalah the vet or could also face this problem by various other healing methods

Read :. Cleaning methods of the cat flea

Stress or shock

kucing stress


disease it is also vulnerable to natural cat, and impact on the disease can cause cat hair loss and many other bad things. Usually this type of disease is often the result berbabagai as follows.

1. After surgery / vaccinations. Cats that after vaccination and functioning from the body, usually often experience stress and change attitudes.

2. Changes in the environment, such as the new decor and new furniture will be business owners. This results often also in cats are stressed.

3. The arrival of a new baby or other animals can also cause the disease. This is rare in cats, but also likes to go to cats that have features like no other animals in the environment.

4. Instead the loss of a companion or playmate can also make your own cat stress. Usually cats can also experience pain in other animals as well as human companions. Cats who have lost friends will be sensitive to excessive stress. It is also common for cats that have changed owners.

feline hyperthyroidism

Feline Hipertiroidisme


Jeni disease it is when the thyroid gland becomes overactive and produces too many hormones that regulate body.

when this disease occurs then your metabolism will speed up and work too fast. This led to other organs in the body to work outside of normal (very fast). Type of the disease can lead to other cat health problems and complications berakitab on the body.




this type of disease is when the thyroid gland is not very powerful, it produces too little thyroid and hence the metabolism of the body becomes slow. This resulted in the cat's body durability factor becomes very weak and prone to viral diseases.

FIE (feline infectious enteritis of)

This type of disease is similar to humans pumum number of cells it, the disease is caused white blood cells in cats is down derastis! Just like humans if you have it, then it will impact vomiting vomiting, fever, diarrhea and decreased appetite.

penyakit Feline Infectious Peritonitis kucing

Diseases Cats Feline Infectious Peritonitis /

characteristic of the disease is similar to the type of Distemper disease in cats, so therefore take your cat to the veterinarian if you have it.
buddy cat lovers already know the different types of diseases in cats, can be useful yap!

warm greeting okdogi


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  • daily care is usually based on the type of cat
  • cats pain can be seen from these symptoms


Confused choose cat food? read this article

Admin 13.56 Add Comment
Confused choose cat food? read this article -

cat food is a food that is given specifically for consumption to a cat. These foods usually require nutritional requirements are necessary in cats, among other foods containing vitamins and amino acids, m Akanan containing amino acids (taorin) is like the meat in particular.

The benefits of the nutrients in cat belly foods

nutrients these foods globally for each type of cat anywhere, make sure that cats consume either food manufacturers or common foods are containing compositions such as the following

vitamin a :. supplements and vitamins a special cat fish oil, helps to sharpen the chat view, nourish the skin of a cat and is good for the immune chat


Vitamin E + C :. vegetable oil supplements and vitamin E + C, is useful to maintain healthy bones and teeth

Omega 3 & 6 : yellow, fish oil and flax seed is useful to beautify and prevent loss of cat fur

calcium :. meat of chicken, lamb and fish, calcium is almost the same as vitamin E and C are beneficial to the maintenance of bones and teeth

P .. meat and egg yolks, is useful to help the bones, cells teeth and muscles has always worked well

content that should be avoided

white rice, wheat and corn -. These foods are too high to contain gluten which makes a cat obesity

Chips - kind tubers this exorbitant contain glesemik substances which could result in cats exposed to sugar in the blood disease

See also :. List of nutrients needed all kinds of cat

for food manufacturers you will get presented the food moist and dry in the package, therefore, let us discuss how the two types of food this manufacturer:

makanan kering vs makanan basah kucing

vs cat dry food wet food

wet food

if food is to high quality meat and made with the treatment mashed into a paste. For these foods can make sure it is pasteurized and sterilized by the different parties responsible for the brand of this food.

type of canned food has a moisture content is high enough and contains no preservatives, food benefits this among other things useful to their health, such as vitamins and proteins that help reduce urinary problems, kidney failure, obesity, constipation and diabetes in cats. If you buy these foods sure to store these foods in the refrigerator so no stale.

wet food containing 78% water, it makes a cat requires little water intake because of wet food to meet their water needs.

dry food

These foods contain nutrients that are not inferior to common foods and packaged foods, excess food is likely to contain dry well and some carbohydrates proteins. Dry food is also a way to keep teeth healthy cats, dry food leaves no dirt on cats so good enough teeth for the dental health of your cat. And needs to know the content of water in the dry cat food only 10% to allow the lowering of MENCI MENCI factor in cats in general. (Read: how to clean cat teeth)

The following is a review certain list of brands and the market prices

1. Me-O
This type of cat food in dedicated to the cat and the long-haired Persian cat, Angora and others. Me-o generally produce the types of wet and dry food. excess nutrients and dietary minerals are excellent for this type of long-haired cats. For minerals and vitamins can also be used to prevent hair loss in cat fur and save your cat against the dangers of swallowing feathers fall when losing.

meo kucing

Meo cat

These foods also contain amino acids omega 3 and 6 which is used to stimulate the smoothness of the fur and skin shining in cats. For about the Me-O price relative was not too expensive.


Me-O Persian Weight 1.5 Kilograms = 70,000

Me-O Adult tuna / chicken / beef / weight 1 5 Kilograms = 65000

me-O Kitten weight 1.5 Kilograms = 63000

weight of me-O tuna 7 Kilograms = 280000



This type of food is not enough raputasi nice because excess food in trust counteract the loss of cat fur which caused weather factors and the specific climatic factors and many people say that the royal canine can melebatkan domestic cat fur or domestic cats.

many veterinarians recommend cat lovers to use this type of food, because the quality of nutrients contained no doubt, but it is in the offer price was comparable to the quality provided. Royal Canin generally divided into several parts, particularly for the Persian cat, Angora, and as well as domestic cats, the most popular product is Royal Canin persian kitten persian 32 and adult.


royal canine 30 - 00gr = 95,000 ( repack )

royal canine 32 - 00gr = 95,000 ( repack )

royal canine 30, 33 and 36 with a weight of 2 kg = 0,000 ( expenses Pack )

royal canine 30, 33 and 36 with a weight of 400 grams = 50 000 ( expenses Pack )


royal canin

Royal Canin


food is very popular among cat lovers, many cat lovers generally European accommodations that use this type of food, Proplan classified super premium cat food because of good quality. the excess of these foods are in addition to two variations between wet and dry food. These foods can maximize your weight for the cat who loved physical big cats, but for those of you who want a cat with a thick coat I recommend the Royal canine. The high content of about 41% proteins to make your cat active enough, Proplan also serve to denser and cat poop does not stink. The price is quite expensive because the quality is no doubt.


kitten Proplan weighing 3 kg = 270000

adult weight Proplan of 7 kg = 530000

adult weight Proplan of 3 kg = 280000





4. Friskies

The brand is very popular in Indonesia because Friskies often sponsor events or competition animals. Just like Whiskas, Friskies also easy to find in some supermarkets nearby. Friskies will belong premium cat food which, with respect to cat food super premium Friskies, then the price is not expensive. These foods have a fairly balanced nutrition, but according to people on a cat lover, this type of food is very controversial because many say that these foods have ingredients that are not suitable for cats, which would cause the MENCI-MENCI cat .



But it makes all the cat food that is suitable styles, maybe this kind of food can be customized with your cat. For these foods, there are two variations of the presence of the wet and dry food.


Friskies Kitten Weight 1.5 Kilograms = 70,000

Friskies Adult Tuna / sea fish / Gourmet weight 1.5 Kilograms = 70,000

Friskies Wet Food weight 400 gram = 000


5, Whiskas

These foods are two types of food to wet and dry knowledge, the excess of these foods have nutrients and proteins relatively good, but many say that this type of plan is the right type of food as Frieskie, which can be interpreted as MENCI MENCI-cat allergies and if he feels he does not match the meal.



Another advantage of this food has a smaller form factor and wetter other types of food, so it is very easy to be eaten by a cat.


Whiskas junior weight 1.5 Kilograms = Rp. 70,000

Whiskas Adult Weight 1.5 Kilograms = Rp. 70,000


Maxi including cat food is premium at a relatively affordable price, the compositions of max diclaim have protein and 32% omega 3 6, max premium dry cat food like biscuits or food with a diameter that is small enough with tuna composition. In addition to the market maxi package can also be purchased with the repack the package. The price for a maxi sized 15,000 500gram is too expensive for you guys who want to buy ketengan.

makanan kucing maxi

maxi cat food via

7. Equilibrio

cat food is a good cat food for your cat is problematic puppy smell that stung because the food it serves to neutralize odors, these foods have the following composition of 35% protein, 20% fat, fiber 2.7 %, 1.2% calcium, 1% phosphorus. In addition to neutralizing odors puppy, Equilibrio is also used to chat you fatter than before although it is actually not ideal cats conditions.

makanan kucing Equilibrio

cat food Equilibrio


Daily planning to feed our cat

adult cat weighs about 5 kg of energy they need from food sources around 300 calories. should pay attention to the calorie content in the cat food packaging, determine the amount of these foods to meet the caloric needs for a day, then the amount of food the appropriate frequency in food until 2 or 3 times a day.

rule in our calculations can calculate the weight of the cat. Generally, each day, the cat will eat about 2% of total body weight. Therefore, if the weight of the cat of 5 kg, then the food is needed is only about 2% x 5 kg that is equal to 100 g / day.

By this point in the calendar giving the cat food, then make sure that the age and maturity of the cat. For cats of less than 8 months and more than two months should receive a meal twice daily (morning and evening) and adults or 8 months of rest should be 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening).

Okay, flavor at all types of cat food I described here are complete enough to pal cat lovers, maybe yes useful. Greetings

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